#finishthestory Week 35: Ship of FoolssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #finishthestory6 years ago

You know, my usual material isn't getting any less heavy, so let's take another break from our regularly-scheduled programming. It's time for another #finishthestory entry! Today's prompt comes from @theironfelix. I'll indicate the breaking point and where my contribution begins below.

If you're interested, here's the link for the 35th contest.

And now, the story!

[Image is a German woodcut from 1549 depicting the Ship of Fools, taken from Wikipedia]


Pirate hunters

by @theironfelix

Boots calmly walked towards an open window-hatch, a bottle of rum is lowered down onto the sill. Upon the placement, the pirate places his scarred-induced hands on his wailing back and pushes.

“Argh! Me back be free of this wretched ache! Well, guess I learned a lesson: take a break when the Cap’n says so. Welp, time to rest...”

Taking his cue, the sill creaked in annoyance as the pirate’s body self-inquired the best resting position while perched on a sill. With a hairy arm supporting his night-colored beard, he spent his leisure-time mentally capturing the seas itself. There the familiar specs of white dots danced about the blue sky; he gasped before slowly releasing the captured air, he remembered how deep in the seven seas the ship was. With the mind returning to boredom, his eyes scanned under the blue sky.

“Ah poor ship, how these blue, blue, waves harass yah. I can hear yer wails, but I judge not. And even when the harassment be over, the aches only then take over; yet only can I respond with ‘such is life’... Huh, what be a ship in these waters be doing here? Where’s me spotting scope!”

The boots thus began a chaotic dance recital; the arms took the center stage as it flailed around to uncover the hidden telescope. As the telescope may have enjoyed the scene, it soon squeaked loud upon the firm clasp on its metallic skin. The pirate returned to the window-hatch and his arms stretched the telescope wide-wards. Eyeing in on the odd element, his eyes darted around to find any friendly symbol but soon froze.

“Oh me Flyin’ Dutchman! We’ve been tracked! Hey ho! Sound the alarm, pirate hunters come and in full-mast they set sail towards us!”

Whatever wail the ship can ever muster, the cacophonies of a hundred bodies darting around alone had easily drowned out such sorrows. The pirate unsheathed his sword, the sun’s naïve light touched and bounced off the sword. Sheathing his sword, he unholstered his flintlocks and his arms helped his eyes scan such. Cocking and holstering them, his body emerged from his room and joined in the traffic of the workplace as pirate bodies shuffled and kicked around to ready on their position. Albeit the humidity would’ve granted a hasty rest through stroke, the adrenalin surging about the bodies had protected them from unwanted advances of humidity.

Finally getting to the deck, he about-faced and attempted advancing towards the Captain’s spot. However, the Captain echoed:


And the pirate mass dropped dead and clung hard to any support they could find; as soon the ship screeched thanks the holes formed from the steel cannon-shots who mercilessly ripped through her. With that, the pirate mass resumed its circuitry and soon he met with the Captain; he screamed:

“Madame! I’m here, let me take over the steering and yah the commandin’!”

“Finally yer here, Wither! Please, they be gainin’ too much ground. So steer us towards oure enemy! And when we get close, steer us parallel to their starboard side and avoid portside! Today, I must accept my bounty and let them hath none of it!”

“Cap’n oh Cap’n! Are yah mad?”

“Mad? No! Blimey, avoid their hull Wither!”


[My contribution continues below]
Ship of Fools

“Aye, Cap’n,” Wither bellowed. “Ya can lea’ the steerin’ o’ the Wahnsinn ta me! Ah knownt all ‘er tricks an’ the play o’ the waves onna mind o’ the wayfarer to boot!”

“Shut up yer blabberin’ an’ steer the godsforsaken ship, Wither!” the captain retorted. She didn’t wait for a response before drawing her scabbard and rushing to the starboard cannons.

“Aye, Cap’n!” Wither shouted at her retreating figure. Wither’s arms spun in comical circles, veering the ship into a hairpin turn toward their quarry.

For all ‘is annoyances, the Captain thought, he’s a damn fine pilot. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than Wither had crashed headlong into a giant wave.

“Blimey yeehaw an’ sassafras!” Wither yowled that and more nonsense at the top of his lungs. One of his hands clung to the wheel as his body flew toward the deck, wrenching the Wahnsinn harder as his inertia spun the wheel. The crew reeled back and forth.

The fool! the Captain thought. He’ll kill us afore we reach the bastards!

The Captain, however, hadn’t accounted for how much Wither’s insane antics would dissuade their pursuers. The other ship turned, beginning a retreat. The Wahnsinn’s crew raised their weapons and cheered. Pistoles fired into the air, scabbards waggled in the sun, and some bloke even fired a cannon. Its lead ball sailed over the blue expanse of open ocean, headed towards no discernible target. When the pursuing ship’s crew saw their prey’s disorganization, they course-corrected back into pursuit. The crew scrambled in fear.

“Avast! Avast!” the Captain screamed at the top of her lungs. “Pull yer shite togedder!” She immediately regretted the turn of phrase.

To her dismay, the crew was now literally flinging feces in every direction. It was on the deck, in their hair, covering their weapons. It…was…everywhere.

“Blimey!” the Captain shouted, marveling at the sheer amount of human waste. “Ha’ none of ye taken a proper shite in days?” Indeed, no, none of them had.

“Move in! Get the one with the mismatched boots!” The pursuers had arrived and boarded the Wahnsinn. For the first time since joining the crew, Wither self-consciously inspected his boots, but he couldn’t tell what was so mismatched about one red ankle boot and one half-calf black one with a cowboy spur. The Captain had even once complimented his creativity.

Moments later, Wither was pinned to the ground. He cried out for his Captain, but she was being detained by other assailants. The crew, meanwhile, was in disarray. Some had already been captured and taken aboard the pursuers’ ship.

“God damn it, Kennedy! I told you you can’t just play into these psychos’ delusions. I hope you’re satisfied with the results of your ‘minimal interventionist’ quackery! Maximum restraint!” Dr. Wallis ordered above the din of writhing inmates.

“Batten down the hatches, me hearties! A storm’s a-brewing!” the Captain screamed at the top of her lungs as Wither dutifully battened down an unsuspecting intern’s head.


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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
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This is a twist of sheer genius! The pirate scene is maintained perfectly, yet as the story progresses, it slowly slips, to suddenly make sense at the end. I couldn't help but picture one flew over the cuckoos nest, but it being an actual medical approach is just perfect. To go from picturing pirates, sailing the open water, to patients, possibly not even having left the ward, ahhh, very well done!

Thank you, Calluna! I scratched my head for the first ten minutes as I stared at the prompt and thought, "Maybe this one's not for me..." Then I just rolled with it and ended up having fun.

Glad yah choose to struggle with the prompt, progress comes from struggle.

Yah made explicit what I didn’t want to say in Pirate lingo.

I suppose 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' won't be celebrated in that institution. :^)

You had me cracking up as I pictured the pirates climbing onto their chairs and diving about in the room. Thanks for the laughs and sharing this tale of high flinging adventure from the mental ward.

That was funny and interesting.

LOL! That was funny! I kinda imagined it acted by the Monty Python of the golden years...

What a story! Title is a great book too:

Yours is definitely my favourite so far! I knew something was off, but the "Dr." among all the piratesque context hit me somehow by surprise! Great twist on the story!

so like "Shutter Island" meets pirates. fun, scatalogical tale, me matey

Scatological.. aye! 😂

Well I absolutely loved this. You'll have to watch out, I may become a fan. This is the cleverest turn I can imagine. I didn't catch on until I read Wahnsinn. Of course the feces gave a hint also.
I don't know how you came up with this one, but delightfully original.

Thanks. I tried to hide as many clues as possible in plain sight. I wanted readers to be able to look back over it and think, "Oh, yeah, that makes sense now."

Blimey! What a blerrie ending right t’ere! Had made me into a cacklin’ fool ‘ere. I must say: the first instance o’ th’ mud slingin’, nae the change o’ accents tipp’d me off. I was ready for some Rum-induc’d trip and I was correct that the background was goin’ to be ripp’d apart! Ha hargh! Yet th’ damn fools chas’d these damn dead fools to high waters makes me wonder what story that ought to have been. Comedic I say, everything fallin’ apart especially when it cane to th’ compliments o‘ th’ boots which would certainly trip up a serious pirate. Upvot’d and resteem’d.


Why thank ye!

yah*, not ye. Ye -> all of you / >1 person. Yah -> 1 person or object of concern. To make a tangent a tangent, yer -> the only correct way of your now, just because.


I couldn't actually see the text on this comment last night for some weird reason...

Thanks for the lesson in Piratese! I learned something today!

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