Zappl Post 20180325t101954147z

in #zapplquotes7 years ago

I feel like they were stolen an hour from me today! I don't know who invented that allegedly "Daylight saving time" but for sure they didn't hear Jim Rohn.
#zappl-quotes #lifestyle #quote #daybyday #zappl


For me, everything is more valuable than money. Especially, this FIAT money, which it has no real value, it's just a thin paper trying to control our life.

As Bob Marley said: Money is just a numbers, and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.
They also asked him is he a rich person, does he have a lot of money. And his answer was: Possession makes you rich? I don't have that type of richness. My richness is LIFE, FOREVER!
So I will listen to him :)

OH, I could write the whole book now, but gotta go write my posts xD

hahaha - You see, you always pick some inspiration here. - lol -

I love quotes, I've been living my life following some of them... It always leads you to a deeper meaning to understand reality much more clearer..

Have a great day ;)

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There is a saying from an old Indian:

‘Only a white man would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer blanket.’

I do get why they started with that and all the power savings stuff but nowadays I am all up for that discussion that will eventually lead towards quitting that and returning to normal time. Winter time is normal right? And we are not in the "wrong" time? :)

@zen-art, you are really something! You made me laugh so much with that Indian saying! 😂 It's brilliant!

And yes, you are right - winter time is normal or at least the one that was normal before they started implementing that DST changes. However, I'm also interested that they stop doing it, and looks like following the same discussions as you do.
I also heard that they discussing the idea to change it permanently in the summer-time instead of previous winter time, what it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I believe that way we might have more of the daylight not only during the summer but as well during the winter, when otherwise, and at least for me the days are always too short.
But whatever they decide it would be good if those constant (every 6 months or so) changes stop.

Yeah, I wish they would just choose one and stick to it :)

Lol... you are right. Daylight saving time can be so confusing.

If it's only about the confusion I wouldn't bother about it too much, but way worse is how those changes impact our biorhythm and whole our organism, especially in the long run. It's a shock to our body that is happening two times a year. There were some researches made about it and there are already some scientific proofs that it's not healthy at all, as it causes us more harm than good.

Yes you are right. the body needs a balanced time system :-)

Exactly (and in harmony with nature as much as it's possible)! 🙂

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Typical human trait....we just turn thing around the way it suits us.

Hmmm...?! - What exactly you see here as a trait?

Well, the times the sun rises and sets doesn't suit us, we change it. Even if we just change it to fool ourselves.

A holiday isn't on a Monday, we celebrate on Monday to get a day off.

Church is too early on a Sunday after a Saturday night out, we offer Saturday Evening Services. Go to church before you party.

Some prefer we don't say Merry Christmas so we use Happy Holidays.

None of these examples are earth shattering and they are basically insignificant. Makes me wonder why we bother is all..

Hopefully this explains where I am going with this.

Oh, I see now what you meant! Yes, you are right!
Sorry, I just realized that I misread the word "trait" from your first comment reading it as "threat" - and that confused me.
It's all clear now!
Thank you for returning back and leaving this clarification! 🙂

ana you content es very good. congrats

No, it's not as Zappl apparently remove the possibility of creating the Post Title, and the automatically generated one like this one turns out to be really awful and I don't like it.

a stolen hour? But I could sleep more... lol.

Hmmm...?! At first, and as far as I know, Venezuela has never been using Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes.
Never the less, at this time of year when the DST is implemented in the way that the clock is moved 1 hour ahead, there is no way you would be able (just because of that change) to sleep more!
The reason is very simple. If you go to sleep every evening, e.g., at 11 pm and wake up every morning, e.g. at 7 am - you would regularly sleep 8 hours, except last night.
Let's also say that you have to be at work at 8 am, so if you get up at 7 am - one hour on average might be enough for you to wake up and get there on time.
So, if you yesterday went to sleep at 11 pm (according to yesterday's time settings, and without setting your watch one hour ahead to show 12 pm), when you woke up today at 7 am you would be late for work as the actual time would, in fact, be 8 am.
In other words, to get to work on time, you would have to wake up at 6 am (according to yesterday's time settings) what would make you sleep one hour less (7 hours instead of 8).

In October, for DST the clock changes in opposite direction, and then you would have that option to sleep one hour more than the previous day, but not in March.

I didn't really know the information, thank you very much, I'll do a little more research.

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So true, every minute and second is precious, you will never be able to get the lost time back no matter what you do. Money is just a commodity, can go and come any time, but time defines our existence, so purely it's upto you how you want to make your time worthwhile.

Agree entirely! 🙂

Time first of all is money.

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