Happy Solstice @ 11:24 PM CST on 6/20/17: Celebrate with 108 Sun Salutations!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #yoga7 years ago

The solstice is here!! The solstice is here!!

This is the longest day/shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day/longest night in the southern. (The difference is due to our planet's 23.5 degree tilt off its polar axis--read up on that & find more astronomical fun about the solstice here.) 

In the north, the June solstice is an opportunity to honor the sun, creation, and fertility in all its forms. As it marks the first day of astrological summer, it represents a transition and is celebrated as the triumph of life over death, of light over dark. 

My favorite solstice observance is to light a candle and perform 108 sun salutations at sunrise or sunset.

This takes a little over an hour of constant movement and presence with the breath. It is a sweaty challenge on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, at the end of which I am usually properly buzzing.

I open my little ceremony with prayers as I give thanks for yoga itself and for the miraculous web of my life, and I close in gratitude for power, strength, and will as I wish for all beings everywhere to be happy and free in full thrival on our beautiful Earth. My withered little black heart grows two sizes too big as I consider our universe and our unseen but intimate connections...

Then I like to think about ancient cultures and their ruins of megalithic structures around the world that precisely aligned with precise cosmic events like the solstices, and I wonder what the deuce humanity is up to.

Then I like to eat some watermelon, because it's summer and that shit is good.

How to Sun Salutation A:

  • Start in mountain. Inhale.
  • Exhale forward fold.
  • Inhale look forward.
  • Exhale step, jump, or walk back to plank.
  • Inhale in plank.
  • Exhale lower for chaturanga.
  • Inhale to up dog/cobra.
  • Exhale to down dog.
  • Hold down dog for 3-5 breaths. (For 108 sun salutations, I only hold down dog for every 10th sun salutation.)
  • Inhale look between the hands.
  • Exhale step or jump forward to forward fold.
  • Inhale look forward.
  • Exhale forward fold.
  • Inhale and rise up for mountain.

Happy Solstice!!!

💛 Sara!

~earnings from this post will go into my travel fund for Steemfest 2~ 

Happy Solstice to you too @saramiller ... thanks for sharing!

Happy solstice to you as well, @hms818!!!!

Happy happy happy solstice, @fproductions!!! 💛

They had a naked bike ride for the Solstice in Freemont/Seattle :)

Wow, now there's an epic celebration!!

Hello my lovely.


How are you liking the cashola rolling in right now LOL!!!


Hey there Barry!!! THIS IS GREAT FUN!!!!! Waaaaaaaay better than that HF that drove rewards down to almost nothing....

I was watching Steem price again as usual today, the price dropped like a stone today around the HF launch time, maybe a little after.

I wonder if it had anything at all to do with this topic.

Yes/No/ maybe a %'age.........

Who knows in the wacky world of Crypto lol

I hope you are good.

My ~6'4" little friend!


Thanks for sharing this post! Do you have somewhere that collects the poses visually? Like a poster? Heh.

You're welcome, @aguayojoshua!! There are literally thousands of yoga poses, but only a handful of those are covered in a traditional ashtanga primary series practice.

I compiled the poses that I've covered in my Steemit blog in this post:

And here's a poster of primary series from the internet:

You got it! This is exactly waht I was looking for, hahaha. Thank you very much. ^^

My pleasure~*~

It's driving me pretty crazy at the moment! Living in Iceland so I can't say that I'm getting a good nights rest.

Will definitely try out that routine and see if it helps me relax. Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome, @ivarketils! Iceland is on my travel wish list. I will visit one day!!

Feel free to contact me @saramiller when you decide to visit! I'd love to show a fellow steemian around this beautiful island.

Thank you so much--will do!

That was great! I think I will give it a go later, when I walk my dog 🕉

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