How to Yoga - A Pose A Day: Standing Forward Fold

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Good day, Steemians! 

I share with you in thanks 

for the upgrades you've catalyzed in my existence 

with the sincere wish that this brings you all things that are good.  

Yoga has enriched my life, so I offer yoga to you.

Yoga is union of mind, body, and soul-- 

anything you do with focused intent is yoga. 

I practice postures because it's easy for me  

to slip my body into a groove 

where my mind can settle

 and my soul flows through me. 

My breath carries me in meditation, 

my muscles get that sweet, sweet prana. 

If you find your groove in something else, get it on!  

Whatever gets you there, roll with it. 

I bring you more yoga, because that's what works for me. 

With thanks:

This is Standing Forward Fold 

AKA Uttanasana in Sanskrit 

(ut = intense, tan = stretch or extend, asana = pose/posture)  

You can go as deep as you need.

Forward fold is a reset.  

Forward fold is a re-do. 

Forward fold is a revitalizing inversion 

that flips your world upside down,

dropping your head below your heart

for a recalibration. 

Forward fold looks simple, 

and it is--

but simple in yoga is complicated too.

There are layers that unfold and

peel back. 

Veils lift.

How poetic to ease your brain down, 

allowing the heart to be higher...

It doesn't matter if you touch your toes, 

today or ever.

It still feels real. damn. good.

Forward fold away, all the live long day!

"Do your practice - all is coming," sez Pattabhi Jois.


  • From standing, roll your shoulders up towards the ears and down, creating as much space as you can.
  • Inhale, drawing your belly button towards your spine.
  • Exhale and fold forward from the hips.
  • Activate the thighs--extend up through the sit bones while rolling inner thighs in.
  • Reach for the toes; if you touch them, that's cool. If you don't, that's cool.
  • Root down through the feet while the upper body grows long with the inhale.
  • Exhale, and fold a little deeper from the space created by pulling your belly button in.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Take as much time as you need.

💛 Sara!


Beautiful and excited to share with the other yogis on here :) Nice to meet you !

Oh yes @saramiller. Sharing yourself is such a beautiful thing. I feel certain you shall inspire many a being with your awesomeness.

May it be so!

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