My second month on Steemit in review - Benchmarks, Recommendations and Tools ♓

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

While surfing the blockchain,

it's good to take notes to stay on top of any ensueing clutter that may emerge during your time on Steemit! Tons of information to ingest and the Meta Game doesn't wait! Let's see how we're doin after just about two months of flappin' about in the steemit #blockchain ocean.Nautical creatures and references aside, let's have a look under the hood in a journal meets benchmarking kinda fashion. Keeping track of stats to guesstimate your progress has never been easier thanks to simple insight and transparency that the Steem Blockchain provides! Hopefully like this we can expand upon what've learned so far. Here goes!

Stats from Nov 11 - Dec 14:

Last Benchmark - Dec 14.2017Current Benchmark - Jan 12.2018Gain
Followers: 93
Following: 79
Own Blog Entries: 93
Posts & Comments: 463
Est. Account Value: 111.95
SP: 30
RP: 40
Delegations: 0 SP
Followers: 260
Following: 123
Own Blog Entries: 198
Posts & Comments: 1390
Est. Account Value: 1,247.97
SP: 203
RP: 51.1
Delegations: 4.347 SP

Acronyms, Lingo and Vernicular:

Lotsa new acronyms flying around and making their way into the vocabulary around steemit and the blockchain! Let's try and stay on top of things by listing some of the more relevant ones up:

  • SP: Steem Power

  • VP: Voting Power

  • RP: Reputation

  • STEEM: Steem Currency and Blockchain

  • SBD: Steem Dollar

  • STINC: Steemit Inc.

  • PoB: Proof of Brain (thanks to

  • PoS: Proof of Stake

  • PoW: Proof of Work

Of course this is just the beginning, to learn more you can check out the blockchain glossary.

About Reputation (RP)

  1. Every new account starts with a (25) reputation score
  2. Your score increases with the number of upvotes and proportional strength of those upvotes
  3. Your score decreases with flags/downvotes
  4. Each successive number increment (i.e. 44 to 45) is more difficult to achieve than the former


Investing in Steem Power, STEEM or SBD and then turning liquid or the decision to hold is up to you!
Using Blocktrades (for example) and a Crypto Wallet/Exchange of your choice you can pay in and out of steemit in just a few clicks. Here are a couple of example "flows" to illustrate how you can use your SBD or STEEM.

  • SBD > STEEM > SteemPower/Delegation


  • SBD > ETH/Dash/BTC > Alt Coin (e.g. LTC/DOGE/IOTA)

  • SBD > ETH/Dash > Purchase

  • ETH/DASH > STEEM > SteemPower > Delegation

  • STEEM/SBD > banjo/randowhale/boomerang/echowhale (bots) > Promotes your post! (fairly random, use at your own risk)


Here are a couple of good app/blockchain combinations that you can try out at your own risk!

  • Steemit + Blocktrades + BitPanda

  • Steemit + Blocktrades + BitFinex

  • + Blocktrades + Steemit

  • + BitPanda + Amazon

  • Blocktrades + Freewallet +

  • DLive + + Twitch/YouTube/Hitbox/RTMP

  • Steemit + Blocktrades +

  • Steemit + LastPass + SteemConnect

  • Steemit + Chrome Extensions

Taxes and Legal Considerations

I am by no means an expert on taxes and law but I do know that you should read up on the local tax laws concerning crypto currencies so you shouldn't take my word for granted on these things but I have done a good deal amount of reseach into this too. In Austria (where I live) for example the Government has posted some pretty clear rules that you can check out, understand and adhere to here (if you speak german). But like I said, it depends on where you live! The more you know!


Steemit More Info - A google chrome extension that adds all kinds of useful information, features and links to your steemit interface. From a detailed breakdown of your voting power to individual vote worth over to delegation and analytics link this one is a real game changer.

  • - A detailed breakdown of all your steemit statistics. From simulating SP to a detailed breakdown of all your votes and stats, this might be the most complete analytics and statistics tools for the steem blockchain out there.

  • - A blockchain analyser and feed. Keep track of your and others SP, VP, Voting Patterns, Investments, Value, Transfers and more.

  • - A powerful tool that helps you see your monetary performance, how well your posts/comments are doing and when you can plan with the income.

  • - Think Google Analytics but for Steemit. Great way to keep track of your data and progress.

  • - An interesting and constantly refreshing aggregator of everything going on on steemit that shows you "snapshots" of the current state. Created by @ausbitbank

  • - All the data of the steem blockchain.

  • - A useful curation/auto vote tool to support your favorite authors with. Occasionally also -
    comes to upvote you for a small boost.

  • - Another useful auto curation and voting tool. I especially like it for it's "scheduled post" option.

Steem Platforms:

Remember these all work with the steem blockchain so a post from any of these will result in a post on your steemit blog too!

  • - Some say it's a little more easy on the eyes. Has more of a facebook feel to it.

  • - The Instagram equivalent. Better for photo content and short factor posts.

  • - Mobile steemit/golos blockchain app. Handy notification settings on this one!

  • d.Tube - The decentralised YouTube equivalent using the IPFS (Inter Planetary File System)

  • dLive - A decentralised streaming platform in the vein of live

  • dSound - Looks like soundcloud but is blockchain based and decentralised.

  • dMania - Kinda like 9gag for the blockchain. Feed it with memes and get paid.

Non-Steem Platforms and apps:

  • - An interesting mix of cryptocurrency portfolio, social media and discussion.

  • - Similar concept to steemit but favors visual content and shorter posts.

  • - Similar kinda blockchain social media to steemit.

  • - A simple, elegant and quick cryptocurrency wallet and exchange for desktop.

  • - A more "professional" looking option to track your investment portfolios online.

  • - The website to check current prices and market movement. refreshes

  • blockfolio -Useful mobile app to organise you cryptocurrency portfolio.


Semi-automation is a bit of a controversial topic on steemit these days. However from the sea of shitbots around here are a couple that I've tested/looked at for you to check out.

  • @banjo: Promotes your post, synergises well with Discord

  • @minnowbooster: This bot project is the "Swiss Army Knife" for minnows, which can do a multitude of things. It is a vote bot similar to @randowhale, except with a predicible upvote return in proportion to your spending.

  • @randowhale: Send min. 0.5 SBD/Steem with your post link as the memo to get a vote.

  • @echowhale: Send min. 0.5 SBD/Steem with your post link as the memo to get a vote.

  • @boomerang: Send min. 0.5 SBD/Steem with your post link as the memo to get a vote.

  • @cheetah:A bot that automatically finds similar content.

  • @originalworks: Determines whether your post ist original content! Tag your work with it.

  • @appreciator: Send at least 2 SBD to participate in bid and get upvote of 0%-100% with full voting power.

Some of my favorite posts from my buddies and around Steemit:

Encounter- original artwork- progress step by step and GIF

125 years of modern art, visualised

Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space - Horror Comedy Graphic Novel - Pages 1-3

Helloooooooooo Steemit community! Animator in the house~

Daily Steem Stats Report

Interessant ist DAS was weder als "wahr" noch als "falsch" angesehen wird/ what is right what is right what is wrong.

The 12 Principles of Animation. No.10 Is a SHOCKER! You will know why. Lol...

D.Tube 0.6: Pushing it to the limit

Why I Speak"Denglish" On Steemit? Hildegard Knef, DJ Koze Und Meine Erste Post In Deutsch!

A Moment in India's History: Jallianwala Bagh

I'd love to include more but don't want to overdo it either...these are done in no particular order but I find them all excellent, informative, amusing, creative or daring. All subjectively speaking of course!

Goals and Future Benchmarks:

Rough Focus and Goals for the next 30 Days:

80% Steem Power > Goal 500SP
15% Liquid/Payout > Goal 400€
4% Delegation > Goal delegate at least 16SP
1% Savings > Goal save at least 2 STEEM and 2 SBD

Hint of the Day:

Don't forget to occasionally step back and see the bigger picture if you're feeling overwhelemed. As always, don't panic, have a cup of tea and break down big tasks into several smaller objectives.


Gfx.RePo: Badges

Sketch-Off KrakenOrder of ChaosYear of the Dog200 + SP

Just had a bit of fun in Photoshop and made these "badges" or icons to denote some of my steemit "achievements". The vanity! Like a friggin' Boy Scout. Feel free to use them :)

So that brings us to the end of today's ramblings!

You can find my previous Review/Benchmark here.

Hopefully you guys can take some lessons away from this for yourself. Still trial and erroring my way through the blockchain and beyond. Remember to take the things that I say with a grain of salt. We're only human after all so let's keep learning together. #payitforward

Good Luck and Have Fun,



Edit: Expanded the text in a few areas and improved the formatting and links a bit.
Edit2: Fixed/Added some links and improved the introduction.


@echowhale team swimming by with your upvote

Du bist einer der neuen #superstars especially what you did for our #steemit-austria Discord Gang and Fab Artists!
Mein Denglish is in full Action!
Du bist afauch a Hammer! Bravo!
Danke Dir!
Sehr interessant was Du alles hier gelernt hast in just 61 days around the steemworld und #payforward so schnell!

Thanks dude! I'm simply having fun, putting the hours in and got a little lucky too. Apart from that you guys make it easy for me and are actually really supportive and that's one of the biggest draws of this community. Positive Vibes they call it! For some reason many skillsets that were not previously rewarded as much now have new platforms to prosper on. All I'm really doing is trying to combine my disciplines. If you've had the fortune to play a lot of video games it's much more native. It's also the case though that the technology and especially the ease of use (think about how intuitively a smart phone works!) has now made it possible for not just digital natives but all generations to get involved proper! Tis' a great time to be into technology! But of course there is a little more to it than that too I suppose. Just gotta keep working on it.

Big Love and Rock On.

RockNRoll forevaaa

Word UP! Steem ON!

Oh, wow - I did not expect to see myself mentioned here! Heh - thanks for the shout-out. I just came by to learn something. :)

Apart from any bad-feeling about steembots, what do you think about their current effectiveness, since SBD is worth significantly more than the dollar right now? I tested a couple bots, but when I thought about the math, I'm starting to think they just don't make good sense.

Example: let's say I pay a bot 1 SBD. Let's assume I get lucky and get a 125% return on that - even after curation (and that's pretty unlikely). Still, whatever that redeemed reward is, I'm going to get it half in Steem and half in SBD. Since SBD is worth a bit more than Steem, I think trading it on the internal market and powering up is a more effective choice than using a bot. What do you think?

(The only argument against that is, by using a bot, you add value to the post, and therefore garner more attention for more readers and upvotes...)

The comics you draw and publish along with the effort,quality and wit you put into presenting them really are the kind of things steemit (and platforms like it) should be about. It shows craftmanship, originality and hours put in. What can I say, I'm a fan!

Regarding the bots I think they are surprisingly effective! Almost "imba" to use a gaming term. Something tells me that they will be "nerfed" this year. In a way it's a nice semi automated method of keeping the economy circling but you shouldn't rely too much on it. I'm gonna have a look around for some better guides that people may have written!

You are correct I suppose. Trading on the internal market is usually the safest course of option even in times like now when the SBD/Steem values are pretty close together! A while back you could get like 5 STEEM for one SBD but it seems to be on an upward trend overall. Like you said, it's a mix of post promotion, raising the "value" of a post and thus increasing its likelihood to hit Trending and Hot and a little bit of gambling and luck! If an account hits a certain SP and vote value however it's possible for these robotic whales to swim somewhat sustainably. It really depends how you wish to invest and use your SBD and Steem I think!


Much appreciated!


Kann mich mammasitta nur anschließen finde es bemerkenswert, was du, bonsders für die österreichische community machst und jetzt nicht nur auf steem und discord, besonders auch, weil du mir anfangs sehr geholfen hast.
Du hast das dir das verdient und aufgebaut, weiter so :)

Ouff ich probiers :)
Rome wasn't built in a day und soooo und zusammen macht das viel mehr Spaß!

Thanks for generously sharing your goals/process/insight.

Seems you are far more organised than me!

I have much to learn.


Bookmarked for later reference.



Sharing is caring! Glad you got something for it, and if I can save you some time with the "mechanics" you'll have more time to actually focus on producing good stuff for me to marvel at :)
As far as organisation goes, I'm actually fairly chaotic! Need to make a concerted effort to concentrate on things like this, but my time here and all the writing I've been doing have certainly helped me organise my thoughts a bit better!

Stay safe out there.

Some great insights and knowledge gathering @zeroooc. I think we all are grateful for your pioneer approaches. Keep up the good work + vibe. Will definitely spread this one :)

Very kind of you sir! Hopefully we are at the beginning of a Shareconomy and I'm glad to contribute and share what I've learned and what many many others have taught me. It's a team effort! :)

This is massively undervalued! What can I do?!
It took me some time to respond to this masterpiece, because I wanted to read it very carefully and take notes hah!
I can go on for hours talking how creative and skillfull you are, @zeroooc. I admire the fact how you're ready to try new things and experiment and all the positive energy you bring to Steemit. I love your reviews of tools and apps and always follow your lead.
I 'd love to be as oriented as you and have this strategic sense of yours. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your goals and I'm sure you'll achieve them!

PS. It's very sweet of you to include my post in your review, thank you for this nice gesture :)

That is far too kind and you already do a lot! It's easy to share and contribute when you are having a good a time doing so. Simply attempting to for once combine my actual talents in an applied way. Trying to find a good balance between creative work and more scientific (if you can call it that!) pursuits. Many good teachers have eventually convinced me that writing down your thoughts really helps. It also helps that this place is a little whacky so that plays to the strengths of people like us. Then you take it all apart again and try and reassemble it slightly better each time. I'd like to do more dedicated "segments" in the future exploring specific software, hardware, games and tools in more detail.

Besides, overvalue, undervalue, there is no such thing! Just do your thang and keep on swimmin'
Thank You!

Mhm! Good that your talents and skills can apply here. I'm curious what you'll come up with next. Till the next post ;)

What there is already another Steemit like platform ... @zeroooc why do you have to do that to me. On the other hand, skip!! I love Steemit.

Goodness me!!
What an awesome compilation.....

please let me ask, to get the services of @appreciator, what's the way forward? How cn I contact and engage them?

Yay I'm happy you like it :)

To use @appreciator send at least 2 SBD to participate in bid and get upvote of 0%-100% with full voting power. Each round is: 2.4 hours. Don't forget to put the link of the post you want to promote as the "memo".

One acronym is missing though: PoB, proof of brain.

Is that some kind of blockchain humor? :P
You are correct! I shall add it. Cheers!

😂 I don‘t know is it? Thank you for your post, so much diverse information, and the tax link was 👁 opening.

Proof of Brain...or Proof of no Brain? :)

According to Einstein, humans stupidity is infinite, so no proof needed here😅

xD Well said!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60941.82
ETH 3385.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50