Why I Speak"Denglish" On Steemit? Hildegard Knef, DJ Koze Und Meine Erste Post In Deutsch! Inspired By A Song I like "Ich Schreibe Dir Ein Buch!"

in #denglish7 years ago (edited)

Or actually it should be : Why Do I Speak Denglisch? Also, Ich probiere das Mal! I will try to write a few sentences in German and explain why I never wrote in my "mother language" before. Some of my Austrian and even German Steemian fellows here might wonder. 

Dieser Artikel ist fuer Euch @uwelang @lichtblick @theaustrianguy @freiheit50 @pharasim and @twinner :) and also @zeroooc @sciencevienna beside many Germans & Austrians I met here on @steemit

Let me explain with a few random thoughts/Ich werde es in einigen Sätzen erklären. 

Denglisch (German spelling) or Denglish (English spelling) is a portmanteau of the German words Deutsch and Englisch (English), and can also be used to refer to a portmanteau of English and Dutch. The term is used in all German-speaking countries to refer to the increasingly strong influx of macaronic English or pseudo-English vocabulary (and other features of the language such as grammar and orthography) into German.- Source Wikipedia

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Also....Wie nun??? 

"Hast du die Datei downloaded oder Hast du die Datei downgeloadet oder Hast du die Datei gedownloadet?"

"In German: Auf einem Bein steht man nicht gut.What it means: You need at least two drinks to have a good time."

Englisch in der deutschen Sprache 

There is a general opinion (not carried out through scientific research) that the German language is full of English. This is not a particularly striking view, considering there are words such as chilling, chillaxen, bloggen.....however is this assumption that German has a lot of English leading to a culture of not wanting to learn a language? - wordpress - SOURCE

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Why my preferred language is "Denglisch." 

1) I am dreaming in English/Ich traueme in Englisch und nicht in Deutsch.

2) My computer nor my iPhone don't write in German :) unless I constantly switch the keyboard.

Mein Komputer kann kein Deutsch und es ist anstrengend mein Keyboard ständig umzustellen. 

3) I lived abroad for over 40 years and had to choose a so called " international" way to communicate. 

Ich habe fast 40 Jahre im Ausland gelebt und meistens nur Englisch gesprochen. Deutsch does not come easy!

4) My work as agent, manager and event promoter for artists, musicians, Dj's had to be handled in English. 

Meine Arbeit als Agent, Manager und Event-Promoter für Künstler, Musiker, Dj's musste auf Englisch abgewickelt werden.

5) I lived in New York for 15 years, where my daughter was born. I was a single mother and had to choose as I was advised. When she started spreading her first German words like "Feuer Auto", nobody could understand her. She got frustrated and stopped talking. I was told by a therapist to choose only one language, so I decided to speak in English with her. Later in Bali she grew up tri-lingual, Indonesian, Balinese and English with a few german words in-between. We still speak English, even though we both relocated to Austria, Vienna. 

Ich lebte 15 Jahre in New York, wo meine Tochter geboren wurde. Ich war eine alleinerziehende Mutter und musste eine Sprache wählen. Als sie anfing, ihre ersten deutschen Wörter wie "Feuer Auto" zu verbreiten, konnte sie niemand verstehen. Sie war frustriert und hörte auf zu reden. Mir wurde geraten, nur eine Sprache zu wählen, also entschied ich mich, mit ihr Englisch zu sprechen. Später in Bali wuchs sie dreisprachig auf, Indonesisch, Balinisch und Englisch, mit ein paar deutschen Wörtern dazwischen.

Das würde ich dringend benötigen:) 

Ein Programm für Jil Sander. Ersetzt Anglizismen und wüstes Denglish in normale Sprache

I hope those few points will explain, why I will continue to write in "Denglish" here on steemit. I am aware that my grammar might not be correct sometimes. My apology! I hope you will forgive my mistakes. 

Ich hoffe, dass diese Punkte Einiges erklären, warum ich mich wohler fühle in Englisch zu sprechen und auch zu schreiben.  

Ich schreibe auch mein Buch in Englisch! Natürlich lasse ich es verbessern.

I also write my novel in english but plan to find somebody, maybe a ghostwriter to correct it.  

Alles Liebe vor allem an die "Deutsche" community, die meine Artikel ja meistens ignoriert! Oh well! Wollte damit nur sagen, dass ich auch Deutsche Artikel lese und vote solange es Qualität zeigt.  

Ein super Song, der mich gestern inspiriert hat diesen kurzen Artikel zu schreiben beside the wonderful article from @mateonav53, while I was curating good music articles. 

Appreciating the Uncertainty with DJ Koze - XTC

ENJOY This wonderful track!

DJ Koze - Ich Schreib' Der Ein Buch 2013 (ft. Hildegard Knef)

Who Is Hildegard Knef?

Bio found HERE

Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef was born on December 28, 1925 in Ulm, Germany. In 1940, she began studying acting. Even before the fall of the Third Reich, she appeared in several films, but most of them were only released after the war. To avoid being raped by Soviet soldiers, she dressed like a young man and was sent to a camp for prisoners of war. She escaped and returned to war-shattered Berlin where she played her first parts on stage. The first German movie after World War II, Murderers Among Us (1946), made her a star. David O. Selznick invited her to Hollywood and offered her a contract - with two conditions: Hildegard Knef should change her name into Gilda Christian and should pretend to be Austrian instead of German. She refused both and returned to Germany. In 1951, she provoked one of the greatest scandals in German film history when she appeared naked on the screen in the movie The Sinner (1951). The Roman Catholic Church protested vehemently against that film, but Hildegard just commented: "I can't understand all that tumult - five years after Auschwitz!"

Image Source 

Yours @mammasitta

Follow also my minnow profile @massivevibration to keep on spreading those MassiVe Vibes.

Feel free to join my steemit chat channels at "mammasittas, austria, massivevibrations, baliohbali" to post your links.

I am supporting Austrian authors and invite You for the discord "steemit-austria" channel https://discord.gg/pqFY4aK*


I rarely use those services except @randowhale once in a while, as long as he doesn't sleep.
So I tried @buildawhale but you are a JOKE it seems.
I sent 2 SBD and you voted with 0%
Not funny at all !
Are you ripping us off?
Pls explain and let me know if I am wrong

Upvoted for visibility!

oh lol are you kidding me

Its all good! I just got another up vote of 0.49% in right now.....Thanks to @themarkymark who is the reliable owner I just found out

Why do not start a community here to teach the folks German language and I will be happy to learn it. I really want to learn it but the whole day I am active on steemit, so it would be very easy for me if I can learn here.

Teaching German? Oh noon....I don't think this would be a great idea at all :)
Thanks for your feedback and 1% up vote I appreciate much.
Nice to see you here again.

Ja, ja, Mammasitta, Sprachenwirrwarr und kein Ende in Sicht. Ich kann gut nachvollziehen, was du mit deinem Post ausdrücken willst. Nach Lebensmittelpunkten in Deutschland, Frankreich, England und nun seit 20 Jahren in Kroatien frage ich mich schon manchmal, in welche Schatulle mit Wörtern ich greifen soll. Mir ist im Laufe der Zeit dabei aufgefallen, dass zwar kroatisch (balkanesisch) die Oberhand gewinnt, wenn es jedoch um Themen außerhalb des Balkan geht, das Vokabular auch ganz schnell gewechselt wird. Besonders, wenn die Diskussionen lang und Tiefgründig werden. Aber sollen Gefühle auf das weiße Blatt Papier, läuft keine Sprache dem Deutschmeister den Rang ab. Ein gesonderter Blog für die Österreicher kann, muss aber nicht sein, da sich die österreichische Politik sich momentan bereits streng nach rechts von Europa absondert. Zu viel der Separation tut nicht gut.
Noch ein kurzer Satz zu Hilde Knef. Warum sich Dj Koze an dieser großartigen Künstlerin so schlimm vergehen musste, wird wohl für immer sein Geheimnis bleiben. Wenn er sich als Nächstes an Andre Heller wagt, sollte ihm das Handwerk gelegt werden. Aber Hilde ist natürlich Extraklasse.
Ciao, w74

Alsoooo Da gibt es ja nun Einiges zu beantworten und das mache ich aber lieber per Laptop und nicht meinem iphone 😎 ich finde dass Koze ein tolles Lied produziert hat. Ich verstehe nicht wirklich was Du meinst. Möglicher Weise magst Du elektronische Musik nicht ?
Habe mich über deinen Kommentar gefreut
Hello helloooooo!

Mit der Elektronik liegst du zwar nicht ganz falsch, doch spielt es in diesem Fall keine Rolle. Hilde ungeschminkt ist einfach unschlagbar.

Gratuliere zu deinem ersten "deutsch"-tagged Post! Ich finde dein "Denglish" sehr charmant und liebenswert :)

Mein bescheidener 100%-Upvote und Resteem ist dir jedenfalls gewiss ;)

Zack bumm! Da habe ich mich aber sehr bemüht Hahha!
Ich Danke Dir!

I speak Hinglish in Trump land.

Hahaaaa....OH MY .....I forgot that One:)
I wish I could hear it again. I miss NYC!

Its nice and spring weather here in NYC today after the brutal cold for last 15 days.

I am still waiting for spring in Europe. If I ever make it to Manhattan again I catch you and you teach me Hinglish :)

Sounds like a good plan. Hinglish , Curry and some wine.

That sounds like a plan and I might have to come earlier than I planned for.

Du bist auf dem richtigen Weg haha :-P

Na da hoffe ich doch!!!! Vor allem am kommenden Donnerstag!

Thank you for this honorable post. Since I got sick of Germo-Austrian mindset 4 years ago, it was a convenient Goodbye to the past. German has to come naturally otherwise I'm avoiding selling my soul ;) In science it depends highly on your discipline, where you come from, where you want to go, what you want to achieve. There are pro- and opponents. Exceptionally, this time a voice from the opposite side: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/english-language-science-can-cause-problems-180961623/

hahahaha! Glad to see you here:) Super comment and here a little fun for you

In German: Du gehst mir tierisch auf den Keks.
What it means: You´re driving me crazy.

In Austria nobody has to be afraid of running over cute kangaroos <3

Hahahaaaa!!!! I can't count how many times I was asked about kangaroos, traveling this planet.

hihihi "fuck"

I sometimes struggle with languages myself. My native language is Dutch and our daughter also speaks Dutch. But as I am a strong believer in learning some kind of language which you can use all over the world, We like her to learn to speak and write in English of course.

It is why I have chosen to write in English as well, just so I can have an audience from all over the world. Although I make grammar mistakes way too often.

Thats ok I guess! Our world is a big Misch Masch / Melange/ Durcheinander of so many beautiful people. Who cares what language we speak as long as we understand each other:)
My daughter went to a privat school to get her A-Level degree from Cambridge University and I am glad I chose englisch in our home. Now she speaks perfectly German and all is good.4 !!! languages at age 23 is not too bad at all.
I still think that its good to raise our children bi and even tri-lingual but it was too difficult for the first 5 years as a single mother. I couldn't handle this situation well enough, living in New York at that time.

I can so relate to your reasons to write in English. Well, maybe not for reasons I lived abroad, but however you want to analyse it, English is the dominating international language.

Although within our global community, sub-communities are created in a natural way by members using their own national language when posting and engaging. Also some of my fellow Dutch colleagues are posting and commenting in Dutch.

I prefer the English language since I think Steemit is a global community and shall not become a collection of geo based local communities. With Steemit we have the chance to forget about country borders; To forget about our traditional local cultures; We have the chance to broaden our horizon; To get new experiences by learning from other cultures; We have the opportunity to become world citizens.

And what language better to use then the English language?

VOILA! There is nothing else to add to this comment! I was just wondering why the biggest part of the German community, especially German Whales never vote for me. Shouldn't we vote for good content first of all, as long as we do understand what is said?
Pictures speak louder than words sometimes but they still ignore me.....Oh well!
Lets see if I will be " accepted" finally because I wrote a few words in German

I hope you can find the German Whales coming to like your posts! But to be honest, if the German language is a prerequisite, then I simply hope this will fade away at some point in time.

In German: Die Kuh vom Eis holen.
What it means: Escape a risky situation.

Sometimes it is trilling to take a risky move or to be on a risky path :)
I wish I would be able to remember a Dutch saying in analogy to your German one, but I failed.

Its ok :) No Dutch on Denglish :)

BTW, How do you like Koze's Song?

Pretty ok. I do like the vibe of the original song by Hildegard, the electronics side is for sure something interesting by mixing styles.

Koze delivers quality

Hildegard such a cool woman:)

WIll for sure add to my list to explore further, this tracks you shared sounds pretty cool!

so glad that you found him

'Life's to short too learn German.' Mark Twain. It would seem even more so since they are all speaking English anyways.

I need a few more years to learn my own mother language german properly ....Hahaaaa

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