Refocus (Lilith, Part V)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)
Previous parts from Lilith:
I - Woke up hungry
II - The starter
III - It Still Burns
IV - I Remember

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You know what I say, words flow better stepping on keynotes...

Lilith was sat on the ground. An emerald green circle formed by her dress and her in the middle. If you could see her from above she looked like a green spinning disc, a sphere in a futile orbit.

Her tears were going down her cheeks, met with dry stains of blood and started diluting them, like drops of solvent on a painting. She picked up some dirt and held it tight in her fist, took a few deep breaths and tried to stop her tears from falling. All of a sudden she released her fist and a thin cloud of dust started raising from her hand and floating into the air. 

It was dissolving into the atmosphere, sparkling under the moon and flying away. Slowly and steadily, their journey was to make it through every window, into every sleeping peasant with a breath.

She was still sitting on the ground and waiting with her eyes closed and Ebony by her side.

Air going in, dust travelling through the nose to the lungs and into their blood. 

Eyes open and bodies move like puppets, without a personality, blindly following her command. A march begins. The first ones are already outside their houses stepping barefoot onto the dust and dirt of the road. 

More, they become more and more. The whole village is now hypnotized and answering her call. Everyone who is still alive and hadn't met with Lilith or Ebony's fangs is taking their last steps. A line of people of all ages are coming to find her. 

They are now here. Expressionless, with an empty gaze, unable to move at will, there is no such thing as will any more.

She looks at them, her prey, the horde of sacrifice in her altar of revenge. She gets up and approaches them. They have stopped walking and they are all facing her. One by one, she looks at their faces and disgust is what she might have been able to feel, although she stopped feeling many years ago. 

You deserve what you get and you get what you deserve. 

A pretty red hair teenage girl is now what she's looking at, with beautiful curls adorning her round, freckled face. Lilith plays with those curls, she folds them around her fingers, gazes their reflections in the moonlight when suddenly she pulls them back and ragefully falls on the girl's throat. Now her curls are not the only red thing coming out of her...

The soulless body thumps on the ground. No reaction, the crowd has no power and they are coming up next. Her blood leaves Lilith revived, she can now focus again on her dark plan. Her freckle burns, but it feels easier to tolerate.

Two more girls in their late puberty soon follow the bloody path those red curls have left on the ground and the massacre continues...

* Original story by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018


Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people! 


Gosh Ruth, this is a seductive, dark fantasy!

From the description at the beginning I never expected Lilith to be a cold-hearted creature. This illustrates one of the many great aspects of your stories: the unpredictability. It leaves you with no other option than eagerly read it to the end :)

The soundtrack you chose for this is perfect, and as it played while I read about the effect her magic dust had on the people, it just sent a shiver down my spine!

Much love to you always and forever 😘

Thank you Abigail! 🤗

I wanted to to show how pain can destroy you. How you feel complete and happy and then suddenly someone takes that happiness away from you. The pain changes you, it makes you mourn and mourn and mourn but then comes a time you feel so empty and unable to feel anything, neither good nor bad. In Lilith's case she holds on only to her will for revenge, all her warm feelings are gone (or simply pushed away), because they can only bring back the painful memories of the life she had but she can never claim back.
Revenge is her only meaning in this life. And she doesn't do it just because she gains some kind of satisfaction from it. She does it because she has to do it, it's a routine she follows just because she has to follow it, just because she has nothing else to do with her existence. Twisted and sick, I know...

As for Peter Gundry, he has been my muse, every time I want to write something dark, he is my first choice. It's as if his music invites the words on my screen 😜

Lots of love to you too, sweet Abigail! 💖

αγαπαμε lilith.....Ruth ξερεις τι μου θυμησε η ιστορια?...εκεινο το αλλο που ειχες γραψει με εκεινον τον πιτσιρικα που πηρε εκδικηση απο εκεινους που σκοτωσαν τους γονεις του....και οδηγησε στον γκρεμο ενα χωριο ολοκληρο...καταλαβες ποιο λεω??... γραφεις επικινδυνα....

Να σου πω κι εμενα μου το θυμησε λιγακι. Μου ελειψε η Λιλιθ, δεν ειχα μυαλο να τη συνεχισω αλλα χθες βραδυ εβγαλα αρκετο υλικο, λογικα θα τελειωσει κι αυτη μες στον Αυγουστο ;)

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