The Paper Clip Experiment Dolphinschool Day 8 Part 4

in #writing6 years ago

All Right! How did everyone do?

If you were not assigned a group,and do the experiment, you won't understand this much. Go here to start.

Without even looking at the comments on the two groups, I'll tell you how everyone did, ready?

Group A averaged better than twice as many ideas as group B!

I promise, but you won't believe me, so, here are the results. Read the pages too to understand the experiment.

Group A Results here--Group B Results here ###

Why did this happen?

Simple, really. In group A, we have a defined objective, at least 100 ideas. We have a limited time of five minutes, description of a paper clip, and three examples.

In group B, I simply asked you write as many as you could and share the results.

How does this apply to my steemit blog??

It doesn't, I just like torturing you!


When you start to generate ideas, the mood and structure you set out is more important than anything. All of us have a million and one ideas. Here's how to put this to use for your blog.

1 Make a list

Make a list of your passions, hobbies, things you like, and things that make you curious. Also, any skills you have. (carpentry, horseback riding, paper mache, whatever)

In the "ideation" phase do not judge the idea, put it on the paper, or in your word doc, or whatever.

Set a goal for a number of topics

Give yourself a limited time

Thirty minutes is good, but it can be more or less. Whatever works for you.

2 Find an audience for at leat one topic

On steemit, search the categories until you find a writer, or more than one, talking about your topic. Take a look. Do they have more than 20 upvotes? Do they have more than 20 comments? Do they have more than 20 views?

If so, there is an audience right here on steemit for that topic

If your first idea yields nothing, it's okay. You can introduce new topics to your audience, but first, you need an audience.

3 Read some posts, comments and replies

You are looking for questions. Especially questions that are not answered. If there is something people want, but cannot find, that's perfect!

You now know there is a topic, with an audience, that you know enough about to write on steemit.

Now, it's time to generate some specific blog ideas.

Study the audience a bit

Pick one user out of the crowd. Research them using Upvoters, snooping in their profile, or using steemviz. Get a good picture of who they are.

Now write a list of at least ten different titles you think that user would click on, that you could write!

  1. Wash
  2. Rinse
  3. Repeat

You can do this for every topic on your list, generating hundreds of title ideas in an hour or two. You can keep coming back to this well, whenever you need fresh ideas.

If you're stuck, start asking questions!

  • What did I want to learn about XX when I started?
  • If there is one thing I could share about XX, what would it be?
  • Who is doing XX best on steemit?

Using the tools you've already learned here, create!

Yes, it really is that simple. It's not easy, it takes time and thought, but this procedure creates content you can drop a link to, right into those conversations you designed it from and get instant readers!

And that's a wrap

Wow, time flies when you're having fun. We're almost done! By now, all of you are producing stronger content than you were. You're taking what I've taught you and springboarding into other thigns. From here on out, the assignments are on you. I'll give you a starting point, but what you create, the style and content will be all your own. Don't forget your audience. Serve them well and they will take good care of you.

Homework Day 8

First the questions

  1. Is anybody else tired yet?
  2. Tell me what's next for you on steemit
  3. If there was a cost, how much would you pay for #Dolphinschool?
  4. Ideas for us working together in the future?
  5. How many followers have you gained in the whole seven days?
  6. What is the total payouts for your dolphinschool assignments? Use this link

Part Two Actions

Check out the other half of the experiment, if you didn't.

Find at least one topic from a conversation on steemit.

Part Three Posting

Write your post. You know what to do. Use today's assignment to generate a topic that will appeal to at least one user and write it with them in mind. Don't write it to, or about them, but for them, and people like them.

If you have not, turn in day 7 assignments by 1 pm CST. The sixth revenue split post will be going up this evening.

At the end of your post, please link to dolphin school. If you know how, create a hyperlink.

When you post your blog

  1. Use the tags #dolphinschool and #markrmorrisjr as two of the five for your post. Writing is a good primary category option. This is the other part of your price of admission.
  2. Come back HERE and leave a link to your blog in the comments, on the HOMEWORK POST HERE.
  3. If you have the bandwidth, comment on at least three or four of the other posts here, resteem and upvote if you feel it's warranted.

But, don't expect others to support you, if you DON'T support them!

I'll visit your blog and leave a comment so you'll know I was there.

If you don't see me by 5 pm CST, please let me know. I've missed you somehow.

I'll leave the critique of your post in a reply on your post. Okay? Any questions?


Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

There will be a special Homework post on my blog. No need to resteem or upvote it. Leave all of your homework in the comments there, bring conversation about it, here, deal? Also, you can leave everything in one comment to conserve bandwidth and make it easy for me. I'll make a new one for each day.


If you have not, turn in day five assignments by 1 pm CST. The fifth revenue split post will be going up this evening.

Curious about #dolphinschool? Follow this link!

If you'd like to read more of my work, follow @markrmorrisjr or click on my screen name to visit my blog.

Help support Minnows and Plankton in #Dolphinschool with your upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments!

Follow these authors to see the results of #dolphinschool



the funny ideas inside my brain:

THIS is what I needed for the preview image! Might steal this

LOL, that's awesome! :)

The hyperlink for homework for the last few days all go to day 4
Am I The only one who noticed?
It’s not a problem but I’m obsessed

Having a hard time with this one. My list is short and all the posts I keep finding are from two years ago. :)

Get a bigger net. You made the box, now you feel trapped inside it. Don't. Think bigger. Anyone looking to improve their computing experience, first of all, is a candidate. Anyone. Search different terms. Look in unexpected categories. The search function on steemit sucks, but I promise your users are here.

Also, you can introduce them to new topics once you get them. Here's a rule of selling, you can't sell what they ain't buying. So, sell what they're buying. That's what every single successful person in this world knows. Either change your product, or change your pitch to meet demand. It's that simple. (but it isn't always easy.

Thanks, I will keep trying. The search feature does suck and my ADHD isn't helping things :)

Yeah, I have hyper focus disorder, if anything. So, nothing gets done except what I'm on at the moment. Opposite problem, but still ticks off all the wrong people. LOL

Lol that was a good challenge. I didn't have the bandwidth to comment on the morning post but I did participate. Nice way to get you thinking.

I can't find a homework page and my day 7 didn't make it to the right place, I guess. It's a pity. I was really proud of it. If you're curious, it's here
So, I'm posting day 8 here.
Day 8
• Is anybody else tired yet? Exhausted!
• Tell me what's next for you on steemit I’m going to play, but I’m also going to publish a short ghost story in small sections over a period of days.
• If there was a cost, how much would you pay for #Dolphinschool? I wish I could afford what it’s worth.  The market would probably bear a few hundred dollars.
• Ideas for us working together in the future? Many. I can’t wait to get you to Hill House Manor.
• How many followers have you gained in the whole seven days? 42
• What is the total payouts for your dolphinschool assignments? I’m embarrassed to say it's only $2.10

I will add it tomorrow and critique it. It seems I may be using faulty links, but I'm not seeing the replies either.

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