The Paper Clip Experiment Dolphinschool Day 8 Part 2

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Welcome Group A

You are by far the best thinkers out of the bunch. Well done!

Now, let's get to work.

If you found this page without reading the opening, go here first.

First, gather the things below, quickly!

  1. A way to time yourself
  2. Paper to write on, one or two sheets is enough
  3. A pencil, or pen
  4. If you have it, a paperclip to look at.

Come back when you have them, time is of the essence!

Study this paperclip for a few seconds.

You've probably used hundreds of them in your lifetime. Their primary purpose is to hold papers together, temporarily. They are fantastic for that purpose, but I want you to forget that.

Set your timer for five minutes

Find a good surface to write on, and in five minutes, I need you to list at least 100 ways to use a paperclip, that do not involve clipping paper together. It can be anything.

There are no bad ideas!

I want you to write every single idea that pops into your head as quickly as possible on your paper, ready? When I say go, but first:

Take a second to think about the paper clip.

  • It's flexible, easily bent by hand to hold any shape
  • It's metal, meaning it could conduct electricity and stand up to things like water, and even chemicals.
  • It's versatile, even in its original shape there are dozens of uses

Here are three to get you started

1. Clip the chip bag closed to keep them fresh

2. Use as a barrette for your hair

3. Pick a lock

When your time is up, share how many results you got in comments.

Remember, at least 100, no idea is a bad idea. Write them all down, don't stop!

Ready? GO!

When you're finished and have added your number, go here.


nice experiment

Thanks, did you go through it?

Useful information for me and everyone, thank you for sharing

Which part?

Please don't spam comment.

I'm afraid I only got 9 ...

Don't Panic.... hahaha I am so funny...

Okay now I have a partner. You did better than me though.

hahah... Best thinkers!!! You just split the list down the middle lol!

I got 38.

Not bad given for the first minute I was like I am never going to get to a 100 but once I realised that may not be the point of the exercise as 5mins is not very long I just hammered along. Not sure if you can read my writing, its pretty disgusting, hence why I type but my list is below. Note I did scribble out one but counted it as @markrmorrisjr said there was no stupid ideas and at that point when I was having a mental blank it was an annoying thing... haha!

What's funny is, if you do this experiment in groups, it always works, but actually, it seems if you make it individual, it's about the same. Weird.

So funny. You are pretty smart and thanks for always making writing tone match your profile picture. Says alot about personality

I only got 25 =\

@markrmorrisjr I just noticed I was not as fast a thinker as I would have thought myself to be.

I could only scribble 8 down. Although I could be excused for not been that conversant with paper clips.

My honesty with the test made it more challenging. Off to the next.

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