Walk with Me - Mother's Day Markets

in #writing6 years ago

Mother's Day

Walk with me through Vic Park Farmers Market

Now, I'm not sure if I was expecting too much or if it was because it was mothers day but the markets were, how shall I put it... A bit lacklustre, but as the saying goes never let the truth ruin a good story and there was still plenty to see and fun to be had.


As I said it is Mother's Day today, well in Australia is it and I know that many other countries also celebrate it today but I am not sure if it is all. Today is a rather special Mother's day for me as although we are yet to pick up our adopted son I know for the first year that I will actually be a mum. The fear of it never happening has lifted and only time exists between us and him.

Do you celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May in your country? If not I would love to know when you celebrate it if you do and if not, do you celebrate in another way?

Back to the markets, we arrived at John McMillan Park just in time to watch an action-packed ping-pong match on a park supplied table. BYO rackets and balls on a normal day but due to the markets being open there were ones available for use.


The next thing we noticed was how dog-friendly this market was, they were everywhere and most stalls had drinking bowls to accommodate them. While it's inappropriate to snap random pictures of peoples dogs, this one caught my eye so much I had to ask the owner if we could take a few snaps. He is an Australian Shepard, I was in love with his colouring and sad that I didn't bring my puppy along for the morning's adventures.

Australian Shepard.png

Not to despair, I would be forgiven as there was not only one dog speciality store but two to choose a treat from. I think a way to a dog's heart is a lot like a man's, through their stomach. First, we hit Doggy Style Delivered, yes they deliver dog food to your door, 100% no preservatives, nuts I know... But either way, some liver and chicken treats were sold.

Next, we moved onto Go Fetch Bakery, a fresh bakery for dogs... Yes, those are "Pupcakes". Here my loyal friend got a cheese dog and a liver bark biscuit, she devoured the "Bark" biscuit after about five minutes of just holding it in her mouth.

Dog stalls.png

After the two doggy stalls the only other one of interest to me was the succulents at "So Succulent", I am not a green thumb and for this reason, succulents are my best friend as they tend to live with little love and don't mind our super sandy soil. There were so many to snap but I kept it to the most unusual of the lot.


I grabbed a quick fresh juice before heading off to breakfast. We had planned to eat at the markets but found nothing appetizing. Lucky for us we were in Victoria Park a well know cafe go to spot, so after a quick walk, we found a pub by night, restaurant by day for brunch.


Unfortunately for me, it did not react well with my ileostomy and I spent the next few hours curled up in pain with fear of a blockage and a hospital visit on the cards. What's worse I have now been banned from corn fritters for life by @shai-hulud. I still think it was a pip from the juice but we have reached an impasse for now, at least until our son arrives.

Beef Brisket Quesadilla with a Fried Egg / Corn Fritters with Smashed Avo and a Poached Egg

I am feeling much better now and we are off to dinner to celebrate the remainder of mothers day with @shai-hulud's mum, my sister, niece and sudo grandparents. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday, no matter where in the world you are. Thanks for reading!

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Happy Mother's Day ❤🌹❤
Sorry you're not feeling well earlier. Glad that passed. Hope you enjoyed supper celebrations! Quite an exciting upcoming year for you guys ❤🌹❤ It's nice to see you using the #walkwithme tag!! It's a very inspiring and far reaching endeavour of @lyndsaybowes. Until we connect again! 🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻

Thanks for stopping by @yogajill, I always love your comments, and thanks for letting me know where the tag came from, I think I must have seen it somewhere, maybe your posts and then thought that's a great tag for these types of posts.

Yes! I too find it to be a great motivating tag. I am so excited for youuuuuuuuu and your little one soon to come. I feel like a jumping bean 😁😍🦋🙌

Haha jump away magic bean! X

Oh we also celebrate it the same day here in the Philippines and you gave us an awesome tour of what you did.

I want to bring my dog there! I think he would be so happy that he might give hugs and doggy kisses to everyone!

I am sure your dog would love it too, I will have to bring mine next time we go, she would love all the smells :)

What a lovely Mothers Day! That Farmers Market looks great! I wish ours were even a quarter of that. Sorry, you ended up not feeling well, hopefully that passes soon! Happy Mothers Day to you and yours! :)

I'm better now! A win for the end of the day, I made it out to dinner, although I didn't eat much, but that just made for a cheap meal out :) Happy Mothers day to you!

Ohhhhh I'm in love with the shepard! Great photos and descriptions as well, the are just sooooo..... Succulent 🤣Ok that was a bad joke lol. Thanks for sharing! 😀

Haha they were soooo succulent lol...

Good for you getting special treats for your pup! Your breakfast looks yummy!

Thanks, it was tasty when it went down. I was pretty sick from it for the remainder of the day but it was my own fault, which wasn't too fun.

That's too bad about breakfast! I hope that everything is OK now!

This is so amazing... You had a lot of fun tho. I will try harder to take care of my mom now she is alive, although i dont always have time but family should always come first

Its hard to appreciate what you have until its gone. So making time for family is very important wven if it seems of less importance in the moment. I dont get to see my mum very oftern. Every two years or so. They live about 3,500km away in country victoria.

I love succulents. I have never seen one that looks like the beads. You take some nice photos.

Thank you. I have a good phone that takes pretty awesome photos. The bead ones were super interesting as I hadnt seen them either.

Good to know you were feeling okay. That would have spoiled the rest of a lackluster day. The lack in the luster of celebration this year is my grandfather is still in the hospital but that did not stop us though. We just have to tone it down a little. I like the plating of the corn fritters. It's like a painting with the way it is presented.

It was like a piece of art. The beetroon puree made the whole thing pop on the plate. Im sorry your grandfather was in hospital. I hope you still had a good day. Thanks for stopping by.

It still is a good day :) My grandfather is doing better every day so it is good news :)

Woow the mothers day was so nice to you and you had joy! Happy belated mother's day @insideoutlet!

Thanks @bmotives was a nice day for my first mothers day.

That's not fun to end up feeling sick on Mother's day! I hope you are feeling much much better now.

All better now and no hospital visit, so a win for the good guys :)

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