We Need A New Bottom Line Or "Made To Stray"? [Mount Kimbie]

in #worldview6 years ago (edited)

Good ideas are not enough to change our world! Ideas have consequences, our beliefs influence our actions and the choice of a certain worldview affects our behavior, your life as well as the life of others.

How would it be, if we would have an education, economic, a political and legal system, in a possibly workable world, based on generosity, love, empathy, kindness, justice and peace?

Just imagine for a minute......

Your thoughts can shape your physical reality.


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How can we improve and integrate our spiritual values in a happy life, when we are surrounded by entities, people who are seeking to control and dominate others, in order to advance their own self interest?

About power & money

Instead of a bottom-line based on money and power, we need a new bottom-line that defines productivity and creativity as where corporations, governments, schools, public institutions, and social practices are judged as efficient, rational and productive not only to the extent they maximize money and power, but to the extent they maximize love and caring, ethical and ecological sensitivity, and our capacities to respond with awe and wonder at the grandeur of creation. - Read more from Rabbi Michael Lerner


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Worldview is a mental model of our reality and global problems require global solutions!

Have a look at Joseph Schwartzberg’s brilliant book "Transforming the United Nations System"Designs for a workable world publication.


Michael Lerner discusses 2 worldviews.

A worldview which generates fear of the other and deep distrust and isolation.

The first worldview taught that human beings were, in the words of the philosopher Martin Heidegger, thrown into this world by ourselves. In such a world, the only rational way to behave, according to this worldview, is to learn the skills of manipulation and power over others because if you do not do so, others will exercise their power and control over you. “Looking out for number one” and “winning through intimidation” become the common sense of societies like this, and people adapt to this kind of world not because they are inherently evil but becauseit is a survival necessity. And this worldview has a politics: the best way to achieve safety and security for your family, your community, and your country is to maximize their advantage over others through domination, control or manipulation (sometimes through economic domination, cultural domination, clever diplomacy, and/or military power and war. The others are always suspect, likely to take from you what you need unless you have the power to prevent that through these various mechanisms of “power over.” Download the pdf to read on....

This worldview is very different. It's about hope, caring and sharing with others and a view of generosity.

“No, you didn’t come into this world by yourself, you came into this world through a mother, and your mother gave you the loving and caring necessary to survive in the first few years of your
life without which you would have failed to thrive and probably would not have survived. That mother might have been your biological mother, it could have been your father or some other person, but without someone providing you with that caring, you wouldn’t be alive today. And that person did not have a reasonable expectation of a good return on her/his giving you the amount of caring you received s/he gave to you for the sake of giving, not for the sake of getting a payoff.” In this worldview, what we first learn about human beings is that they are capable of and desire to give love, kindness and generosity. Throughout much of the past thousands of years, it was this view that formed the foundation for those religions and spiritual paths that survived into the modern era.


Your own and your families well-being comes through the ability to be caring, generous and sharing with others not through domination

Sometimes I find songs in my iTunes library and they lead me to remember certain authors as above and their quotes I bookmarked.

I always associate my thoughts with the vibrations of songs.

Made to stray by Mount Kimbie

The original version was nearly begging for this remix by DJ Koze.

Shadows turn to grey
A slave today
He cowered beyond reckless tracks of impulse
Made to stray around rough coasts
When Grace is close to home.

Sure it's time to break
It's late today
You gotta find your way

Wow, @mammasitta earlier today I talked about success and the way our world today measures success. In that post, I highlighted the three main parameters with which success is being measured today and that is power, money and status, but then is that the true measure of success.

The craze to acquire power, money and status is the main reason why we are losing sight of the true essence of living, the very things that makes us humans, love and care.

Today people go extra mile just to achieve their definition of success, sometime purposely manipulating and inconveniencing others just to achieve that goal, truly we need a new bottom line, a whole new and recalibrated societal scale of measurement.
To view the post I talked about earlier, here it is: https://steemit.com/motivation/@royaltiesboss-eu/are-you-really-successful you can read at your convenience for a better understanding of my views.

Still your boy, @royaltiesboss-eu

That DJ Koze remix is one of my favorites of all time. I also agree wholeheartedly with the thrust of your post. How beautiful an existence we could have... "As Above, So Below"

Isn't that smashing indeed :) Koze delivers those amazing beats!!!
Utopia in work?? hahaha

At first I wanted to comment: "There's only one solution: @mammasitta for president" but then I thought of the scene in Hunger Games when Katniss is shooting down president Alma Coin in the final scenes of Mockingjay part 2 and I refused that thought . Are social entities really working efficient enough without a president and what kind of distributed hierarchies we do want to have in your above illustrated world?

Steemit gives us the opportunity to show that the second option is better. I had a Greek friend @trumpman. He's a rare connoisseur of cockroaches, but he does good deeds. I sent you a link in the discord chat.

of course its much much much much better....no doubt for meeeee. Hello dear @trumpoman :)

at the moment steemit is turning into a very " shaky" world though

Your posts and your concern for loved ones inspire good deeds - that's enough. Do not worry about the cost of Steemit, in our power to show that it costs more. To do this, we must make Steemit more expensive than money. Steemit can be a weapon carrying good and love. Just do not think that I'm an idealist or a madman. I just know for sure that if we all use Steemit for good deeds and help people, his value will grow. The cost is immaterial and material.

I am also a "madwoman" so no worries....I agree with you and I am not really concerned about the price. I am concerned that top 20 witnesses, some of them don't really do enough to keep us "alive".
The community is driven by bidbots and the voting system not fair IMO. Oh well.....we can't give up HOPE for this idealistic view of a "free world"!!!

Wonderful words.
I believe in us.

My friend @sciencevienna just posted this in my steemitvibes closed FB group



Ich würde mich freiwillig jeden Tag im Meer der Hoffnung versinken lassen, wenn es das Leid auf unserem Planeten (und sei es auch nur um ein Minimum) verringern würde. Wir schaffen es doch noch nicht einmal eine der Forderungen (Aufgaben, Grundvoraussetzungen) von Schwartzberg in die Tat umzusetzen. Wir sind doch viel zu sehr mit uns selbst beschäftigt.

Ich wünsche dir ein enspanntes Osterfest, Wolfram

p.s.: Ich hätte so gerne über eine positive Erfahrung berichtet.

Ich muss wirklich Mal was Lustigeres posten :)

Ja Frohe Ostereier lieber Wolfram

Muss nicht unbedingt sein, würde aber zumindest meine linke Schreibhand von einer traurigen Last befreien. Aber ich kenne mich. Auch wenn es schwer für das Gemüt wird, Futter für mich bleibt es allemal.

Na da bin ich aber froh. Trotzdem bemerke ich, dass ich immer so eine schwere „Traurigkeit“ mit trage mit mir, obwohl ich auch die andere Seite sehr wohl kenne 🐬🐬🐬


You said well that if we want to change the world then we have to change our thoughts. I'm extremely agree with you. Another thing you said that our thoughts can shape our physical reality. Really i learned few important things from your article today.
Appreciate about what you've explained and i will wait for your next article to learn more things from you.
Thank You : )

So happy to hear! I hope that the vibrations of the music created a nice balance to such a serious topic.

Yes definately 😊

Absolutely right dear @mammasitta, first our mind need to be changed and than as well important our doing, our reality changes. Only if both parts have the changes, it will change something in real life.

Let’s gooooo for :) Do it!!!

Have safe travels wherever you are 🤗

@mammasitta, I do not know what I enjoyed more, if your writing or the music that accompanies it. From the first, as always you shake my mind and you make me philosophize about the ideal world and the path that should be taken. About music, I simply enjoy it because it activates me positively. I do not know if you like the symphonic orchestra music, but I will try this weekend to publish something in your honor, of what my daughter did for a long time as a violinist. On my part it will be a way of thanking you for everything you do in this community. Receive a big hug. Best regards.

Danke schoen!!!!!!

That's awesome to hear something from your daughter. Mine also played the violine but she gave up on it :(

Here is more :)

Sending STARS your way.....

Wonderful, I enjoyed it! Thank you!

She jumped in my mind because @w74 posted her music today for the #jazzfriday .

Mount Kimbie!!!!!!

Your inputs are correct to most extent and in my opinion we were born to spread the peacefulness but we hear many sayings regarding the evil doings means one bad fish can make the whole water polluted, it's an saying, so from this i want to say one thing that when our thoughts started to expand we were started to move towards or attracted towards the materialistic things and that's the main problem of human beings, if they understand the basic meaning of life then they will definitely leave the path of greediness and addiction of materialistic world, and then every person will spread, love and kindness around them but, in my opinion in most of the cases people never understand the basic meaning of life and they do the greedy work or they support the greedy work and in turn the system pollutes. Let's hope that people will understand their real tribe and that is the Humanity, if it's cleared to everyone then the concept of life will change totally and the meaning of life once again will become peaceful. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

This is so so so so so Beautiful!!! You are so right what you say. Your kind and “human” words give me the shivers. Maybe I am too much of an idealist and still dream of that kind of life on earth. I am getting older too fast and have my doubts.
Unfortunately I often need to close my eyes because I see so much sadness and suffering. Some people can’t figure out that what they are doing is not good, to block the possibility for our well deserved utopia.

Thank you for the blessing!

Thank you so much and welcome. Remember one thing, in my opinion, old and young is an aspect of flesh means our physicality but our consciousness is eternal and our consciousness changes bodies means after completion of one life our consciousness enters in other life in other flesh. So old and young is an illusion in my opinion, so it's not the matter of concern but the most important matter is what energy you are producing good or bad.

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