Steemian of the Month. Witness and Rockstar-Developer @reggaemuffin (Part #1)

in #witness7 years ago (edited)

I'm always amazed by what I find in while I do these "Steemian of the Week" posts. Right about now, I'm falling off of my seat.

@reggaemuffin started in steemit 3 months ago. Like most of us, arriving a bit confused about how everything works. -This Looks Really Interesting, Hello All

Now, just like the rest of us, his first few posts were all worth next to nothing. None of them broke a dollar. That was about to change, very quickly and VERY dramatically!

By his 5th post, he was already creating tools for steemit!!!!

I think curators on this platform should have more tools available to them!
Steem Invest - copy curators you believe in

This very first tool he created was a way to follow the voting habits of another user, and it was valued at $186.89!! This just goes to show, if you create the type of content that the community is interested in, your life can change pretty quickly here on steemit!

@reggaemuffin: steeminvest was my take on these voting services before I knew steemvoter existed. That was why I did the complete guide to show others what tools exist. And that made me popular (and in retrospect steeminvest too).

@inquiringtimes: Do you not have some role in steemvoter?

@reggaemuffin: I developed minnowbooster which merged with steemvoter to buildteam and now I have a stake in steemvoter. so I kinda bought into it of sorts xD

Now, if that isn't impressive enough.

One thing I noticed when joining Steemit three days ago is that information is hard to find on what Steem and Steemit actually is. Also there are many good tools and resources available but no one knows them. This post tries to adress that issue.[emphasis mine] - Complete Guide to what is Steem(it)

This is an incredible resource of all the tools and sites which interact with and enhance your steem experience in one way or another. This post came to a value of $355 on day number 3 of being a user here. We can't all be developers, however this is a perfect example of finding a need in the community and filling it. Whoever wants to succeed on this platform should think of following that ideal. Especially in these early days, there are so many needs, and so many ways to approach them.

The very next thing which reggaemuffin did was create @welcomebot which greets new users, and SteemGreet which lets you follow the @welcomebot's vote and help new users with upvotes. If you posted in "introduceyourself" or "introducemyself" or "introduction" you may have gotten a message from this bot when you first got here, like I did!

Most users put a lot of effort into their introduction and it is always something personal. Receiving your first upvotes is a forming experience and will motivate immensely. (SteemGreet - Motivate new users who just joined)

Now you can help too: You can give @welcomebot Permissions to vote on your behalf and add your own vote to it. All users who are greeted by the bot get your vote too. You get mentioned by the bot and you can choose one link the new user should see, that helps him get started here. My account will share the awesome 101 by @andrarchy: Steemit 101 -

From: SteemGreet the Second Submit your links

You are most likely new to steemit and still need to get the hang of things around here, but that is okay. We are a loving community and we want to see what matters to you. So to get you started and known here, I am launching a giveaway. Post the content that matters to you and get a whalevote (a vote that is worth a lot) to directly promote your post. (Welcome Giveaway - Win a Whale Vote Week 3)

Now we get through a few more weeks of giveaways, and into the juicy stuff!

Witness Reggaemuffin

Why vote for me?

Some values I stand for and whom you support by voting for me:

  • I want new users to get early support
  • I want to promote original content and help users who go the extra mile
    • I already spend hundreds of steem to promote new quality writers and plan to use witness funds for this too.
  • I want a fair and stable blockchain for all users
    • I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
  • I want to stop plagiarism and spam from flooding the platform
    • I educate new users and work with the steemcleaners to stop this behaviour from getting monetarily rewarded
  • I want diversity of content and people living of the posts they write for niche topics
    • I am supporting content creators in niche topics so that they can support others in their niche

Some things I did:

  • I manage @welcomebot to greet new users and help them start
  • I host a weekly giveaway to give new users a place to promote themselves
  • Together with @robofox I started SteemPact a weekly charity fundraiser to motivate fellow steemers to do something good with this platform
  • I wrote a guide for new users that helps find many of the awesome tools build for steem
  • I build the current version of that helps new users make fewer mistakes in using their shares
  • I am the CTO of SteemSports and work with other talented devs to bring mainstream sports (and their users) to steem

To support me, vote for @reggaemuffin as a witness:

Stay tuned for Part 2. :)



  • - Realtime Collaborate Markdown Editor (So Reggae can "look over my shoulder" and make sure I get the deets right. Also it's how I help new bloggers edit and learn to create better blogs.)
  • - Forum View of Steemit (no resteems)
  • - All images from Steem Profile

Proud member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:




Keep doing good in the community @reggaemuffin! You've done wonders in three months, can't wait to see what the future brings. I am particularly fond of this line:

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Isn't this the way we all should approach things in a decentralized system?

I have a few personal exclusions on my list of things I can look past. But that's another topic for another time.

Personally having used many of reggaemuffin's tools I can honestly say he is looking out for the community!

Another key in this post "You don't have to be a dev to have an impact." This is huge. There is aplace for everyone. Are you good with people? Groups Like Minnow Booster. PAL, and others can always use Greeters, Mods, and other people who may be more social than devs. While it may seem trivial, taking care of people by chatting with them can really help promote a group, and get people active on Steem. There is value there. I tmay be playing a long game, but being Reggae's "Customer Support" seems like a pretty lucrative idea to me.

I need to check in with you more on the Steemsport initiative. I'd love to get involved with that somehow. As well as bend your ear off on improving the creative writing niche in Steem at some point.

Looking forward to part 2 @inquiringtimes! Great post!!

Exactly! For each developer there are many people needed who are helping in support and marketing and community.

At @buildteam only a fraction really code. But having the team helps me focus on what I am good at. Helps everyone focus on what they are good at.

I encourage everyone to find their niche and own it :) there is a lot out there and steem gives us all a platform to shine.

Well, I have to say, when I first contacted reggaemuffin a month ago I had no clue except that the first message I got was from him. So knowing he is a minnow support witness, I contacted him about the bandwidth issue (I'll add link later). I didn't really expect a response, but I got one, as well I got a warm response to my suggestion that leadership needed to speak about how the issue was being addressed. Since then it has been a slowly developing friendship (as we both are busy). I wrote this not for pay, but out of gratitude. And so much more to be grateful for now I know more of the story! <3

I just realized in all the msp related witnesses I had not voted for @reggaemuffin so I just did, also I love that cats matter shirt :) Thanks for the intro @inquiringtimes :)

Thanks for the support! 🐈

My pleasure! I will always support witnesses who are active in the community and also support minnows :)

@reggaemuffin had my vote a long time ago. He's been doing a lot for the community since pretty much day 1!

Thanks - this is a timely and well deserved shout out to the reggaemeister!

People like @reggaemuffin are making Steemit a better experience! Great work! I'm not a coding person at all, I have some ideas on improvements from time to time but I'm not able to fix it myself. Applications and bots are of great value as tools, I'm glad there is people that are able to build and develop these things:-) Thanks a lot!

An excellent example on how to integrate and improve the community, and how it rewards those who do so! Excellent approach! Also, exactly the type of people I want to be supporting as a witness! Count me in.

One thing I noticed when joining Steemit three days ago is that information is hard to find on what Steem and Steemit actually is. Also there are many good tools and resources available but no one knows them. This post tries to adress that issue.[emphasis mine] - Complete Guide to what is Steem(it)

I feel there is mistake three days or three months?

At that point it was three days 😊

@reggaemuffin, that is amazing how much you're doing behind the scenes in such a short time, and i totally agree "that information is hard to find on what Steem and Steemit actually is" , your minnow and greeting projects are absolutely essential because otherwise 95% of people would be totally lost and not have enough determination to continue. voting you for witness right now / and following / thanks for the post @inquiringtimes!

indeed. I'm glad that others can see the importance of his work, also. many people seem to overlook what reggaemuffin has done for this community.

@reggaemuffin had my vote a long time ago. He's been doing a lot for the community since pretty much day 1!...thanks to share

Great work for steemit community. Keep it up

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