@reggaemuffin witness updatesteemCreated with Sketch.

Hey folks,

at some point I just need to make a cut and do a new update. Here is what I am up to lately:

I am still sponsoring multiple contests that promote engagement in steem. I will try to make this more organized. All winners get 500 SP delegated and their slider, that will not change.

My witness server is running smoothly and my seed node too. The buildteam rpc node had a few cases of high load but we don't plan on rate limiting it. My servers are monitored and since now had no outages or missed blocks except one small scheduled maintenance.

I plan to review the source code of new hard forks and help with testing the test net. As @ned put it, this is one of the things we need more witnesses doing and I can brush up on my C++ skills that way.

Since I am currently writing on my bachelor thesis, I will have to cut down on helping users a bit. Over the last months I encouraged and supported many users in helping their fellow new steemians. I will continue to support them on a high level but will have to cut down on the amount of private messages that I receive from users asking for immediate help.

Minnowbooster released the new whitelist and with that explores the curation side of having a lot of SP. I am really excited by all the posobilities that offers. We already tried it out and the responses were great. As always: All suggestions are welcome and I will listen to all feedback and constructive criticism. MinnowBooster is a tool for the community, not against it.

Making witness updates when nothing is up feels weird and is not something I plan on starting. I thank @drakos and others for cooperating on witness updates that were time critical and I will not post a duplicate just to have something to say.

I overhauled my witness votes the last days and am quite happy with my selection. Suggestions are welcome but since I am on 30 votes now, it is a question on who raises the bar. My witness vote does not count for much but I intend to vote for witnesses who support the network.

I am now in spot 68 and slowly climbing. I lost a few big votes from people who disagree with me and this is a good thing. It shows that people care about their votes and I hope that my supporters vote for me, because they support what I do. I got some unvotes because of MinnowBooster and that is probably something I have to accept. I am encouraging the community to hold discussions on voting bots and how to deal with them. Just saying that it is bad won't get the network anywhere, we need discussion and improvements. And as long as no one is stepping up, MinnowBooster will be the better bot of the lot.

To support me, vote for @reggaemuffin as a witness:

Go to the witness page https://steemit.com/~witnesses
Scroll down and enter reggaemuffin in the box:

Click on Vote
Thank you for supporting me :)

-My original witness post-



Great work! If not for minnowbooster I wouldn't have a rat's ass chance of quickly accumulating SP and use it to augment my monthly expenses through 1 week power-downs. I voted you for witness!

Thanks a lot for your support! 🐐

I very much appreciate your work and I can tell that minnowbooster was made to help out the minnows, not too make any profits. I have never lost one cent using this boost when I include the fact that 25 percent goes to curation. That's more than I can say for a lot of the other voting services.

I just voted for you as a witness. Your Steemit name alone makes me want to vote for you but obviously It is your commitment and good work on Steemit that make me cast this vote for you.

I really appreciate your support! And should you ever have concerns about something I do, please tell me immediately so I can improve in my duty as a witness :)

Edit: can you check your witness votes? You voted and then immediately unvoted me. The interface is sadly a bit confusing :I

Yea I voted a few times because it showed like this


Can you please check if it worked this time. Sorry about that hehe

Sadly not, you can check here: https://steemd.com/@dandesign86

Steemit.com has some real problems at the moment :/

Haha lol okay I know what I was doing wrong . I think I fixed it now after I approved and unapproved like 10 times. Please check now

When I typed in your alias it popped up and I figured I should click on it . Hehe 😂 my brother always said I was technically challenged.. I get what he means now

You are not the first and definitely will not be the last to do this. Steemit.com has this part designed really bad.

I agree. Minnowbooster never fails. While you risk losing money on some others minnowbooster always give returns.

That is the truth! Btw @scandinavianlife which county in the north are you from ? I'm curious

I'm from Sweden but live in China . I find there is quite a big representation of people from Norway on the platform. The Swedes are a bit slower. Just like in skiing competitions hehe

Yup. I noticed so as well. We're out finding oil again. While you guys dont want to be in on it!! ;) China..hmm..swedes are sort of like the chinese of scandinavia. Danes are the italians while we are the...russians? 😂

Haha interesting comparison ! Lol

Whaaaat... @reggaemuffin had a witness and I wasn't voting for it??

Time to fix that problem:

Good luck @reggaemuffin; hopefully you get into the top 50 soon!

I encourage others to vote for you as well; for all you do for minnows and Steem itself, this is the least we can do to pay you back.

A mistake that is easily fixed 😜

Thank you for your support and for being faster with our features than we are! Your tutorials are great and you deserve the spot on our whitelist 🐐

😃 Thanks Reggae :)

Hopefully more people vote your witness; I'm actually surprised it isn't in the top 50 right now. Hoping it gains more votes soon; I'm sure if more minnows knew about it they would vote!

Edit: Just resteemed your witness update! I don't have too many followers but hopefully more Steemians can see it this way.

Good luck on the thesis

I have voted you a couple of months ago

I am surprised you are only slowly climbing. You have done a lot!

Thank you for your support all this time! Witness voting is slow and most people don't vote all that often.

I see.

I have to check who my family members voted. I don't think they are familiar with you but @jerrybanfield (they are rather new on the platform too, so their votes might not count much).

Will definitely redirect them to vote you as well as one can really see what you have done here and there on Steemit as a witness.


There was a lot of drama around jerry and I have switched up his vote against a minnow witness. Sadly that cost me a few spots as he immediately unvoted me...

I see. What a shame

Sorry to hear that

I did read @drakos post the other week on JB altho not the same issue if I remember well

Well I hope you bounce back and will climb again and more!

Cheers @reggaemuffin !

Dear @reggaemuffin, you really raised the bar when you and others started the fight against abuse here on steemit. This has brought to you a lot of extra hassle and time consuming arguments.
Especially out of this reason i voted lately for you as a witness.
Iam looking forward to have you in the closed beta for the new MMORPG called Steempunk-Net that we are creating on the steem blockchain!
Keep up the good work, and just shout if you need help :)
Kind regards

Thank you for the kind words! Abuse on steem is currently a factor that limits it's growth and I hope we can have the upper hand in the long run.

Looking forward to steempunk net, I want to play it really hard 🐐

Reagge yo Man ^^

Stony Skunk - Ragga Muffin, 스토니 스컹크 - 라가 머핀
They are U.S. Billboard 16 last time ^^

Nice :) That is pretty close to where my username came from ;)

Hey reggae! Continuing supporter, but I got a message on discord that concerns me. isacoin sent it, is there a way I can contact you in a less public manner?

Sure, hit me up on discord or steemit.chat

isacoin disliked that I help abusers become valuable members of the community and ran a smear campaign against me as a witness. That dude is banned almost everywhere, but can't do stuff against him pming my voters 😕 sorr

thanks for your time, I am still a supporter and STRONGER than Ever!

I just realized I hadn't vote for your witnesses yet
Shame on me! =o

I'm you I'm going to vote for you right now. I do really think your work for the community is just amazing, I know my witnesses vote doest con't much now, but I do Believe it will worth way more in time !

Hope you rock on your bachelor thesis!!
What are you studying btw ?

Thanks for the support!

I am studying computer science and my bachelor thesis will be about runtime verification and monitoring of complex systems.

Alles Gute und viel Erfolg für die BA!! 🎓

Danke 😊

Moin @reggaemuffin! Ich störe nur ungern, aber ich frage mich seit gestern, was ich studiert haben muss, um einen Boost von @minnowbooster zu bekommen :)

Die für die meisten User interessante Range scheint gar nicht mehr möglich zu sein:

Auf eurer Website steht:

Daily Voting Investment Limit: 10.0 SBD

Ich kann also auch nicht 11 SBD senden, weil das tägliche Limit dann ja überschritten ist. Wenn ich mir die Transfers der letzten Nacht anschaue, scheint das vielen so zu gehen... Wollte meinen Post eigentlich gestern schon etwas sichtbarer machen, da er bisher erst bei $2.63 ist und ich da doch einiges an Arbeit reingesteckt habe.

Soll das so sein bzw. kann man da was machen oder muss ich mir jetzt einen neuen Booster suchen? Hoffentlich nicht, denn eigentlich wart ihr immer die Besten und ich hatte sonst nie Probleme mit MB ;)

Danke dir im Voraus für deine Hilfe!

LG, Chiller

Hey @steemchiller,

Wir haben aktuell ein Whitelist-Programm für gute Autoren, welche erhöhte Limits haben. Aus Abuse-Gründen halten wir die generellen Limits recht klein und die Nachfrage ist riesig...

Ich habe dich mal gewhitelisted, der Dank geht auch an @pawos, der für dich gepitcht hat und dich mit großen boosts unterstützen will.

Ich habe mal die globalen Limits gesenkt, damit wieder etwas Nachschub ankommen kann.

Super! War mir nicht sicher, wie das mit der Whitelist funktioniert und hatte nicht wirklich Zeit, mich damit zu beschäftigen. Wollte nur schnell einen normalen Boost ausführen, wie gewohnt... ^^ Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe!

PS: Und viel Erfolg bei deiner Bachelorarbeit ;)

Danke danke :) Bei den 500 ungelesenen Nachrichten mit denen ich heute alleine aufgewacht bin habe ich echt zu kämpfen ^^

Wow 500 ist wirklich zu viel... ^^ Das ist ein Grund, warum ich bisher so ungerne im Chat unterwegs war, aber ich komme da so langsam auch nicht mehr drum herum.

Dann will ich dich auch nicht weiter aufhalten. Nochmal danke für alles, was du für die Community tust! Euer Booster bleibt die Nummer 1 für mich ;)

Hello @reggaemuffin, i just want to take this opportunity and thank you for all you do on steemit. I see all the efforts you put into trying to make steemit a better place.
The fact that you take out time to scan comment sections on posts and flag spam, is just great.
For all the efforts you have put into minnowbooster, it has been very helpful to newbies like me.
I've seen how you and spammers get into really time consuming arguments, the fact that you take out time from your busy schedule to do all that, is just great. I voted for you as witness some weeks back, if i had the opportunity, I'll be voting for you again
So THANK YOU for all you do and for being you 👏👏

Thank you a lot for your support :) Knowing that what I do gets approval from the community is reassuring :)

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