The Mysterious Experience Revealed Whaleshares Contest!

in #whaleshares6 years ago (edited)

Here is for the 2nd week in a row another cool contest where you can easily win some Whaleshares!

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Like I mentioned before, this contest is sponsored by the Whaleshares Community and one of the coolest steemians ➩ @krazykrista.

What is this Mysterious Experience Revealed contest?

Have you ever had a weird, bizarre or should I say, unbelievable experience in your life that made you feel for a second that you were getting crazy?

Have you ever had a situation so unreal that it was very hard to explain to your friends or family because nobody would believe you?

I know someone that had once an astral travel and had to deal with hearing voices calling his name for long time after this. I also know of someone that think his dog saw a ghost and objects started to move by themselves in his living room.

Maybe this would be a good opportunity to explain your experience in a few lines and share it with us.

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So the question for you to participate in this contest is:

What was the most mysterious experience you have ever had and has been hard to believe?

In order to participate and maybe win the prizes, you just have to follow these rules:

  • Write your response as a comment down below, try to be short.
  • If you want to add a picture to be more expressive, go ahead.
  • Upvote this post.
  • Don't forget your Bitshares Account Name

You do not have to resteem the post, but your support would be appreciated, so that your friends and followers can also participate.

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This contest is about sharing experiences. I am very interested in learning about your stories.


It is ok to share your abduction experience as well in case you believe that you have been abducted!


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The contest will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place based on the most interesting response.

How will the Whaleshares be distributed?

  • 1st ➟ 50 WS
  • 2nd ➟ 25 WS
  • 3rd ➟ 15 WS

Winners will be chosen right after 7 days of this post!

Everyone is invited to participate, do not miss this opportunity to earn some Waleshares!

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How do you receive your Whaleshares Tokens?

You will need to have a Bitshares/Openledger account, a blockchain platform.
Here is a link for you to create an account: Sign Up
Please visit to learn more about this project or read this great post of @sykochica What is whaleshares


To participate in more contest and get involved in the Whaleshares Community, join their Discord Server



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Image Sources
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Hey man! First of all, OSS ! Make sure to share with us a couple of flowing clips from your practices/techniques/events! Cheers!

I'll try to make this as short as possible. Since I was a kid, I've been known or pointed out as a person who isn't the best at socializing, but one thing I've always been good at has been reading/writing, and pretty much any form of audiovisual art, such as paintings/drawings/playing instruments... what has this to do with my strange ability? Everything. My main language is spanish and I've been learning english by myself since I was 11 years old, now I'm 32. One thing I've always managed to grow is my capacity to be aware of my surroundings, how everything, from animals, nature and people/societies and their machines/vehicles/companies is connected at some point, and can be named environment/situations and even conflicts/wars/fights. I've always been a straight forward person, and I have had near death experiences that prove it still isn't my time to leave this world.

I will only talk about the most difficult of them because it didn't only depend on my actions, but an entire nation/population/company. I live less than a mile from an oil refinery in Venezuela, and between this one and the nearest one, they used to be the biggest ref complex in the whole world, this of course, until year 2000, when things simply started to fall apart due to lack of maintainance and overall management. At year 2005 I started to make claims that this refinery (or both) were going to explode, and a terrible catastrophe could affect not only my entire region, but a big portion of Venezuela/South America, I need to add, that all of the refineries and a lot of infraestructure is connected through several gas lines, and althought this has a security protocol which can cut this lines supply, we could be speaking of a fire so big that it could be seen from Colombia and even Panamá.

Many people, especially former workers of the oil industry, specialists, engineers, used to bash me on public and in private because of course, when everything is well maintained and managed, you wouldn't face an accident as the one it did occur at year 2012. After I had already made up my mind that it would happen, the thing I wasn't so sure was the when.

One day I had this turtoise playing in my yard, and I completely forgot about it and she had the capacity to hide very well under leaves and rocks, so I couldn't really find her at all. The thing is, that I kinda "needed" to look out some more for her, this time, at 2:00 am: I was looking through the leaves and rocks with a flashlight, everything was very dark and after more or less 10 min, I finally gave up and decided to look to the sky, directly laying my eyes on the area above the refinery. All of a sudden, a big flame came out of the refinery and the lenght of the fire is something I won't ever forget. It was as big as a storm, and it didn't just reach a 1-2 miles ratio, but made the earth and all of the ground shake as an earthquake, I managed to run inside my house (after witnessing the end of the world) and screamed as fast as I could explain to my family that something horrible was happening. The earthquake feeling and something else that messed with your ears, like a sound blast lasted for at least 10 seconds, and boy were they long. Of course, the most difficult part at this moment was to explain WHAT did happen, because at this point the only thing I did see was a flame, and because of the impression I couldn't just say it had been just the refinery, at first, and to tell you the truth I thinked of missiles, bombs, aliens! I don't know, to me it was the end of my world, again, the end of my life suddenly passing through my mind. Several hours later, things were still falling, pieces of houses, paint of tanks, papers form offices, plastic, metals, and especially ashes. By then we already knew that a gas leak coincided with a rainy weather that managed to by gravity not allow the gas to go up but instead it stacked up/built more mass around the whole diameter of almost a couple houses from mine. Roofs fell out, many people inside and out of the refinery died, including a whole neighborhood and the fire within the refinery lasted for a week at the very least. This was a terrible accident and as much as many people didn't think it was possible, it happened. The president at the moment only made a press conference where he stated that the "show must go on" and nothing much was said. Until today noone has taken responsability for this and the refinery it's in its worst phase, of course. I still live very close to this place, and it's very sad, and at the same time lucky, how many families died and nothing was done to fix it, but a lot of people from the country miraculously lived to see another day. I have a couple of friends, one a photographer who went just minutes from the explosion to the place and managed to take these pics. I will leave you the link to the full compilation so I don't take your entire thread on my story.

Do you want to know more about this story? About my stories, and how I can sometimes see the future? Talk to me and you realize it's not about me having powers, but my capacity to be aware of the present moment, to pay attention to what we do as societies, how we treat people, our surroundings, and what we do or not about it, for ourselves, and for our future, everybody else's as well. Thank you for reading this far, it could have been a better story, I would say. But still, thank you for allowing me to express myself, to create this opportunity for us to share and read other people's experiences. You, WE are all GREAT, and we deserve not just attention, but understanding and awareness of our struggles,, advantages and situations that can shape or catalyze our power to survive, to grow, to learn and to be resilient enough to make of change a reality. Have a great week and HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHALESHARES!

wow, what a story. It sounds like you had a premonition my friend, am amaze. I am so sorry for what happen and all those people that died.

Thank you for your words! And indeed, I've always had these visions, I still have... but I believe we can change things within ourselves and on the outside as well. To also be aware of life, and what it represents. Oss!


Hello again el-cr, thanks to you, Kk and the whaleshares community for this amazing opportunity .
Talking about weird experiences, I did have a lot of those growing up as a kid, when I was little, there was a local tv series so dreaded that every kid in the neighborhood was brought to obedience by the threat of having Mr Willie (more like the boogie man) come get them 😀
One particular episode got me so shook that I lost sleep for days.. Lol


Mr Willie had gone on a "revenge" mission , he had transformed himself into a goat and got so close to his target, long story short... I kept hearing goat noises every night for the next 3ays and brief flashes of his white cloak in the dark.
Yo make matters worse, my cousin took advantage of my fear and did scare the shit out of me. One night I actually saw a black goat walk by the veranda by 10pm, the same kind Willie transformed into.. And geuss what. No one else saw it.. 😨😨
Bts: tekadii022

lol I guess we all have a big brother or a cousin that does that to you.
If I tell you the story about what happen to me when I was a kid, you will not believe me neither. I will reserve that story for a future post.


What a cool contest! Good luck to everyone! Upvoted :)

My friend Candi, Shannon, and my daughter were in France at this old home in Callian. (About 45 minutes outside of Cannes). All of us, and I mean, all of us, saw this ghost. I could to this day describe him in complete detail. He was staring off the mountain we were on, and it was while we were eating dinner around 9 pm. We couldn't stop watching him, he was very still. All of a sudden, he stood up and it looked like he was barking orders at people. He kept pointing and it looked like he was yelling. We all jumped at the exact same time when he stood up suddenly, because we all saw it. It was unbelievable!

oh wow, you were all sure that was a ghost! I would have freaked out!

My dogs started growling and looking down the hall. Everyone was asleep and all the doors down the hallway was shut. I snapped this photo without the flash there was no light sources to cast this onto the door.

I zoomed in and got goose bumps as it looks like my daughter's father who died a few years before I took this photo.



incredible, you made me get goose bumps as well.

This contest took me back to a time in my life when I experienced some creepy things that kept me from sleeping. In my family people use to be quite sensitive to spiritual things so I grew up with all kinds of stories related to that. When I was 19 i was making this big drawing for a gathering at church, It was a wall size work that took me a week. I worked on that almost every night and often I found myself working at noon late at night. One of those nights, around 3am, while drawing on my feet and having the paper against the wall I had the feeling something was staring at me. I turned around and the feeling came from the living room which I could see with my door open from my bedroom.

The living room was completely dark. Once again, I felt The "staring" and turned back again. I cannot explain this but I saw a dark figure moving in the dark of the living room. I can't explain how some black being was perceivable in the middle of the dark but I saw this silhouette moving! I turned back frightened and kept drawing, then started singing hymns... a few seconds after I felt the presence just at my side and I heard creepy sounds and whippers in my ear. I was shaking after that. Inmediately, I went to my parents' room and told them all about it. That was one of the many "night encounters" I experienced. Some nights I was bounded and couldn't move. Others I couldn't speak. It was like I was being held but, not my body just my spirit. It's really hard to describe and of course some didn't believe me.

long time since I remembered this, thanks for the contest.
bts account Gaelj0sser (zero instead of an o).

Interesting story, I feel you, I know exactly how it is to feel the "staring", I am sure we all had that feeling in our life. I believe you, I believe there is a parallel world we don't see but sometimes we could connect with.

One of the scariest (and probably the dumbest and shameful one too) things that has happened to me was a few years back, I had to carry some documents to a co-worker who lived maybe about a kilometer from my apartment, at that time the streets going to his house were unpaved and it had been raining so there were a lot of puddles along the way, but I decided to walk. Now these streets are quite lonely not many people around, but as I was walking I felt something was following me, I turned around and saw nothing at first, but then I saw it, it was a bullfrog and he was jumping straight for me like crazy and he was all puffed up.

It was a big frog, but I mean it's a small animal who should have been afraid of me, but his attitude looked so menacing I decided to run, but he was jumping so fast he was gaining on me, fortunately eventually I got to a puddle that crossed the entire street and must have been about 12 feet long, well I just jumped it and it was probably the best jump I have made in my life, luckily the frog stopped at the edge, and I was able to go to my co-workers house and deliver the documents. Needless to say I took a taxi back home.

wow, probably the Bullfrog was very very very hungry! You are lucky to have that as the most scariest story of an animal following you. Taking a taxi back home was probably a smart idea lol. Nice story!

So my story isn't as mysterious as some of the ones below, but what does make it mysterious is that it basically NEVER made the news and was not even given any attention my the media. Something that was so real to me and my wife if non existent to everyone.

It was the day after our wedding and we were heading to honeymoon in europe. Waiting on our flight in JFK things started to feel wierd, my wife noticed first that something was wrong. Then the fire door alarms were going off so we definitely thought something was wrong and started to move towards the end of the terminal. i checked twitter and found out there was a "shooter" in the terminal next to us after being aware of this and noone else was I moved us near the wall....then all of a sudden around the corner comes a stampede of people yelling shooter! shooter! everyone get down and running. Everyone drops, as did we, then I was like we got to get up and go! So we just ran over top of people out the doors and onto the runways with planes moving and landing. We tried to continue to get to the edge of the airport property cops and fire trucks were everywhere.

This shutdown of the airport (12 terminals) lasted for over 5 hours before we could get out of the airport and every hotel was blocked. One of America's largest airports was shut down due to an alleged active shooter (which is one of the biggest issues in the country today) and NOONE evens knows it happened. What we "felt" that night was one of the most scariest moments of our lives and it was over nothing but "fear itself". It is a shame the world we live in that we scare ourselves.

It never hit Fox News, Never hit CNN, CSPAN, NBC, nothing. Just twitter...and then was pushed under the rug.

So did it happen? I know it did, but noone else does. Here are some photos and the only article I can really find lol.



BTS: og-heyimsnuffles

Sorry to hear this happened to you guys in USA. Maybe you did not see anything on the media because they didn't want to create FUD. The good thing is that nothing bad happens and you guys are ok.

Age 12 @ 3am in the morning, I opened the fridge door to sneak a drink of milk form the carton. The light from the fridge revealed my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table. I spoke to her for a bit and then she floated. She said "there is never anything to be afraid of". I went woke my parents that Nana had died and was happy. They were angry sent me back to bed. Just after 7am they were woken by a call from Uncle Bill with tragic news that they just found Nana dead she had died unexpectedly in the middle of the night. Needless to say my parents had a different opinion to my 3am story.

Age 18 Freak accident, I died from internal bleeding. I had a Near Death Experience. Passage way of light, into a beautiful sweet loving realm where you felt the vibration of classical music as a physical sensation rather than an audible sound. I met 3 very tall beings, about 7-8 feet tall. 1 man came forward placed his hand on my shoulder, it was very strong and gently at the same time. He said "You have to go back there is more for you to do". I came to in the emergency care hospital bed, tubes all in me, gas mask on and for the next 30 minutes or so I could still feel his hand on my shoulder even though those around me said I had been out for hours and no one had touched me. The hand on my shoulder faded away at 25-30minutes as if it was very slowly moved away.

Age 18 After my above experience I had complications to the surgery, I went into a coma. While in a full coma I was in a special room by myself. During this time I saw the people who came in to the room to say their goodbyes as doctors had said there was nothing more they could do and my body was on the out. I saw the people from a position outside of my body and where my bed was located. From high in the corner of the room I saw the people come in, sad, crying and then turn to look at me in my bed. I remember thinking, "why are they sad, oh look my sister has a new jacket, it looks nice." After I came out of coma I remember every person who was allowed in to see me. And my sister had bought the new jacket to cheer herself up with me in hospital potentially leaving this world.

Now I've had other things, but those couple are significant for now 😉

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