So this is why I think Weed/Marijuana should be illegal

in #weed8 years ago

A little pretext: I've never smoked weed before. 

I also come from a place where weed is super illegal.

I am not writing this to bash weed and people who do it. 

It's just my take on this issue based on honest curiosity. 

I'd love to know all your thoughts. Keep it clean folks.

1) Weed is a herb 

So therefore, people who've gotten their hands on it can easily grow it.

This'd fuck the economy up. Consequences include less sales of cigarettes, alcohol and other stuff.

So hence, there're consequences here on a big-picture scale.

What exactly? I am not sure. 

2) All it takes is a little weed to get high

You can drink a little alcoholic beverage and you wouldn't get drunk (unless you totally suck ass.)

You will however, get high from just smoking once.

Therefore, there're consequences here that'd affect one's health and it'd be hard to control this as it'd be hard to measure what constitutes "high" for each individual.

3) Legalizing weed would get mixed up with other laws

There's a law against drink driving.

If weed becomes legal, then there has to be a law against high driving.

Therefore, there're political consequences here. It'd take a lot of time to get all of these laws in place. 

4) It makes a person  okay with being bored

In the words of Randy Marsh from South Park...

I guess this argument is a personal one, which I agree with. There're many vices out there, like partying and alcohol which holds merit for the same argument.

However, combining with the other points here, it may inch towards some bad consequences and it's better to erron the side of caution.

5) There're unknown consequences going way back and having internet knowledge doesn't mean you're right

Look man...

As far as I am concerned, the people who constantly advocate the legalization of weed today simply have internet knowledge.

They about something from some weird source online and then assume that it is, and they're right. This is confirmation bias.

Heck, even I honestly here only have internet knowledge. People are totally for weed would probably be pissed off with this article and are ready to pounce on me. 

I wasn't alive eons ago. I am not part of a world where illegal, and now legal weed is rampant. I was not and am not around to see firsthand the (bad) consequences of weed.

Just as how you think weed is totally safe, healthy and should be legal, there're definitely a ton of people who feel for certain it needs to be illegal.

So yep!

These are my thoughts.

Please share what you think. Keep the discussion clean please. 



Yo, you don't need mere things to get high just so you can be happy. Live! Get my free book here: 12 Things Happy People Don't Give a Fuck About!


You don't seem very informed at all. I'm not sure why you would make a post about something you don't really know anything about.

  1. I can't believe you said that. Who cares about protecting sales of alcohol and cigarettes - two things that are much more harmful than marijuana.

I can't even waste anymore time on this. There are no facts here, just nonsensical opinions and confirmation bias with no real knowledge or experience.

I already said it was all opinion you dumb bitch.

I already said it was all opinion you dumb bitch.

Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you are an idiot rather than speaking and leaving them in no doubt.

Yeah I was bored. A little annoyed.

We all get that way but it is classy to apologise if you have been rude. I always try to do that because I make an idiot of myself quite often.

lol, that gave me a good chuckle

Hahaha, I know. My point is that your opinion is nonsense. I'm glad I didn't waste anymore time trying to explain anything to you. Your ignorance was clear but now I can see where your level of intelligence is. Try to inform yourself, instead of misinforming people and strengthening confirmation biases. And take a look at yourself when you get angry enough that you want to call someone a name. There is nothing good about that.

No, you don't. Kid.

And now you flag my comment! Why did you do that? Nevermind, I know the answer. I will not spend anymore time with this nonsense. Grow up!

"When I lose arguments, I feel like a real toughguy when I flag people. I am a total bitch" - (Fill in the blank, 2016)

And what happened to keeping it clean. Also, do you have any desire to base your opinions on facts? You seem to have made no effort to do that. That is a very problematic way of thinking and acting.

Right, what is up with the keep it clean if he is going to insult people's honest criticism. This post is just horrible, imho.

Yeah, I was tempted to make his post my first flag ever but it wouldn't have done anything anway. I wasn't happy that he buried my comment either but then along came @stellabelle so it worked out! lol

All of the point you cite don't matter. The real issue with marijuana isn't economics or the amount it takes to feel high. It's about controlling your body and having the state inform you of what they will allow you to consume. It's about the us gov having a patent on marijuana as a cancer fighting substance and then having that same gov turn around and claim it has no medical uses. It's about the dark relationship between drugs and state, and how illegal drugs helps fund the state whether directly or indirectly.

It isn't cool to say that people only have internet knowledge about this subject when you don't even have firsthand knowledge. Like, how would you know it makes a person okay with being bored? Because South Park aligns with something 'you guess' you agree with, personally? How would you even know that, never having smoke a bowl?

I'm not saying go smoke weed if you don't want to, but maybe have a look at the thoughts you've formed about the subject and then toss it all out because we're in a world full of liars who quite literally aim to control your body and your opinions.

I've never been to a prostitute, but that doesn't make it not the oldest profession and even a respected one in different cultures.

In NYC, they'd like to outlaw Break dancing on the trains when they're moving. I don't break dance nor ever have, but I have to agree that those movements are dangerous and no one can safely do that on the train so we should outlaw it. Doesn't make sense, eh?

So, nope. I'm pulling for large legalization across the nation and hopefully the world.

Maybe we can make these nonsensical biased stereotypes vanish after legalization

Noted. Well as said, I only have internet knowledge myself. Just speaking out my thoughts based on what little I know.

I wouldn't personally try to screw around with the law regardless of where you are though.

Maybe in the next 10 years weed would be legal everywhere.

Not if no one messes with the unjust laws. It'll be legal next week in several more us states

What up, Alden. Let me first say. I respect your opinion. But let me give you mine.

Weed is an industry what could change the lives of millions all over the world, were it not due it's shady character. "It's the herb of the devil, the devil pissed on it, that's why it's smells so good, it makes you lazy, hungry for sex and food and bla bla."

But let's not forget it's potential. They used canvas to print the first Bible, we used to make clothing out of weed, it restores the ground we need to survive and it could replace petroleum, plastics, GMO and expensive medicine. Furthermore it could be used to lighten up our transport vehicles due to its fiber strength.

Weed means abundance. It's production could mean many farmers all over the world would have no problems feeding their livestock and families, which it is now. Go see for yourself in India, Africa and South America. It's just a rich man's trick. They can only stay rich, if we choose to stay poor.

I am not saying that marijuana is not addictive which I believe it is, just like sugar, tobacco, junk food, series, sex, sports. But I can only carry the weight of my responsibility and everybody needs to make their own choices. That's is why we are alive. To make choices and we cannot delegate this to some central organization. Legal or illegal is just the voice of the oppressor.


Yo. Interesting.

What else made it "shady" back then though? Did it just make people lazy, hungry and stuff? Did it cause people to act irrationally and commit crimes? That'd have been the factor I guess.

How would the production of weed allow farmers all over to live a stable life?

These documentaries tell what made cannabis and hemp illegal.

Cannabis and Hemp are two very different strains on cannabis plant. Marijuana was a mexican tobacco that made people crazy. Mexicans were a problem then. A prohibionist Harry J. Anslinger wanted to make cannabis look bad so he started to call cannabis as marijuana to connect it to the mexican crazy tobacco.

This picture shows why hemp was also criminalized.

Hemp is so versatile, easy and cheap to produce that other industries can't compete with it. That's why it was also made illegal with cannabis. Hemp can't get you high, it doesn't have THC in it.

This is the biggest reason why cannabis was made illegal. Pharmaceutical industry can't sell you extremely expensive drugs when you can treat yourself with cannabis.

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

Weed grows very fast. In a normal season one can grow it almost three times. Think about all the yield. Feeding the livestock would be no problem. Cow and chicken really love those leafs and seeds.
The seeds could be used to make oil, bread and even milk. You don't need to buy pesticides or any commercial seeds from Monsanto.

What made it shady back then? Effective mass media marketing/propaganda. Just like those ads about smoking some kinds of cigarettes is highly advised by doctors. With proper marketing one can rule the world.

Noted. Wouldn't know about ruling the world though.

I voted for you because I like that you are opening up a conversation and seem to be just stating your opinion, which is cool. I happen to think that freedom of choice is important to protect in this journey we call LIFE. Now did you know that the reason that WEED is illegal is because a rich man who owned over 30 newspapers in America as well as a heavy owner in the timber industry as well as hugely invested in Nylon, his name was Mr. Hearst. He needed the then popular Hemp (weed) plant which was providing us with clothes, rope, building material, paper, and the list goes on as to its value and the fact that is was a rapid harvest not like the trees which take many many years to grow! It can cure many many illnesses when used properly, as well as calm us down! (which happens to interfere with FEAR program the powers that be are running on us to keep us enslaved depressed zombies who don't question authority any more. imho) The elites or Illuminate or what ever you want to call the powers that shouldn't BE, who want to keep things surpressed that actually help man kind, Marijuana (Hemp) is an incredible, edible plant who should be free to be consumed by the inhabitants of Mother EARTH. I challenge you to dig deeper my friend, once I stepped down the rabbit hole of truth and its suppression I was unable to return to the land of ignorance and disempowerment, you are so close to the answers....keep searching and use your gut as a guide not your programmed fear that they have spent so many years dumbing us ALL down. Break don't have to use it to know it is valuable to many others.
Thanks again for you post, we can change the world by educating ourselves with the real truth, don't settle for the programmed shit they spew out in most of our media outlets...enjoy your day :) Namastay

Sorry I stopped reading at illuminati

thats cool...good to see your open minded....cheers Amigo

I smoke weed since I was 12 years old. You can look for my name in the Internet if you want and see if I have accomplished something in my life or not? (and I have internet since 9 years only, like you I came from an island where weed is very illegal too and also there is not Internet normally) I do not say you should smoke or not, it is a personal choice. And personally I think smoke weed (you can also eat, less harmful to your body) it is less dangerous than alcohol or tabac. You should look how many people are death, direct or indirect, because smoking tabac or drinking alcohol first and compare to how many have died because of smoking weed. In the ancient countries where using weed as a medicine, now the people are starting using it again and it is a lot better than to take a lot of medicines (I assume you know about the pharma industry and how harmful is to the people) . You can make clothes, paper without cutting the Forrest, get essential oils, you can even build a house (look for hemp-cement) ... I do not think you can do the same with alcohol and tabac ;)

Yep. Personal choice is the way t ogo.

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