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RE: So this is why I think Weed/Marijuana should be illegal

in #weed8 years ago

All of the point you cite don't matter. The real issue with marijuana isn't economics or the amount it takes to feel high. It's about controlling your body and having the state inform you of what they will allow you to consume. It's about the us gov having a patent on marijuana as a cancer fighting substance and then having that same gov turn around and claim it has no medical uses. It's about the dark relationship between drugs and state, and how illegal drugs helps fund the state whether directly or indirectly.

It isn't cool to say that people only have internet knowledge about this subject when you don't even have firsthand knowledge. Like, how would you know it makes a person okay with being bored? Because South Park aligns with something 'you guess' you agree with, personally? How would you even know that, never having smoke a bowl?

I'm not saying go smoke weed if you don't want to, but maybe have a look at the thoughts you've formed about the subject and then toss it all out because we're in a world full of liars who quite literally aim to control your body and your opinions.

I've never been to a prostitute, but that doesn't make it not the oldest profession and even a respected one in different cultures.

In NYC, they'd like to outlaw Break dancing on the trains when they're moving. I don't break dance nor ever have, but I have to agree that those movements are dangerous and no one can safely do that on the train so we should outlaw it. Doesn't make sense, eh?

So, nope. I'm pulling for large legalization across the nation and hopefully the world.

Maybe we can make these nonsensical biased stereotypes vanish after legalization


Noted. Well as said, I only have internet knowledge myself. Just speaking out my thoughts based on what little I know.

I wouldn't personally try to screw around with the law regardless of where you are though.

Maybe in the next 10 years weed would be legal everywhere.

Not if no one messes with the unjust laws. It'll be legal next week in several more us states

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