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RE: So this is why I think Weed/Marijuana should be illegal

in #weed8 years ago (edited)

I voted for you because I like that you are opening up a conversation and seem to be just stating your opinion, which is cool. I happen to think that freedom of choice is important to protect in this journey we call LIFE. Now did you know that the reason that WEED is illegal is because a rich man who owned over 30 newspapers in America as well as a heavy owner in the timber industry as well as hugely invested in Nylon, his name was Mr. Hearst. He needed the then popular Hemp (weed) plant which was providing us with clothes, rope, building material, paper, and the list goes on as to its value and the fact that is was a rapid harvest not like the trees which take many many years to grow! It can cure many many illnesses when used properly, as well as calm us down! (which happens to interfere with FEAR program the powers that be are running on us to keep us enslaved depressed zombies who don't question authority any more. imho) The elites or Illuminate or what ever you want to call the powers that shouldn't BE, who want to keep things surpressed that actually help man kind, Marijuana (Hemp) is an incredible, edible plant who should be free to be consumed by the inhabitants of Mother EARTH. I challenge you to dig deeper my friend, once I stepped down the rabbit hole of truth and its suppression I was unable to return to the land of ignorance and disempowerment, you are so close to the answers....keep searching and use your gut as a guide not your programmed fear that they have spent so many years dumbing us ALL down. Break don't have to use it to know it is valuable to many others.
Thanks again for you post, we can change the world by educating ourselves with the real truth, don't settle for the programmed shit they spew out in most of our media outlets...enjoy your day :) Namastay


Sorry I stopped reading at illuminati

thats cool...good to see your open minded....cheers Amigo

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