Walking our Kentish foot paths to Tea house and local duck eggs.

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

A very quick sketch and study of a darling little cottage on our walk


We are so lucky with our managed footpaths in this area of Kent. Today we struck out early monrning taking a new turn on one of the many paths that are right at our door off the High.

The sun was just beginning and the dew was being burned off the long grasses in the meadows. The light was amazing.


In fact I am so struck by the light here at this time of year.

Coming upon another churchyard, we are spoiled for wonderful churches in our area, the light was luminescent.


The light making long shadows and playing with colour and form, like an unseen artist.


As we ascended the climb the sun shone brighter and you could see the sheep in the field. In this bit of the footpath, you are allowed to walk amonst the sheep, as this is farming community. The sheep are let into various fields and today the sign read to keep dog's on a lead as the sheep were in.

There is a lovely local manor house that looked like an English landscape painting.

I know I shall have my Singularity women amongst this backdrop once I can get back to painting.

It is like stepping into a painting this magical ramble amongst the sheep.

I felt like Marry Poppins popping in and out of chalk drawings, only in my case, hopping into the landscapes painted in the early 19th century.

As we continued on, the path meandered and opened onto a quiet country lane.

This amazing little cottage met us like a magical gingerbread affair in a fairy story.


At every turn, since our coming here, we keep needing to pinch ourselves as the things we imagined would be the joyful quaint quirky things we HOPED to find in English village life seem to keep cropping up. As if someone read my wish journal and set about creating this bit of English coutryside.

We turned from this magical cottage and saw chickens and ducks rambling about in open grassy fields. And a sign hearlding Tadpole Tearoom.


Were we in a dream world? And as we apporached the door, this sign made us wonder if indeed we had found Valhalla.

Not only dogs welcome, but muddy boots as well, and my own wellies were sodden with much and mud.

nov17teashopsign.jpg #
After a splendid pot of Lapsong (one of my favourite teas this time of year) and delicious bread and scone for my friends ( I promise I didn't sample a carb at all) we were quite satisfied with our morning's ramble.

And then, to top off an already splendid morning, we entered the farm shop on site and was ecstatic to see this!


We had just been contemplating if they used duck eggs as well as chickens for the tea room, as they raise duck here. And to see these, also well soiled from the nests, for sale made me smile no end.

To know that I can get such great local veg and farm raised and well cared for meat on the end of a wondrous foot path ramble seems a dream, indeed.

Only, don't pinch me as I don't want to wake from this one.

I still have not shown any more of our house as of yet. I have photos, but have just not had the moment to post it. I even planted up our two planters out front today and forgot to take before and after photos. It truly does take me actively reminding myself to document my days, as it is so easy to just slip into them.

My room continues to be more furnished and I'm itching to get back into a proper painting routine, but in due time. I mean it has only been one week since our settling ourselves into our little cottage here in the village.

I hope all of you had a moment to have a good ramble wherever you may live. If not, at least to have dreamed of forests and trees.

Check out my other posts, if you like, and by all means upvote, resteem and yes leave comments!

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved




And to see these, also well soiled from the nests, for sale made me smile no end.

Omg omg omg omg, this made my day so much!! WOW!!!

Ahhhh that is the way...I hate how sterile and fake everything is here. Thank you Donna...I've never seen this before in my life in a store. There's a real egg folks. From an animal that gets to get its feet muddy, and live its life <3 <3 <3

#FuckCages #FuckFactoryFarms

It's a healthy eaters dream over here. Everywhere you turn, even at chain grocery stores and small stores I can find things like Pheasant pate' and grass feed pork.

This looks like an AMAZING day <3 So summery in November! Can't wait to see the photos of the house!

I have posted a few of my room/studio and a bit of the garden, but still need to show more of the house. I'll do it. I love the South of England this time of year, that's why I go here instead of Florida in the Winter, I love moderate temperatures and sun then rainy days :)

What a wonderful walk! Do you capture the photos with your camera or your phone, Donna? It must be quite a chore to bring the camera everywhere if you do, but the photos are definitely worth it :D.

I should be bringing my good camera, but I couldn't be bothered @scrawly, these are just from my phone.

Amazing, you have found a truly wonderful place to live. Please enjoy with all your heart.
On a different note, being an artist aware and (em)bracing for the coming singularity, I found something of interest for you.


They are looking for artists, craftsmen, writers, what-have-you. Read the web page, I've already applied for their alpha. We'll see if they pick up on that.

I found out about Cellarius through an email I subscribed to from Consensys. They are a startup incubator for companies based on the Ethereum ecosystem. Cellarius is one of the companies they are nurturing.

Here is an article from the Consensys blog:

This looks really cool @joe.nobel I'll have to check it out. have you joined? is it a sort 'steemit' community?

Hi Donna,
It's not that I joined. It's that I have applied.

Oh, ok, I will apply then and see if I am 'up to par'? :)

With your Singularity art!!! If they don't accept you, their concept is bankrupt.
I hope we both make it. It sounds soo fun.
There is a personality test in one of the links. See what kind of a future creature you are. Every time I retake it the answer comes out different. I would probably be a transcendus. :)

Looks like you picked the most perfect little village to settle in :)

I am really happy with our village @ryivhnn so full of nice people and good location. And we have two pubs and a tea room! Also, on Thursdays a fish n chip van pulls onto our road! True, it's carbs, but I can get great sausage and the smell is amazing!

Very beautiful place and love the atmosphere, sunrays capture is really awesome. you are really great artist, i always love your artwork. God bless you my friend and happy sunday.

Oh thank you so much @ykdesign It really is a place to feel inspired.

These photos are amazing, Donna <3 You really feel like you're living in magical England !!! I love it~

I truly do. I have always had a sort of fantastical England in my head and whenever I visit, which is as often as I can and hopefully now even more regularly, I always seem to find that mythical 'olde England' still there just happily existing behind the scenes. :)

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