Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/04/18> This might just do it… or not.

in #wakeupamerica6 years ago

For those of you looking for the weekly SBI give away, come back tomorrow… finishing up some business today

Okay, so we are back and you have had a chance to digest what I was serving up in yesterday’s Daily Dose. To understand this fraud that takes place in the real estate transactions we have to go quite a ways back in our history in order to understand how this fraud takes place. Keep in mind that just because the fraud takes place frequently it doesn’t make it any less of a fraud, and as we established yesterday, fraud is a crime.

It started in 1933...

We are 15 years away from the 100th anniversary since this fraud officially originated and it has been quite a feat by the government and the bankers to keep this situation under wraps and out of the view of the mainstream people of the United States.

Lawful money...

The official lawful money of the United States of America is gold and silver coin but in March of 1933 the United States of America went bankrupt and all the gold coins in circulation were called in by the government. The government literally confiscated all the property and gold in the USA to use as collateral and pay down some of the outstanding debt. Since that time we have only had debt, we live in a debt based economy and society and have been since 1933.

The government I O U...

The biggest fraud ever to be pulled has the full backing of the US government and that fraud is that we have “money”. When you reach in your wallet or purse and pull out a piece of government issued paper with some numbers on it we think of those as money. Yesterday you signed a promissory note at the house closing; now take a good look at that piece of paper you pulled out from your wallet or purse and read the top center portion of the thing, Federal Reserve Note.

Promissory note , Federal Reserve Note, … notice any similarity in the name? That’s right they are both “notes” and if you look at that Federal Reserve Note you will also see it has on it says “this note is legal tender for all debts public and private” . The fact is any note is legal tender for debts public or private.

When the government went bankrupt and confiscated everything they became obligated to give us a way to pay for things we needed. The government was to provide us a means to discharge our debts and notes were that means. The only problem was no one ever told the people how to do it, the only real glimpse of how it was to be done came about when people went to purchase property.

Is this smoke and mirrors...

So let’s talk for a minute about just what banks can and can’t do. According to the banking regulations it says that a bank can neither loan their credit or the credit of their depositors so just how in the hell did your bank or financial institution fund your loan? The answer is they didn’t, you funded it with your promissory note, and your home you purchased was paid in full when you signed the note. Your note created the funds for the transaction, the bank only shuffled some paper around to make it look they loaned you something.

Not only did they not tell you this, they got you to sign your deed over to them through a trust set up so that in the event you don’t pay them back, as you believe you are supposed to do, they can take your house and sell it for defaulting on the “loan”.

When you look at those papers at closing or if you have the papers from a past closing get them and look at your copy of the “deed” or “deed of trust” it will say something to the effect of “For the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration“ so and so sells, transfers, or conveys the property or something like that, I am on the road and I don’t have a copy to look at right this moment. The “other valuable consideration” is the promissory note, it is legal tender; however we should really look it as “money” since we look at Federal Reserve Notes as “money.”

Check's in the mail...

A few weeks after your closing you will get photo copies of all the papers you signed at the closing including a copy of the promissory note. Take a good look at the promissory note copy, see anything different about it?

The copy of the note I received that I signed at closing had a little something extra on it, it had an endorsement and it also had the wording, “Pay To the Order of without recourse” and then a blank line for a name to be filled in, this is known as a “blank endorsement”. This was endorsed just like a check because it is essentially that, it is a financial security instrument, just like a check.

Since the note was made out to the mortgage company they endorsed it and then turned around and made it into check that anyone could deposit since the “Pay to the order of” was left blank, they then sent it on to the bank that transferred the funds around.

How about some securities fraud charges...

There is a lot more that goes on with these “notes” like making copies of them and selling them as securities, I am sure you have heard of the mortgage backed securities and how that investment scheme ruined a lot of people and companies. I might also tell you that it is securities fraud if you copy a promissory note or any other financial instrument, yet the copy I received was a full size copy. I think the law says that it can’t be ¾ at the largest and must be labeled as a copy. You can bet your last dime that they are making full size copies and peddling them, you won’t lose that bet.

The bank gets paid at least twice...

They also sent a copy to the US Treasury department so that the government can send them the funds for it, remember I said that with the bankruptcy of 1933 the government was suppose to pay for your needs, well the banks know it and they get the treasury to send them the money as well. So if you do end up paying off your mortgage the bank will have been paid twice on that note, if not more than twice depending on how many times they copied it and sold it.

Read all about it...

That’s a real sweet deal for the banks, no wonder all the biggest and most expensive buildings in most towns are the bank buildings. In case you are wondering, every credit card account is set up the same way; you fund that with your signature as well. If you think I am lying get a copy of the Federal Reserve Bank employee training booklet titled “Modern Money Mechanics” published by the FRB of Chicago. You can find a copy on the internet for sure. It explains how money is created and you can read it for yourself, and learn exactly what double entry book keeping is.

Yea but, ....

I can hear those of you saying, “yea but, this is the way we have done it for so long so you have to be wrong Sultnpapper.” We have done it for way to long and the reason is we have been lied to our entire lives about money, finances and how things were supposed to work. I didn’t bankrupt the country and neither did you, but we are the ones who continue to have to pay for it by having to use debt based financial instruments. How many businesses that have filed for bankruptcy are allowed to continue operating in bankruptcy for over 85 years? Not a damn one and neither should the government be allowed too.

Now you know...

It is hard to hold people accountable if you don’t know what the hell is going on but now you know. The banks and government have conspired to keep us in this never ending debt spiral. Ask your senators and congressman just what the hell is going on, why do we have to continue like this? Fraud is crime, where is a cop when you need one? They need to be at every real estate closing making arrests, as soon as they finish arresting all the people in congress.

#wakeupamerica ...

The biggest fraud in the history of the world is our “money” and for it to continue just shows we need to #wakeupamerica
Until next time,


You've explained this fraud in such a clear and easy to understand way. Most people can't get their minds round it, and I advise them to watch the short animated film Money as Debt. After I watched it, a few years ago, I started thinking about ways that people could start trading using alternative currencies, maybe online... and then I discovered Bitcoin, and the rest is history!

Darling, I could give you a big "KISS " right now. I have seen that film and it is so excellent and easy to understand. I have to up vote this comment to get it to the top of this string so it won't be missed and to encourage everyone to watch that film, even if they think they understand how the system works.
Thank you so much for reminding me of that, it is excellent.
I haven't been up voting comments of recent since my voting is only worth .03 , I have been trying to up vote more posts of others to try and keep people creating new content rewarded, but that film is so IMPORTANT AND MUST WATCH FOR EVERYONE it is to be at the top here.
Thanks so very much.

Thanks! And I agree - that film needs to be seen by as many people as possible. A must-watch indeed!

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And yet, the government and banks are "protected" so we can do nothing. Even electing different officials does not change the laws and regulations that are set in place. 😠

Electing different officials doesn't change things currently because they really aren't aware of the history. Even the good ones who know there is a "problem" and want to help be the force that changes things seldom realize just what the true problems are and how long that they have been taking place.

We have a young war vet running for congress right now who I think will make a good congressman if elected, but in talking to him about our "legal tender" vs. "lawful money" situation he looked dumbfounded, he never knew what we use isn't money and that all "money" is borrowed into existence.

With all borrowed money comes a little thing called "interest" and that money is what causes the biggest problem, it is never created. So that is how a country gets over $20 trillion in debt, and the need to borrow more money to pay the interest on the currently borrowed amounts.

It is a bubble that will certainly burst at some point and the only ones that will stand to gain from it will be the bankers. History repeats itself for a reason, because the people in power know what worked in the past to get their predecessors into power and so they keep referring back to the old play book.
Talking to these folks and getting them to at least explore what has taken place is a starting point, and over time it can make a difference, the only question is can it be done in time to avoid the next great depression.

And here you thought you were going to outrage me. All I can say is 'yep, he's right'.

The criminal that was my grandmother hoarded and saved some gold coins in '33. When she died they were parceled out in order of seniority in the family. I ended up with a $2.50 coin which I chose with a $5.00 coin on the table.

I bought this house for $1.00 and other considerations. I did not inherit this house. I paid the dollar. I allowed my friend Ray to live here until he died. We hand wrote all the documents then I printed them up. Had them signed and notarized and filed. Done. Didn't hurt that the whole transaction was done the week between Christmas and New Years so none of it got much attention.

My brother the banker? He and I have handled every bit of my parents estate with out interference of a lawyer. It's pretty easy to look up what you need on line and do it.

Does he know he's in a shitty industry? Absolutely. It's not the only one around, and it pays him more than average. He's playing for the 'home team', his wife and kids. Nothing more, nothing less.

Speaking of, he just bought a place in Thailand. A relatively considered choice, tax wise and mortgage wise. Notice that I used the 'm' word, which you won't find in the home selling industry. Seems there were some legal issues a few years ago (somebody with enough horsepower sued a big hitter) and so you now get a home loan, not a mortgage. Mortgage presumes a certain value which couldn't be proved, hence he lawsuit.

And the stack of paper? According to my brother all but three of those sheets are what he calls 'compliance issues'. CYA to the max.

The first phrase I learned in German was, no doubt "Gottverdammer Roosevelt". My Grandfather used it often, but the object of the phrase took his gold and silver. He NEVER forgot. And for the record, I don't believe my Grandfather ever once swore in English.

Thanks for this. It's necessary.

To be validated as right by you Bigtom with the words, "yep he's right" I am sure will be the highlight of my day. I must say that I am really surprised that we see eye to eye on this.
I can understand your brother and his having to play for the "home team". My wife's uncle John ran the local family run bank in our area that carried the family name. I learned a lot about the banking industry from him just from talking with him at family gatherings and such. That industry is like several others where when you are on the bottom step of the stairs you really don't know what all the details are of the upper floors, the only way to find out is to climb the stairs, and when you get to the top you finally learn. It is at that point though a person has gotten themselves into a place in life that it is hard to even consider changing professions since the salary is "up there" and the years it took to get there can't be gotten back.
My wife gets really angry with me when we have to go to the bank together to do some banking, I always seem to find myself trying to teach these young banker tellers and customer service people about the difference between a Federal Reserve Note and real money among other things.
I can truly appreciate your Grandfather's disgust for FDR, he NEVER forgot for good reason, he and everyone was literally robbed of what ever wealth they had accumulated. It might also be that he knew the Great Depression wasn't something that just "happened", it was intentionally done by the banksters in order to drive the country to its knees and then capitalize on it.
"Thanks for this. It's necessary." , yes, I totally agree with those words of yours. That is why I have taken the time to point these things out, even if only one person ends up benefiting from it it will have been worth the effort.

You are absolutely correct in what you say, @sultnpapper! We have been lied to for so long most folks take it as fact. My question is: When is this house of cards going to fall?

That's a very good question Cici and being that I am a card player I'd like to tell I have the correct answer, but that would be a lie. I don't know when that is going to happen but I do know for certain it will.

Like I said in my reply to @thekittygirl, history repeats itself and so those in power tend to look at the old play book and then implement it at a time when they see fit. The part about timing is that when I look at where we are and how much that has already been taken away I have to ask myself , "just what more is it that they think they will gain?"

There comes a point that it may not even be worth orchestrating a big collapse because there isn't much value left to steal like they did back during the great depression." Back then there was real value, factories that actually produced goods that were tangible, but now here in the USA most of the factories are long gone and the big companies that sell goods are having them made off shore and bringing them in to sell.

They already have gotten the gold and silver, the land has been confiscated and then essentially leased back to us, as long as we pay the property taxes we can stay on it and use it. Even though we think we own it we don't, if they can take it for taxes, they own it.

So the reality is that they may have figured that out and those currently steering the ship have just decided to let the ship run it's course and see just where it crashes on to the rocks.

It has to crash at some point though, there isn't enough "money" in circulation to pay all that is owed. If I were really young I would look into learning the Chinese language, because that is who is holding a lot of the debt the USA owes. My father told me that the Chinese will own us some day if we kept buying that, "Chinese shit" as he called it, and I think he called it right. He didn't live long enough to see it happen and we may not completely see it either but we sure as hell are close to it.

The house of cards that has been built has used most of the cards in the deck, all that needs to happen now is someone pull a card out from the bottom of the house and it will all fall in on top of itself.

Just not sure who will and when that card will be pulled. If no country or person decides to pull the card, a big gust of wind will probably do the job anyway, that gust of wind being the growing debt the people are accumulating personally.

I think the only thing stopping it right now is that the USA, even though weakened as a financial world power, is still respected or feared as a military power around the world. That is why China hasn't called in all the "notes" they are holding of ours. If it were not for the fact the we haven't shipped off our military industrial businesses and we can still make bomber planes and bombs I think we would have already seen the Chinese call in our notes they are holding.

I can see it happening, perhaps not in my lifetime but I would hazard a guess it may be in my children's lifetime. It is scary to think what the world will look like in another 50 years...

Yes, it would be nice to have a crystal ball and fool proof operating instructions.

Wow! I always learn so much from you, thank you for writing this informative article.. this is the stuff we SHOULD BE LEARNING IN SCHOOL! But then this fraud wouldn't continue and the elite wouldn't have their power of debt that robs us blind.

the reason is we have been lied to our entire lives about money, finances and how things were supposed to work.

Truer words have never been spoken..
We live in a world that is manipulated in everyway possible from childhood on through adulthood and few take the time learn what is really happening.. indoctrination and propaganda rule this world! Information is the only thing that can set us free.. Thank you for being a freedom fighter 😎 Respect

Seeing that you just closed on a house recently did you by chance read the daily dose from Friday? In it I went over the closing process and the fraud that takes place in there, I would be curious to know if anything I mentioned might be what you encountered. And when you get all the copies of your closing papers take a real good look at them if you would, especially a copy of your deed and note if you did get financing on your house. I would be interested to know if your note comes back with an endorsement on it like mine did years ago.

I already have all my copies and you were right, they are full sized.. i haven't taken the time to go thru it and find if it says loan instead of mortgage but i will be taking a better look at it since i have read this article today.. no i havent read ur fridays article but plan on reading that too, but i have had a few drinks tonight and my fiance would make me sleep on the couch if i dont start paying attention to her soon! Lol.. i will tho so if i dont comment on ur fridays post by tomorrow evening remind me again! 😉

Well go make Momma happy and quit screwing around in here when you could be screwing around there at home. Adios,

Excellent post @sultnpapper! I feel like it changes nothing though as they've "set the deck" so to speak against we the people. Like having to agree with those terms of service contracts that, honestly, how many people actually even read?! This brings to mind the talk I heard about a year ago on the supposed TDA accounts that the government has set up with people's social security cards and birth certificates. We can most certainly count on never getting the truth on matters I think on this and other frauds and manipulations. They will always offer up some type of spin or downright lie. Maybe a little off topic but does anyone really feel like an Oath means anything to a lot of these people..I don't!

It is interesting you mention Oaths , I would be willing to wager there is not a one of them in congress or the senate have a valid legal oath of office on file today. I can assure that our president tRump did not take the required oaths of office he is required to take to hold the office of president of the United States of America.
It takes two oaths to become president, I did a post on that a while back when I think it was around the time of the Florida school shootings. He said that he was ordering the flags to half staff since he had the power to do it, when in fact he did not. The flag regulations for the American flag specifically state when and for whom the flag can be lowered and those high school kids didn't make the list.
Oaths mean nothing to these people and they know that the way the signed them they aren't valid or at least they should know.
Glad you enjoyed reading, thanks for the comment and support.

This was as interesting as it was educational. How did I never learn that the gold and silver was confiscated in '33? Executive Order 6102 was one HUGE detail the Columbus (OH) public school system left completely out of the history books. Thanks for this, @sultnpapper.

There is a lot of history that was left out of your education and mine Eric, the history that the people running the country doesn't want people to know.
I spend a lot of evenings reading the old congressional records, well I used to spend a lot, now I spend more time writing and reading here on steemit. I have learned a lot since the internet came about and I could go back and read the congressional records.
That is one reason I came here, to record what I know for the future Papper grand kids.
Now we can't even trust the congressional records since May of 2012, I will touch on that in the 08/07/18 edition of the daily dose, I was in a discussion earlier this evening over there in the poker discord and committed to writing about that , H.R. 5736 if you want to get a jump start on it.
Thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy having you read and comment.

You can say that again. We received a really heavy dose of propaganda in the 70's. So much of our curriculum carried over from the post war 1950's. You are smart for preserving this knowledge on the blockchain. The average person has no clue about any of this, nor (sadly) do many of them care. Apathy is truly the enemy of freedom. Many of us here on this platform prefer to know the truth though.

This is what I found for H.R. 5736 "Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people, its history, and the federal government's policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. (Under current law such authority is restricted to information disseminated abroad, with a limited domestic exception.)"

So I'm guessing they've twisted this so it allows them to edit Congressional records before making them public?

Did you pick up that book Fingerprints of the Gods yet? I'm 14 chapters in and it's getting really, really good.

Thanks again for educating us all with these posts.

That twisting the goes far beyond just the Congressional records but that is a big part of it. I won't elaborate any more right here and now, otherwise I won't have anything to write this evening.
I have a book I am reading right now on common law and when I finish it that will be the next one I pick up. I did see a video where Graham discussed the book and so watching that even strengthen the desire to get the book. So don't tell me anymore about the content, otherwise I may feel like I know everything in it and not read it.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm looking forward to that post!

Now I am smarter about money than I was before I read this article. Very well done!

Thanks Sarge, glad that you stopped by and were able to gain a little something from this daily dose, Very much appreciated that you took the time to read and comment.

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