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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/04/18> This might just do it… or not.

Wow! I always learn so much from you, thank you for writing this informative article.. this is the stuff we SHOULD BE LEARNING IN SCHOOL! But then this fraud wouldn't continue and the elite wouldn't have their power of debt that robs us blind.

the reason is we have been lied to our entire lives about money, finances and how things were supposed to work.

Truer words have never been spoken..
We live in a world that is manipulated in everyway possible from childhood on through adulthood and few take the time learn what is really happening.. indoctrination and propaganda rule this world! Information is the only thing that can set us free.. Thank you for being a freedom fighter 😎 Respect


Seeing that you just closed on a house recently did you by chance read the daily dose from Friday? In it I went over the closing process and the fraud that takes place in there, I would be curious to know if anything I mentioned might be what you encountered. And when you get all the copies of your closing papers take a real good look at them if you would, especially a copy of your deed and note if you did get financing on your house. I would be interested to know if your note comes back with an endorsement on it like mine did years ago.

I already have all my copies and you were right, they are full sized.. i haven't taken the time to go thru it and find if it says loan instead of mortgage but i will be taking a better look at it since i have read this article today.. no i havent read ur fridays article but plan on reading that too, but i have had a few drinks tonight and my fiance would make me sleep on the couch if i dont start paying attention to her soon! Lol.. i will tho so if i dont comment on ur fridays post by tomorrow evening remind me again! 😉

Well go make Momma happy and quit screwing around in here when you could be screwing around there at home. Adios,

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