Vortex Mathematics! What's the Big Secret? Secret of the Universe? You decide!

in #vortexmath2 years ago (edited)

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This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black hole. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system.

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The Rodin Coil redefines the conservation of momentum and energy. It has a perfectly stable voltage output. When a Rodin Coil transformer receives 50 watts input it creates a 250 watts output! It can be stacked and looped for larger power needs and will easily produce 5, 10 or 15 kilowatts output of electrical power to run a business or a home or an entire industrial complex. Completely off-grid with no solar, wind turbine, or batteries required.

The Rodin Coil Over Unity Energy Amplifier turns milliamps into kilowatts. It is cheap to manufacture and costs only pennies when mass produced. It uses entirely off-the-shelf components, requires no special tooling and uses no exotic or proprietary materials.

There are many applications that the Rodin Coil can be utilized for; from antennas, laptops, mobile phones, electric vehicles to even a space power propulsion system. The Rodin Coil Transformer Over Unity Energy Amplifier is a renewable resource because it is self-sustaining, works without being plugged into any power source and runs continuously in isolation. Once turned on there is no need to turn it off!

This is truly portable power that can be taken anwhere from underground to outer space.


In Vortex math
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  • Everything adds up to 9,6 and 3
  • Polarized everything
  • 1,2,4,8,7 and 5 describe the physical world
  • therefore, the 3,6 and 9 are not physical, but they govern the physical world at the quantum level!

Example of this is sound.
It releases frequencies or vibrations.

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All living things are vibrational.
This means it is a control, the standard upon which all creation is based.

Does the vortex math diagram look similar to this symbol?

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Is it numbers and symbols that are bad or is it who is using those numbers or symbols to their advantage?
Who is behind it?
What is their intent?
Are they pure of heart?

Secret societies are privy of these mathematics, so do they attempt to use it to govern the world?
You decide!

In this mathematical decryption of the universe, we see all the numbers around the circle.

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If you add those numbers back together it reveals an underlying pattern, or infinite series underneath any bigger number than you can find.

Just like in nature.
Nature has a pattern.

This is a way you can create all the patterns and model a higher dimensional energy.

In the model when going clockwise around the circle, if you draw a straight line down to next number in the sequence you have 2.
This is referred to as doubling.

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Just look at how beautiful this pattern is!*

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No matter how many times you go around, there is no possible way to break this infinite sequence

It always goes back to the start and it has no end!

All of the numbers are equally important, but the 9 is the Queen or the King of the system.

It is the control of everything else.
What happens when you double the 9?

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How about halving or dividing by 2?

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No matter how much you double or divide it, the 9 is Never Changing!
The 9 forms an axis and polarizes all of the numbers.

In this system we're able to give polarity!

Note what happens to 3 and 6.
Note how they oscillate back and forth.

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No matter how you do it, double them or divide them. . .
3 and 6 will oscillate back and forth!

Think about it.
What is oscillation?

Just think about it for a moment.
None of the other numbers can do this,
only 3 and 6.

Just like magnetic fields!

This is KEY because this is how vibration and motion occur.

Energy always MOVES and cannot be destroyed!

9 cannot be destroyed because it is the answer or source of all motion and vibration!

The Golden Ratio
Fibonacci Sequence

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Scroll down to bottom 1/3 in this article to see more on this sequence, ratio and Vortex Maths,

These number patterns, special sequence and ratio all point towards the fact there is a Creator and we could be living in a simulation.

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Are we?
Do you create your own reality?
You decide!

John 1:12
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”

Thank you Great Warrior Paula Lipsey

Check it out in the link.

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What is Outside of us is also Inside of us?

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Scientists for some time have been using mathematics to describe the physical properties of the universe.

What IF the universe itself IS man?
You decide!

This is what Max Tegmark believes.

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Max Tegmark Tegmark is a Professor of Physics at MIT. His research has ranged from cosmology to the physics of cognitive systems, and is currently focused at the interface between physics, AI and neuroscience.


After four years of west coast living, Tegmark returned to Europe and accepted an appointment as a research associate with the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik in Munich. In 1996 he headed back to the U.S. as a Hubble Fellow and member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

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Dr. Tegmark believes that everything in the universe including humans is part of a mathematical structure.

All matter is made up of particles which have properties such as charge and spin.

Tegmark believes these properties to be purely mathematical.
Space itself also has properties such as dimensions, but it too is ultimately a mathematical structure.

Is it?
You decide!

Remember how 3,6 and 9 are the highest energy that govern the universe?

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9 remains the same whether doubled or divided in half
3 and 6 oscillate whether doubled or halved.

Thus creating a mathematical pattern that keeps the world in order.

If you don't think God is a God of Numbers. . .then why did He name a book of His Word after them?

Never, EVER forget, He IS the word per John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Now where can you see these numbers in your own reality and existence?


The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.
Also known as a Temporal Frequency which emphasizes the contrast to

Spatial Frequency and
Angular Frequency

Did you know that the powerful frequencies that raise your vibration are
432 Hz and
528 Hz


432 Hz

  • reduces anxiety
  • lowers blood pressure and heart rate
  • encourages synchronicity between both hemispheres of the brain

which increases creativity, insight and intuition

528 Hz the DNA Repair Frequency

  • the biofrequency of health and longevity
  • the harmonic vibration that lifts the heart
  • this frequency is the miracle note of the Solfeggio Musical Scale

Both 432 Hz and 528 Hz are fundamental to sacred geometry.



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d'Arrezio introduced the musical scale known as the Solfeggio Frequencies

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All numbers from these frequencies reduce back or encode 3,6 or 9.

The ancient Solfeggio Scale is known as Just Intonation!

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Do you know what Earth's Heartbeat is?

What is the Schumann Resonance?
If you said 7.83 Hz you would be correct!

Now let's break that down!
7+8 is 15+3 is 18
1+8 is 9
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Or 1+5 is 6
6+3 is 9 again
Never changing?

Let's look at the angle or degree.

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Now let's cut it in half or divide by 2
Do you still get a 9?
Part of the divine?

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How about a quarter or divide by 4?

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Isn't it Beautiful?

Now let's cut those quarters in half or divide by 8.
What happens?
Still a 9?

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Let's divide further.

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Guess what happens no matter how much you divide it?
That's right. . .Always 9.

Do you understand the Magnificence?
The Omnipotence?
The Magnitude?

Where else can you see this in your realm/universe?
Think about video quality, resolution and pixels.

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You decide!

Now let's look at time!

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How about The Journey?
Your existence?

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How many times do we breath in a day?

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Hebrew has no vowels.

Who created them?
Let there be LIGHT?

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One should remember, Free Masonry did not start out evil.
Who infiltrates virtually All Sectors of Society?

You know who!
Genesis 3:1
“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

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In Free Masonry, they use geometry to put powerful symbolism into their structures.

The triangle signifies the start of creation.
The degree of two extremes.

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The polarity and the balance.

Geometry is a tool for finding the perfect balance.

A pentagram symbol can be seen overhead of Washington D.C. and it's southern point or tip points to the White House.

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You decide!

Did you know the pentagram may be the oldest graphic on planet earth discovered in ancient Babylon?

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For millennia it was connected to Light, to Creation.

Connections to divine geometry.

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If you look closer at the streets in D.C. the pentagram represents a powerful pattern of unseen Universal Force. . .the Metatron's Cube.

If you were to connect all of the tip points from the pentagram pattern in D.C. it would reveal this pattern.

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  • One corner of the outer hexagon of Metatron's cube is marked by the Capitol building.
    Southeast corner.

  • The red outer corner opposite to the capitol is Georgetown.
    Northwest corner.

  • The triangle in the map that is equilateral in the cube
    has 52 degree base angles.
    Just like the Great Pyramid and the latitude of Stonehenge.

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Metatron's Cube is mentioned in the Hebrew Merkabah Book of Enoch

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Metatron's Cube

  • a two dimensional geometric figure
  • created from 13 equal circles
  • 6 circles or placed in a hexagonal pattern around a central circle
  • with 6 more circles extending out along the same radial lines

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Metatron's Cube is also. . .

  • considered one of the most sacred of the ancient geometrical symbols
  • it encodes the Platonic solids

Platonic solids are a finite set of only five, three-dimensional shapes.

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Tetrahedron has four triangular faces
Cube has six square faces
Octahedron has eight triangular faces
Dodecahedron has 12 pentagonal faces
Icosahedron has 20 triangular faces
No other shapes can be created by repeating only a two-dimensional regular polygon. Notice that three of the five solids depend on the simplicity and beauty of the equilateral triangle. Also, notice that the number of faces of all the Platonic solids is even.

Another exciting feature of Platonic solids: their faces meet so that either three, four, or five faces join at vertices to form corners:

Tetrahedron has four vertices with three triangular faces meeting
Cube has eight vertices with three square faces meeting
Octahedron has six vertices with four triangular faces meeting
Dodecahedron has 20 vertices with three pentagonal faces meeting
Icosahedron has 12 vertices with five triangular faces meeting

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Metatron's Cube is directly related to the Holy 108 of Phi.

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I always starts with the dot connecting
the two dots it becomes a triangle the
underlying pattern is spiral or
spiritual in nature the Fibonacci sequence or the vortex .

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The pattern you see a lot in nature!

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9,6,3 are the most powerful numbers because they are the most powerful energy because they are the source or the answer of all motion of all vibration.

Have you noticed a lot of corporations at the top use these numbers hidden within their logos?

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So how does CNN qualify?

What is behind 13?

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**Remember when Pythagorus said, "All is number?"

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Are numbers everywhere?
You decide!

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Are 9,6 and 13 important to secret societies and those who control?
In other words, the numbers are not the sorcery, it is who is behind them and how they attempt to use them for their own spells to control others.

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Remember for polarity, 9 and 6 are in the same state, but different for degree.

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Why 9 is important

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What about 13?
It represents Metatron's cube

It starts Fruit of Life shape

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And connects all 13 symbols with straight lines

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Metatron's Cube includes all 5 Platonic Solids hidden inside.

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Symbolizing the underlying geometric patterns found throughout our universe.
It is balanced and provides a focal point.
A 3 dimensional cube.
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It represents the flow of energy connecting the earth and the divine!
It's in Washington D.C.
You can see where the White House was placed to the center of the 12 circles.

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The formation that happens to us [to our unseen energy] when we are in perfect balance.

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#VortexMath, #SecretsOfTheUniverse, #FibonacciSequence, #GoldenRatio, #NikolaTesla, #Tesla, #QuantumPhysics










Quantum Computing and the reality of the metaphysical world. Do you think the scientists in this realm will ever catch up to the Physics and Science God created? Cubits and Qubits all that quarks!


People mock and people get spitting mad when Elon Musk states "with AI we are summoning the demon. You know those stories where it's the guy with the pentagram and holy water? How it Doesn't work out in our favor. Nanotech. . . what Physicists found!



The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity



Don't be a Wuss! Have you looked at the Definition? When did God Ever Operate from a place of weakness? Try NEVER! To them gave He Power. God's smackdown to Moses. ..we better take heed! Suit Up Warriors!


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Operation Highjump, the Postal Service, Admiral Richard Byrd, Marie Byrd Land, Mount Hermon, Hitler, Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, Operation Paperclip, Operation Overcast, the Book of Enoch and Physics . What do they all have in common? You decide!


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Uncle John Trump who was friends with Tesla history inside of here,

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Why do they not want you to see this? Family Jewels much? Oh what a tangled web they weave! We see where their Joules are going. . .how are you storing up your Joules? Energy is just stores as another form. Where are you putting yours?



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The Forgotten Secrets of the New Yorker Hotel, Nikola Tesla's rooms 3327 and purported lab 3328. The tunnel, vault and power plant underneath that could have powered a small city!






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Changing to channel that is non censoring as YT gatekeepers removed entire channel for having verified information against the infiltrators/infiltraitors.

I have been an archiver for years in preparation of the censorship.
First archiving channel at


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