Edward Leedskalnin the Coral Castle he built for his "Sweet Sixteen" and his Double Helical Magnetic Interaction with his Perpetual Motion Holder. His work in Latvia and the 9 ton Gate mystery!

in #coralcastle4 years ago (edited)

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  • See interesting info pertaining to Leedskalnin concerning

Edward Leedskalnin bases his unified field theory on detailed observations he made from direct experimentation with magnetism and electricity.
Leedskalnin identifies a unipolar magnetic particle, the individual North and South pole magnet, as the prime subatomic carrier of energy, and sets out to disprove the theory of the electron along with what he considers, the weak foundations of modern atomic theory.
He provides evidence for his more sound base of understanding by demonstrating the results of over fifty experiments. He insists the implications will impact all branches of science because they all lack a sound base.

Leedskalnin presents his findings in pamphlets and markets them in newspaper advertisements during the 1940's and 1950's, prefacing his Great Work with a warning to potential customers — Don't bother buying the writings if you don't plan on doing the experiments.

All found in Leedskalnin.com

Leedskalnin does not describe the actual structure of the individual North and South pole magnet, but does show the structure of electricity using a fail safe technique comparable to how the double-helical structure of DNA was discovered.

In 1951 Rosalind Franklin discovered the structure of DNA using a technique called x-ray crystallography or x-ray diffraction. Crystallographers shoot x-rays at matter and they diffract onto a detector. Based on the diffraction pattern, a 3-D model of complex crystalline structures can be calculated. It is an effective technique still used today. Leedskalnin uses a similar technique demonstrated in the experiment below to evaluate the structure of electricity.

The structure of DNA was elucidated in 1953, but it was actually discovered in 1868 in a small laboratory in Germany by a Swiss scientist named Friedrich Miescher.

Who was Leedskalnin?

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Beautiful map of the Governorate of Livonia of the Russian Empire (1820)

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From Britannica,

Livonia, German Livland, lands on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, north of Lithuania; the name was originally applied by Germans in the 12th century to the area inhabited by the Livs, a Finno-Ugric people whose settlements centred on the mouths of the Western Dvina and Gauja rivers, but eventually it was used to refer to nearly all of modern Latvia and Estonia.

From Lituanus dot org,

Ivan IV's attack on Livonia in early 1558 caught the Lithuanian leaders unprepared for war, and therefore they did not enter into the conflict until 1559, after the Russians had overrun much of Livonia and seemed likely to outflank the Lithuanian defenses in the north.

As per Lumen Learning,

Russia took Livonia, a territory that had been historically contested by Sweden, Russian, and Poland-Lithuania, and the Commonwealth no longer shared a border with Sweden. In real terms, Poland, besides Sweden, was the main victim of the war. . .

Thus wikipedia describes him in this manner,
Edward Leedskalnin (Latvian: Edvards Liedskalniņš) (January 12, 1887 – December 7, 1951) was a Russian Empire emigrant to the United States and self-taught engineer who single-handedly built the Coral Castle in Florida, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984. Leedskalnin was also known for developing theories of magnetism.

Notice his Latvian name backwards is snin laks deil sdarvde. . .sounds like starved, which is interesting because he Did starve himself to death.

Leedskalnin was an eccentric and lived on an exclusive diet of only crackers and sardines. In his later years, he starved himself.

Little is known of his childhood, aside from the fact that his parents were not wealthy and he received only a fourth-grade formal education. Edward was a sickly boy who often spent time reading books, helping him to develop an inquisitive mind and life-long yearning for knowledge. It was suggested that he learned stonemasonry from his father and practiced this craft in Latvia after coming of age.

At the age of 26 he was engaged to marry Agnes Skuvst who was ten years younger. However, the girl who Leedskalnin later referred to as his "Sweet Sixteen" broke their engagement. He then decided to emigrate to North America.

  • arrived in New York City 1912 looked for work
  • relocated to the Pacific Northwest, which was experiencing a logging boom.
  • June 5, 1917 while in Oregon he filled in his draft registration stating that he was self-employed and engaged in ax-handle manufacturing.
  • The 1920 census data reveal that he resided in Reedsport, Oregon.
  • In the winter of 1922–1923, after allegedly contracting tuberculosis, Leedskalnin moved to the warmer climate of Florida, where he purchased an undeveloped parcel of land in Florida City, which at the time was lightly inhabited.
  • On February 27, 1923 The Homestead Enterprise newspaper published a notice that "E. Leedskalnin a Californian has purchased an acre of the R. L. Moser homestead and is planning to erect a home soon.

Over the next 20 years, Leedskalnin constructed a massive structure that he called "Rock Gate" and dedicated, in his own words, to the girl who had left him years before. Working alone and mostly at night, Leedskalnin eventually quarried and sculpted more than 1,100 short tons (997,903 kg) of oolite limestone into architectural and engineering landmark that would later be known as the Coral Castle.

Oolite Limestone
Ooids are most commonly composed of calcium carbonate (calcite or aragonite), but can be composed of phosphate, clays, chert, dolomite or iron minerals, including hematite. Dolomitic and chert ooids are most likely the result of the replacement of the original texture in limestone.

According to CSM Geo from James Madison University,

A pure oolitic limestone with spar cement. The oolites are white, rounded, and concentrically layered, in the sand sized range. In some of the broken oolites we can see the seed in the middle which began the oolite, and the concentric layers by which the oolite was built.

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Which is interesting considering Leedskalnin apprenticed under his father in Latvia which is bordered by Estonia.

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By Epic Stone Works in an article titled,

However they are not the same.
Oolite stone is generally a “cap rock” material. This means it is found close to the surface of the ground, and can run as deep as 30 feet. Beyond these depths we find a compact limestone called Hemingway stone. Both stones are generally off white in appearance, but we have found the deposit to contain orange and golden colors as well.

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The powerful digital camera on the Smartphone can pick up fine details such as the small, bubble-like appearance of the surface of the limestone. These are the remnants of the ooliths (sometimes also called ooids) that make up the rock. Grains of sand or fragments of seashell are rolled around the sea floor and as they do, they collect calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Concentric layers are formed and these give the rock its characteristic “egg stone” appearance, as the surface of the rock looks like fish roe (fish eggs). Hence the term oolitic limestone.

Oolitic limestones are popular building materials, for example Cotswold limestone (oolitic limestone), as they are hard, resist erosion and come in a variety of hues and colours. As they have an even structure they can be cut or sculpted in any direction. Take a look at some of the older, stone buildings in your town. If you live in the UK, chances are that some of these building stones are oolitic limestone and if you have a powerful camera you can record surface details yourself and record the ooids.

Back to Leedskalnin
Find info of
9 Ton Gate - Megalithic Miracle at Coral Castle, Florida

Where the presenter speaks of Leedskalnin using what he had at his disposal like car parts, modifying them and using them to create and engineer the structures seen at Coral Castle.

From Roadside America,

Coral Castle doesn't look much like a castle, but that hasn't discouraged generations of tourists from wanting to see it. That's because it was built by one man, Ed Leedskalnin, a Latvian immigrant who single-handedly and mysteriously excavated, carved, and erected over 2.2 million pounds of coral rock to build this place, even though he stood only five feet tall and weighed a mere 100 pounds.

Admission 10 cents.
Ed built his castle to impress Agnes Scuffs, a 16-year-old who had jilted him on the day before their wedding. Various explanations are given for her cold feet: Ed was too poor, too uneducated, too old. Maybe he was just too crazy. After all, Ed was a man who spent 20 years building an open-air compound stocked with lumpy rock tables, chairs, and beds, with no electricity or running water, and expected that Agnes would fall in love with it and with him.

Ed was as secretive as he was misguided. He never told anyone how he carved and set into place the walls, gates, monoliths, and moon crescents that make up much of his Castle. Some of these blocks weigh as much as 30 tons. Ed often worked at night, by lantern light, so that no one could see him. He used only tools that he fashioned himself from wrecks in an auto junkyard.

Ed died in 1951 and the Castle opened as a tourist attraction in 1953. It has survived countless storms without a scratch -- a testament to Ed's handiwork -- although the sign that advertises the place was blown to pieces by hurricane Wilma in 2005.

A problem that we sometimes find with attractions built by people like Ed is that the person dies, and no one is left to explain the hows and whys of the place. Coral Castle has enough history to stand on its own without Ed -- butit's also fortunate to have a tour guide by the name of Ray Ramirez, who is here to take up the slack. "I've been researching him for years," Ray tells us. Ray's favorite word is "incredible," and he's not afraid to use it.

"What is in your pamphlet is the romantic presentation," Ray says as the tour begins, his voice edged with disdain. "Let me show you some things here that are incredible."

Ray wiggles the 3-Ton Gate at the entrance, marks off a few paces, draws a spot on the earth with his toe, and tells one of us to stand on that exact spot. "Offer resistance against me," he commands, as he pushes down on our outstretched arm. We hold firm. Ray then hops back to the Gate, shifts it slightly, and comes back to push down again. This time our arm collapses. Ray calls this "a kinesiology effect" and tells us that whenever the flat side of the Gate with the little notch in it points at someone, "you become much stronger" because "energy is compatible with limestone, because limestone's got a lot of calcium carbonate." Like your bones.

Ray also believes that Ed's remarkable abilities had something to do with lines, angles, and alignments, which Ray can see everywhere within the Castle compound, and which he points out at every available opportunity.

Electromagnetism plays a role as well. Did Ed magnetize the rocks and float them into place? Ray scowls at our silly question. Of course not. Ed simply made the rocks lighter, and that made them easier to move.

Ray talks about Ed's "perpetual motion holder" and insists that the Coral Castle's sundial proves that "the books on astronomy are wrong."

Ed's greatest achievement at Coral Castle was the 9-Ton Gate, a mighty slab of coral rock set on its side that could pivot in a circle with the push of only one finger. When we visited the Castle in 1985, we were told that the 9-Ton Gate had been working until six months before we arrived, when it had finally fallen off of its bearing and was stuck. Twenty-five years later, Ray tells us the exact same story. But Ray insists that the gate had been fixed in 1986 -- and while it took Ed only five days, working alone, to set it in place, Ray says that it took "a 20 ton crane, crane operator, engineer, and a crew of five, two weeks" to repair it. Ray repeats this line every time that a new member joins our group, and so we believe him.
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More of Leedskalnin's findings on magnetism and energy
Magnetism working like dna or running as Double Helical Magnetic Interaction
Leedskalnin explains that the diffraction pattern demonstrated in the wire experiment proves that electricity is composed of two equal and opposite magnetic forces that interact integrally — screwing forward against each other from opposite directions. Today, we would recognize his description as a double helix:

Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Really it is not one current they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and the other is composed of South Pole magnets in concentrated streams, and they are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screw like fashion, and with high speed. One current alone if it be North Pole magnet current or South Pole magnet current it cannot run alone. To run one current will have to run against the other.” (Magnetic Current)

The same wire experiment that reveals the double helix produces the same results when performed using the Perpetual Motion Holder (PMH). Leedskalnin makes it a point to say that the same magnets that are running in the wire and in the coil are running in same way in the PMH, meaning the induced currents in the PMH also run in double helical opposition.

The Perpetual Motion Holder
On the left side we have your typical On/Off electromagnet. Turn on the switch and it becomes a magnet. Turn off the switch and it stops being a magnet. Nothing new to see here.

On the right we have the, mostly unknown, PMH which is very special in what it does. To activate it, you only need to tap the switch on and off quickly. When you place the keeper-bar (bar at the bottom of the device) on the device and tap the switch, the device will become powerfully magnetized and will remain magnetized as long as the keeper-bar is in place. It will remain magnetized indefinitely as some people have left theirs charged for several years and they still discharge their energy.

Electromagnet on left, Perpetual Motion Holder on right
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See, what happens when you pull the keeper-bar off quickly, will cause all the magnetic energy stored in the horseshoe to discharge out the coils as electrical energy out the terminals that were connected to the battery.

If you want to construct your own, I have included instructions to build the best example of this. Use as pure Iron as possible for the core. Because Iron is the only element that is able to liberate a magnetic field completely when the power supply is turned off. All other elements will retain a magnetic field to some degree. This is known as a magnetization curve.

The spools are made of aluminium because magnetic fields interact very differently with these metals. The wire used in this example is of 14-gauge copper-magnet wire and both have equal winding of 1600 winds. They are set-up so that the left-coil is North on top and the right-coil is South on top. The end of each coil is connected to the beginning of the other to form a continuous loop. A terminal is connected to each coil. Now you have a powerful PMH.

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To demonstrate the principle, you can use two identical pieces of iron with a groove cut down the center of each. The faces need to be very smooth so as much surface area as possible is touching when the two halves are together. Place a 14-gauge insulated wire in the grove, put the two halves together with the wire in the center between the two pieces. Place one end of the wire on a battery terminal. Then quickly tap the other end of the wire on the other terminal of the battery and remove the wire from the metal.

The two pieces of metal will now be strongly magnetized together even though there is NO external power source. You can separate the two halves to release the magnetic field; after which the two halves will no longer be magnetized.

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You need to use a battery with high-amps like a car battery with 600-700 amps to charge a large PMH like this. If you are not familiar with high-amp power supplies DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH THIS. A car battery can explode, sending battery acid everywhere; if you spark it and there are gases present, they will ignite.

Note: To get the best performance it is better to heat and bend a bar into shape rather than cutting it out of plate. It has to do with the internal structure of the metal. When it’s done, you want to heat-treat the entire piece by getting the entire piece to as close to white-hot as possible before allowing it to air-cool back to ambient temperature. This will help liberate carbon in the iron. You can do this several times if you want.

It should glow white when its temperature is in the range of 1,500 to 11,000 K.

This scale confirms to the following characteristics: (1) the unit of measurement equal to the Celsius degree; (2) absolute zero is 0 K, where K stands for "Kelvin"; (3) 0 K is equal to -273.15 degree Celsius; (4) the boiling point of water is at 373.15 K

See a steel nail heated in link below.
Note temperature and how hot it is at the tip of the inner blue flame.
When copper balls the flame is green after being placed into this inner blue flame.

When copper is heated up (for example, by being in a hot fire) it can absorb energy in a process called "atomic excitation." The electrons in the copper atoms move to new positions.

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Heating a nail white hot (NCPQ)

Heating a steel knife with an oxy-acetylene torch

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Back to the Perpetual Motion Holder
Persistent Current
The Perpetual Motion Holder is a completed circuit that allows the individual magnets to polarize (move in opposite directions) into two individual currents. They orbit the PMH in opposition to each other indefinitely — not going around one another, but screwing through one another. This demonstrates how all permanent magnets are made, we learn. Leedskalnin says that If you put one kind of magnet in front of the other in an orbit they will never stop, and that if you guide them in the right channels they possess perpetual power. We can demonstrate this quite easily with a double helical model of electricity, but modern theory provides no explanation for how or why the PMH works.

Natural Alternating Current
If two magnets or two magnetic currents are running against each other, both spiraling from opposite directions with a right hand twist in a double helical fashion as described, they will switch direction (polarity) so they can continue to screw forward against each other using the same right hand rotation (see animation below for clarification). This illustrates why magnetic currents in nature are alternating as Leedskalnin tells us. This also demonstrates the unipolar mechanics of the individual magnet and magnetic currents.

Example here.
Does it remind you of dna?
Leedskalnin's Magnetic Current: Direct Current (DC)

Man Made Alternating Current (AC)
The PMH cannot be charged with AC because the magnets are not able to set themselves up in opposition.long enough for any bonding to occur. (a continuous state of attraction). In fact, shift in polarity is the most efficient way to discharge the PMH. We can, however, use the PMH to transform DC into natural AC. Leedskalnin's demonstrates how a transformer works by only charging one of the PMH's two coils. The output of the opposite coil is AC (please test this yourself). In the paragraph below Leedskalnin teaches us how AC is made by man:

Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Really it is not one current they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and the other is composed of South Pole magnets in concentrated streams, and they are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screw like fashion, and with high speed. One current alone if it be North Pole magnet current or South Pole magnet current it cannot run alone. To run one current will have to run against the other.” (Magnetic Current)
The same wire experiment that reveals the double helix produces the same results when performed using the Perpetual Motion Holder (PMH). Leedskalnin makes it a point to say that the same magnets that are running in the wire and in the coil are running in same way in the PMH, meaning the induced currents in the PMH also run in double helical opposition.
This is the way the North and South Pole individual magnets are running out of the coil's wire lengthwise. The reason the North and South pole individual magnets do not run across through the coils' wire as fast as they run in while in the coil is between the U shape magnet, the coil's wire is insulated, there is an air space around every wire and as it is known that the dry air is the best obstruction for the magnets to go through and as you know the coil is well insulated so the damp air does not get in. It is well known that it is many times easier for the magnets to run in metal than in air, now you see when the magnets run in the wire they hesitate to run out of the wire across the same way as they came in, so more of the new magnets are coming in the crosswise, then they can get out crosswise, so they get pushed out through the wire lengthwise. Now you know how the alternating magnetic currents are made.

Reselling Rewind: The Man Who Built a Coral Castle! Edward Leedskalnin

It is interesting when I look at his name. . .Leedskalnin
Have you looked at it backwards?
I see Nin laks deel or Nin lacks deal for modern day,

when you do a search it come us like this

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Interesting songs for Nine Inch Nails,

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Reznor chose the name "Nine Inch Nails" because it "abbreviated easily" rather than for "any literal meaning". Other rumored explanations have circulated, alleging that Reznor chose to reference Jesus' crucifixion with nine-inch spikes or Freddy Krueger's nine-inch fingernails. The English letters NIN are also noted for their resemblance to the modern Hebrew characters of the Tetragrammaton.

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Speaking of the Tate murders, if you haven't checked out this article from Robbie Walters of the Daily Eagle on Hive, it is a Must Read. Many connections you don't want to miss and a Lot of Bases covered!


Whoa. . .it sure looks like they give a Great Deal away here on her the predators actually operate!

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Oh Where have we heard THIS before?
Anyone still listening in 2021?

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Many of Nine Inch Nails associations and song titles clearly show a darker side and glorifying of it.

What I want to know, is why in a video featuring debasing with a blatant satanism slant and sadomasochism theme is there a photo of a child?
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Note the horned god head used in satanic rituals and themes also taken from the song and video Closer,

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And when it's talking about it making him get closer to god. ..clearly the sick, perverted god of this world whom Our God gave satan dominion over, but people could choose Not to feed into his sickness. It IS a choice. As he is shown levitating here, which is also a blatant satanic ritual.
No matter how you cut it, the image of the child Does Not belong!

Note how the chair is blank at first, then the child appears.
Why do you suppose that is and what purpose would it have in a video that is saying Over and Over I want to f*&^ like an animal? And WHY did Today feature it with their "parenting" story along with the video that had these images in it without One Word of outrage that a child was in this video, image or otherwise?

Very curious when MSM has a Great Deal of hate to spew out about other topics that don't come close to the satanic ritual abuse of children.

Once again from Nine Inch Nails video Closer,

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Don't forget the monkey on a cross.
If believers or what the world constructed to call them "christians" were to be blasphemous about someone else's believes. ..well you Already Know what happens!

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Very disturbing the child is shown again spinning slowly in the chair in a video that also features nudity, suggestive debased photos and the lyrics of what the video is about pumped out over and over.

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Child is actually shown several times,

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Organs also shown throughout, but also on a chair, child on a chair. ..so pretty creepy since we know one of their other ritual components documented in case studies and the case file of not just ritualistic abuse evidence from adults, but also of children where when they tell their stories across the world. ..they all match up with the very same abusive, sick rituals that the other side denies in the face of evidence is going on.

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Also interesting how at the end, he is playing an instrument in the air.
Who had a role in music in heaven as God's most beautiful angel?
Who is the Prince and Power of the air?
Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”

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Now notice some similarities in Robin Thick's song Blurred Lines in which Miley Cyrus after being used by Disney as a way to rope in fans with a clean image as a child star, was suddenly sexualized once she reached young adulthood. Why do you suppose that is?

Did her fans follow her as even mom and dad condoned the clean image and family shows she was in as a child? Part of their childhood, so attached?
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Clearly None of this content is for little eyes or ears so please be aware and cautious.
Miley Cyrus VMA 2013 with Robin Thicke SHOCKED

We all know from scouring pedo accounts on various platforms and back boards there is a pedo theme with animal costumes including bears, furries, etc. that are used.

Find more in sources below.



















Kerry Livgren of Kansas and how he found out Who Jesus really is!
A debate with Jeff Pollard of Louisiana's Le Roux

  • In early 1979, Livgren became interested in The Urantia Book
  • A series of papers that claim to be a revelation authored by supernatural beings. Its influence can be felt in the lyrics of Kansas' 1979 album Monolith.
  • Livgren subsequently rejected Urantia doctrine, and while on tour with the band in support of Monolith, he converted to Christianity.
  • This was a result of a series of debates in the back of the tour bus with Jeff Pollard of Louisiana's Le Roux, the opening act for Kansas during the tour.
  • The discussions between Livgren and Pollard concerned whether the Bible or the Urantia Book was the accurate record of the life of Jesus Christ.
  • Because of the debates, Livgren became convinced that the Bible was the genuine record of Christ and that he had been mistaken in following the teachings of the Urantia Book.
  • After a private hotel room conversion experience, he became an evangelical Christian.
  • In 1980, Livgren released his first solo album, Seeds of Change. The album features several members of Kansas, along with Ambrosia singer David Pack and noted heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio, who sang on the tracks "To Live for the King" and "Mask of the Great Deceiver."

Carry on by Neoni


The song is called Smells Like Children by #MarilynManson

Why is it okay to put a song like this out there and have people either justify it or turn the other way?

Are there Other Agendas used as distractions to keep people focused on that over the most vulnerable in our population. . .children?

Is it not interesting how they [the followers of such "artists" and justifiers] call it "art?"

What is WRONG with these people?

Does it remind you of what went down at the Moca Gala 2011?

If not familiar go here,

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Note that this was put out by a Swedish Scientist so those who want to throw the three letter agency's coined phrase "conspiracy theorist" around. . . just WHAT is the conspiracy and maybe Check your understanding of Theory before you continue to haphazardly throw phrasing out there that supports and elitist, globalist agenda and not one for the well being of humanity!

The above article can be found here and is complete with Full Sources including MSM.

Cannibalism being heralded as a solution to Climate Change by the same elites who Won't give up their private jets, but hey average people can help them out by eating each other in their goal of Population Control!


Reznor and Marilyn Manson have worked together before.
Marilyn Manson originally called Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids.

One of the co-founders named, Daisy Berkowitz was the guitarist for the band until 1996. After leaving Marilyn Manson, Putesky was involved in a number of other projects such as Three ton Gate. I find this interesting considering Leedskalkin's 9 ton gate.

Berkowitz [Putesky] was also involved in The Linda Blairs, Jack Off Jill, Stuck on Evil (previously called Rednecks on Drugs), Kill Miss Pretty, and The Daisy Kids.


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!PAUS3, or THEE PAUSE, (born July 27, 1981) is an international platinum selling musician and artist, who began his career in his early teens in the former Soviet Bloc nations of Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.

In March 2013, THEE PAUSE joined forces with Scott Putesky, former lead guitarist and co-founder of the band Marilyn Manson, to form "The Daisy Kids". The Daisy Kids was an American hard rock group consisting of former Marilyn Manson guitarist Daisy Berkowitz and producer, multi-instrumentalist and bass player THEE PAUSE. Guest vocals on the Mr Conrad Samsung EP were provided by Justin Symbol of Nursing Home fame.

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With legal issues resolved, November 20, 2015, saw the release of the Mr Conrad Samsung EP, which had been delayed since 2013 and is the final released recording featuring guitarist and vocalist Scott Putesky prior to his passing in 2017.

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