How many resets have there been in History? What doesn’t add up? Ghost Cities in China where are the people? Destruction depicted on Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Alchemy and cathedrals are foundations living entities?

in #alchemy3 years ago (edited)

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So one of my longest titles Ever to a FB Frames. Can't be helped...the connections are Literally All Over the MAP!
See entire frames with photos and links here,

Here goes! This frames launched from a vid link shared by Tom Tran that is linked and filled with Tells we have all been studying for a few years now and reminded me of a Significant Cathedral in New York.

Facebook Frames Another look at the Great Reset. The
What doesn’t add up in Historical Resets?
What is up with those Ghost Cities in China built where no one lives? How about the Alchemy involved in the Mystery of the Cathedrals? What happens with Mercury and Sulfure when a certain medium is provided? How did they know about the destruction of the twin towers depicted on the architecture of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan which is n unfinished building, with only two-thirds of the proposed building completed. Is That not Wild considering it began in 1892?

The cathedral close includes numerous buildings: the Leake & Watts Orphan Asylum Building.
Now consider. . .

Nations post reset are kept primitive many times after mass destruction.
A lot of work is done.
False wars are waged

Much destruction of the old world takes places.
Once the restructure has been organized and suits their new false narrative, the country is opened up under this new pretense.

Initially this power structure dominates the industry.
All sectors run by this controlling hand and most everything is simply inherited, all the wealth and infrastructure repurposed and sold to the people.
Now a corrupt government takes over taxing the people to death furthering their agenda.

Now this controlling hand goes to work on other nations.
It possibly keeps these nations in a communist, political state of government until they’ve repeated the process.

They would have to destroy out of place architecture, things that would lend to a very advanced past civilization or lending to a much older and advanced civilization.
Anything over a thousand years old is definitely destroyed.
They use bombing, burning or whatever means they find suitable.

Natural disasters and communism being the perfect tool for this repurposing and restructuring of nations.
The communist nations are keeping the last secrets of the old world.
The communist government keeping Tight Control over information.

Flip through the frames to see evidence of massive cities built in China. They have almost everything one needs for a modern, urban lifestyle: high-rise apartment complexes, developed waterfronts, skyscrapers, and even public art. Everything, that is, except one major factor: people.
On the Cathedrals one can read The Mystery of the Cathedrals by Fulcanelli

Some things on Alchemy can be discussed but not all.
One having to do with an oath than cannot be broken.

A refining of substances that changes matter into. . .is it almost living and breathing creation?
Mercury, sulfur with water as a medium is rendered into one.

So let’s look at it’s structure if you combine Mercury and Sulfur you get mercuric sulfide.
The chemical formula is HgS. It is virtually insoluble in water.

HgS is dimorphic with two crystal forms:
red cinnabar (α-HgS, trigonal, hP6, P3221), is the form in which mercury is most commonly found in nature.

black, metacinnabar (β-HgS), is less common in nature and adopts the zinc blende (T2d-F43m) crystal structure.
It is important to note that Crystals of red, α-HgS, are optically active.

Meaning Optical rotation, also known as polarization rotation or circular birefringence, is the rotation of the orientation of the plane of polarization about the optical axis of linearly polarized light as it travels through certain materials.

Circular birefringence and circular dichroism are the manifestations of optical activity.

Optical activity occurs only in chiral (not superimposable on its mirror image) materials, those lacking microscopic mirror symmetry.

Optical activity can be observed in fluids. This can include gases or solutions of chiral molecules such as sugars, molecules with helical secondary structure such as some proteins, and also chiral liquid crystals.

It can also be observed in chiral solids such as certain crystals with a rotation between adjacent crystal planes (such as quartz) or metamaterials.

Mercury metal is produced from the cinnabar ore by roasting in air and condensing the vapour.
Is a certain formula being used from Alchemy in the very foundation of these cathedrals which are in our realm?

Is someone wanting to change the energy in this realm?

Can what some call as this hidden knowledge be figured out simply by observing nature?

I am going to end this by looking once again as we all did a few years ago at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.

Construction started: 1892

So how did they know then about the twin towers?

As stated in Untapped Cities,
These scenes of destruction are found on what is known as the Portal of Paradise, located on the Cathedral’s western facade. Added by stone carver Simon Verity between the years 1988 to 1997.
Interesting because it is also stated in Untapped Cities. . .

Fortunately, it’s not all gloom and doom. Underneath the images of devastation is a scene of resurrection. According to a representative who spoke with Gothamist, you’ll find stonemasons building a great cathedral upon the city’s ashes, just as Nehmiah built the Second Temple upon the ruins of Solomon’s temple

So more of what Jon Levi is speaking about in his video titled,
Modern Control System (San Francisco Reset) Alchemy and Cathedrals

A must watch under 20min.
Find his vid both inside the frames and in the comments of this Original Post.
See shots of Events of 1870 which returns a 403

Forbidden error when link is shared, so I will include findings in this FB Frames.

Click on the photo frames for a run down along with more connections on cathedrals and Alchemy. Full sources provided throughout. Stay Safe and Vigilant out there.
Facebook Frames Another look at the Great Reset. The Eery photos of the destruction of San Francisco 1800’s. What doesn’t add up in Historical Resets?
What is up with those Ghost Cities in China built where no one lives? How about the Alchemy involved in the Mystery of the Cathedrals? What happens with Mercury and Sulfure when a certain medium is provided? How did they know about the destruction of the twin towers depicted on the architecture of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan which is n unfinished building, with only two-thirds of the proposed building completed. Is That not Wild considering it began in 1892?

Was the QFS put into effect on Feb. 24, 2021 with platforms released in Zurich?
HOPR (pronounced 'hopper') is a privacy-preserving messaging protocol and a decentralized network with economic incentives on a blockchain. HOPR provides privacy by relaying messages through multiple "hops" via different relay nodes connected to the network.

NO, it doesn't escape me that Hopper is a Main Character on Stranger Things!

See her for multiple tie ins including Montauk said to be the Area 51 of the East Coast!


Everyone has been or Still is BROKEN.

Some wear their hurt and brokenness as scars both seen and unseen.

For some they they start to appear or manifest in coping mechanisms like. . .

  • Control
    Attempts to control other aspects of life for themselves and others since they cannot control All Things. Maintaining control over others and aspects where they feel or have obtained power for themselves.
  • Anger
  • Pride
  • Agression
  • Passive Aggressiveness
  • Blaming others for what is happening even when Every Interaction takes at least 2 people.
  • Egocentric and narcissistic behaviors only thinking of how things affect oneself rather than others.

Some of us though frustrating to deal with. .. see past their anger, pride and the way they act out to the hurt and brokenness underneath and so does God.

Attempts to sooth the fall out when one cannot Control events, aspects, issues or others and they may turn to a variety of band aids like. . .

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs even those prescribed which can (not always) become permanent crutches and addictions
  • Food
  • Drama in relationships
  • Porn
  • Cutting
  • Too much Tell a Vision Box or movie/shows content
  • Any Obsessive or Compulsive behaviors

There is only ONE, who will never fail you.
Yes family and friends can be support systems, but God is Always there no matter where you are and Already Knows how you feel because He created you in His image.

This is God's 11:11 or Great Awakening for Everyone.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Our world would be a Different place IF More Churches out there were more like hospitals for the weak, weary and troubled. Everyone no matter how much they attempt to pretend they have it All Together. ..Everyone has been broken before and may possibly face brokenness again.

Jesus healed the broken hearted Not those religious leaders who feigned to have it all together. . .no. He mixed and mingled with those who were the cast off's in society, while also trying to reach those who felt they were so successful and superior that they Didn't need a savior, but we all know differently!

Matthew 11:28-29
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Well worth the watch of this short video.

Another recent FB Post archiving here,

I thought they supported women. . .MSM? I guess that's Only if they agree with the side Corporate owned media supports and can be useful for furthering Their narrative, which in turn helps them keep their paid Globalist Careers. Interesting how that works! Sad.
There has been very little coverage on this. Found a Local Boston link.
Very sad.

Please continue to pray for Ashli Babbitt's family.
She carried the Constitution and Bill of Rights in her pocketbook wherever she went.
An Air Force Veteran who served 14 years.

She was neither a Dem nor Republican. Just wanted a better way for all people and wished to have her voice heard.
Killed by Capitol Police.

My question is why do communist socialists support rioting, destruction of buildings and call it "peaceful protests" when it is against regular people who own small businesses, but get enraged when it involves people trying to be heard by Elitists Careers Politicians at our capitol who do not serve the people, but rather themselves? It shows how Elitists in our government and in society feel they are entitled and do not need to be accountable for their actions.

May God comfort and give the Peace that passes all understanding to her family.

Find link for comments here,,%20an%20area%20in%20transition.pdf

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