[Homeless] binnacle of an odyssey. Metamorphosis process!

in #venezuela5 years ago (edited)

Hello buddies!!

First of all, I wanna thank you for all your comments, great support and helpful feedback. It's heartily very well appreciated. :)

As some of you may know, I'm currently going through major and unexpected difficult times since I'm now homeless. You may want click here to read my previous post where I give some details about my new unfortunate situation.

In that previous post I've received a lot of affectionate suggestions & advice from a few well steemed members of our community. And I'm very grateful for that. However, I noticed that despite the three years that I've been making a live here in steemit, most of you know nothing about me, my circumstances and my skillset as to try help me out in a more concise way.

After a longer than usual comment by our friend @valued-customer. I realized that most of us exercising the usual joys & advantages of the anonymacy within the platform, this fact also prevents that the community knows us better and deeper. And tonight I will try to solve a bit that reality through this post. So, for this purpose, I suspect you should read my previous post to understand better this one. };)

Let's start...

I am already a senior man with several decades on my back. I am also a research scientist who was graduated as Physicist in the UCV (Universidad Central de Venezuela) long time ago. However, barely the first couple of years after my graduation, it was when I've exercised my true academic profession in my country. Mostly due the lack of job positions in Venezuela related to this very especialized field of investigation.

Therefore and in order to eat and earn a more stable and substantial wage as a professional employee. I've been basically working early on as an expert consultant in the Computer Sciences field for the IT industry. In my own country and abroad. Along this early pivoting in my professional career, I've co-founded many startups, tech companies and succesful enterprises in multiple and diverse areas of technological expertise. Most of them in the Video Broadcasting & Computer Graphics arena from the beginnings of the 80s. Areas like CAD-CAM-CAE, Image Processing, Desktop Publishing, Prepress, Videography, Video Post-production facilities, Computer Animation, VFX, Motion Graphics, VJing, Video Mapping, MIDI & Music Technology, etc, etc.

Yeah! sure, I'm talking here about the prehistory of Computer Sciences, TV Broadcasting and Tech industry. Since I have to admit that many of those occupations, once very exclusive and especialized 'Professional Consultancy' niches of work. Today have democratically evolved big time and are now largely of public domain and popularly widespread as common knowledge everywhere. Hence, every average Joe and their pets is a self-claimed expert nowadays in each one of these highly technical activities from the past. ;)

As natural as this might be, obviously that I've also been personally evolving with the technology. In every tech field and environment you can tell. Yes, I've always been well up-to-date with everything IT and Computer Sciences related. And to make this story short, let's say that currently I am also an specialist in Internet, Web technologies, e-Commerce, e-Learning, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain stuff and a long long etcetera. LoL

So, there you have it. A few hints about my profession and skillset my dear @valued-customer.

Personal circumstances.

As many of you probably have guessed right now. Yes, I am an old hunk with a laughable insuficient pension from the Vzlan govermment. Already retired of the regular 9 to 5 laboral crusher. And now homeless. Who from long time ago has been tirelessly working and earning a life as an independent tech support professional, computer & technology consultant, freelance programmer, web architect, webmaster, community manager, blockchain & cryptocurrency advisor... and you name it... Everything in between and beyond!! Mostly online and internationally.

Oh yes, of course. I've been married and had two wonderful childreen prolly older than you right now. From long time ago divorced. Never reincident. And certainly I also have grandkids. Make quickly your maths, bro. Yeah, I am that old hahaha. };)

I have dual nationality. I am Venezuelan by born and also Spaniard. I currently hold my two passports momentarily up to date. The Vzlan passport and the EU passport too. Right now absolutely alone here without any member of my family in Venezuela. Since almost most of the members of my family from the side of my parents and also my childreen are currently living mainly in Spain and some other relatives across Europe.

In consequence and before this so extreme and dramatic homeless situation that I'm living these days in my own country. And in sight that all this dire condition of intense scarcity of everything, wild hyperinflation and economic disaster with an increasing lack of regular public services, lack of health assistance services, lack of medicines & supplies and our current inability to obtain not even our national currency in cash to make the most simple of the transactions to pay for the transport or purchase our goods among many other difficulties. All that plus my current loneliness here going through all these hardships & calamities which doesn't show any signal to improve any time soon in Vzla. Evidently that responsibly I had to take an urgent decision to guarantee my survival asap. Although it won't be something very easy to solve at this moment.

Therefore, I've arrived to the conclusion that I must migrate to Spain as soon as possible way before the expiration of the validity of my passports. And I must make all the necessary bureucratic paperwork immediately to accomplish the goal. Otherwise, I realize that I could be easily a dead man very quickly if I insist in keep my old bones in my loved country for more time. Sad fact be an expat at my age. But that is the life.

Yep! that above is me 15 years ago. In the same house of my good old friend where I'm provisionally sheltered today. Fifteen years are a great deal of time indeed you know. And everything here have been worsening big time all around. Including my actual physical beauty. But if you are willing to fall in love with me. Or risk to have some sort of a 'fatal attraction' crush with a mature hunk like that one of Michael Douglas on that famous movie. I'm gonna sugest that you feel pleased and conform with only my picture above or that one of my Doppelgänger on my sig at the end of my posts. Because quite frankly, I don't have now the energy to run away and escape of my fans anymore.

Well my dear friends. I think this post has been already long enough as to be as optimistic in thinking that you are still reading it thus far. So, I guess I must leave it until here. I just hope you can now know a little bit more about me and my situation. And hopefully, that this post also have served like a proper and more complete reply to the comment of @valued-customer.

In a next post I will try to talk a bit about my current plans and arrangements to fly to Spain. I'm still wating for some feedback & replies from my relatives over there to know if it is even feasible. Once I have something more concrete about that, I will share that info with all of you to hopefully start a true brainstorm together in the quest to find more precise solutions in which your very appreciated help and suggestions could be way more effective.

We'll keep in touch buddies!!

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"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Hopefully you can get out of there soon and make it to Europe. Where should we play the game of pool? :)

Where should we play the game of pool?

What about Monaco or Luxembourg? };)

Oh! I can't wait that you pluck me and take all my steem assets in a very challenging and fair pool tourney.

I have the hunch that you've been quietly preparing all your game weapons and hidden masterful pool skills for this long-awaited and fierce contest.

Thank you very much for your help and best wishes my dear friend. :)

Dear @por500bolos

I've just learned about your difficult situation. There is very little I could do to show my support (I upvoted all your latest posts with 15k sp voting power a moment ago, but it surely isn't much).

Please know that my heart is with you and others in similar position. Stay strong buddy.

How are you preparations for trip to Spain?

ps. your knowledge and skills are mindblowing. But I presume that demand for those skills within country like Venezuela must be close to zero.


Thank you very much for having taken the time to read my posts and have find out and learned a bit more about my current situation @crypto.piotr. :)

Yeah! an upvote with a 15k sp VP may be seen like it isn't much. But you can bet it is highly appreciated.

There is very little I could do to show my support.

I know mate. Perhaps your further attention to my next posts with some novelties would be enough.

How are you preparations for trip to Spain?

At this moment, I still find myself a little hands tied up until receive the concrete response of my relatives in Spain. I need to know beforehand what would be my final destination if any of them could confirm me to be in a position to host me in their homes for a while.

This info is vital, in order to know which plane ticket I would have to buy and then, with plane ticket in hand, start the paperwork in the embassy to obtain a serie of documents that I'd need to have before traveling.

As for the last paragraph in your very welcome comment. Yeah mate, my panoply of mindblowing skills within a country like Venezuela, pretty much are close to zero demand right now. However, I managed to squeeze them decently well in the past.

Cheers!! :)

Awww man, I’m so glad to get to know you better but so pained to hear about your plight and loneliness.

You’re definitely my favorite steemian and as a straight man I must admit a hunkiness In that we share a resemblance 😝...

All the best on your pursuits to get to Spain, this is the kind of interaction that makes me wish I had the ways and means to be a philanthropist that spent his time assisting the salt of the earth people like yourself..

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and we are fortunate to have you on steem..

Thank you very much @skramatters. For your great support and lovely comment my dear friend.

Yeah mate, if we both had the ways and means to be a philanthropist, no doubt we'd be invincibles in all those activities & endeavors that spread wellness & happiness everywhere. And obviously, we also would be the most handsome hunks in the field too. Hahahaha

Yep, Spain here we go. Sooner than later I'll be there. And maybe closer to a good bunch of you as to try a personal meeting sometime in the future.

Never lose sight of the fact that good people like us doesn't abound on this planet. But we have to do everything possible to come together, join forces and form a legion that leads and points out the direction that humanity should take to improve things worldwide.

Cheers!! :)

That's how I shake my beverages, never stirred...

Posted using Partiko Android

I suspect that's the way everyone should shake their beverages. And even, also stir them as wildly as they wish. As long as they have been careful enough to seal the lid of the 'container' very tightly in order to not allow that not even a single drop of the 'elixir' inside spills. };)

I believe that the idea to go to spain is probably the best solution in the face of the actual situation of your country. Are there any ways left for you to take a plane to spain from Venezuela? Or would you have to go to Colombia first?
Do you have the funds for a plane ticket?
Sorry to bombard you with questions but I would like to help you and the more I know the better I can try to come up with a solution ;-)
Best regards,

I believe that the idea to go to spain is probably the best solution in the face of the actual situation of your country.

Yep mate, I agree. In fact, I'm afraid it is my only real option right now.

Or would you have to go to Colombia first?

Well, I didn't confirm this info yet. But apparently you could buy a plane ticket to Spain in Caracas and fly from the international airport of Maiquetía at barely 15 minutes away from Caracas directly to any destination in Europe.

Do you have the funds for a plane ticket?

Uff, that's one of my current big problems. I don't have the funds to buy the plane ticket. Actually, that's one of the responses that I'm waiting from my relatives in Spain. I'm hoping that they can tell me if they are in a position to help me out financially with the purchase of the plane ticket. But above all, at the moment I need first concrete feedback from my family around Spain regarding who of them could welcome me in their home for a while. And in this way I could know asap which could be my eventual destination in order to purchase the right plane ticket to go there. I'm expecting that at least this next week I can get the crucial information if it could be Madrid, Barcelona or Galicia my final destination in Spain.

On other hand, confirm the info of my final destination in Spain is extremely important not only to buy the right plane ticket. But also to start the paperwork in the embassy. Since one of the current requirements to start all the process is already have the printed plane ticket in hand.

Sorry to bombard you with questions but I would like to help you and the more I know the better I can try to come up with a solution.

Don't worry mate. All your questions are welcome, very relevant and obviously common sense. Feel free to ask whatever you want my friend. I'll try to answer all of them as well as I can.

Thank you very much for being attentive to my situation and your willingness and desire to help me.

Cheers!! :)

Thanks a lot for answering all my questions. I think that it is quite a project for you to plan and I'd like to help you so that you can check out about flights and to deal with the papers at the embassy.
As a first step I will send you 10 SBD for that.
At the later stage when your plans get more precise, I would like to stage a kind of steem fundriser over help.venezuela to collect funds that would help you to buy a plane ticket or at least contribute towards it.
Please keep us informed on your progress.

Best regards,

I think that it is quite a project for you to plan.

Yes, certainly it will be quite a project. But I reckon that as soon as I can know what could be my final destination in Spain, everything should flow easier with the paperwork at the embassy and everything else.

Yep, I've been checking about flights and stuff a few days ago. And seems like right now it's summer high season to travel and the ticket planes are a little expensive. Almost doubling the prices by which you could get them after August.

From now on until the end of July they cost around $1000.00 USD. In August with some luck they can be found between $550.00 to $650.00 USD. And I found that after September 4 the plane tickets might be purchased as low as $450.00 USD.

At the later stage when your plans get more precise, I would like to stage a kind of steem fundriser over help.venezuela to collect funds that would help you to buy a plane ticket or at least contribute towards it.

Thanks a lot for your generous offer & valuable help mate. Yep, I guess that my ability to get more precise plans about my trip, everything is gonna depend of the feedback that I'm expecting from my family hopefully the next week about who of them can offer me stay in their home for a while. And so finally know the destination and type of ticket to buy. Once all that can be confirmed and solved everything should be easier to take the proper decisions.

Please keep us informed on your progress.

Yes mate, count with that. As soon as I have news from my family you'll be the first one to know it. :)


Nada fácil lo que estamos viviendo amigo.
Pero ya es un gran placer y un gran honor conocer algo mas de ti, puedo decir que lo felicito por sus gran conocimiento en todas las áreas que describes, tal como dices son unas cuantas décadas, con todo ese cumulo de conocimiento afuera estarás mucho mejor ofreciendo servicios en lo que sabes. Es muy lamentable que tengas que deja tu país por culpa de un grupo bien organizado que están ocupando cargos en el gobierno. Pero tampoco es justo que usted a su edad este padeciendo todo lo que comentas no es justo y no lo merece. Pero bueno deseo de todo corazón que puedas resolver todos los asuntos para que puedas viajar a España. Yo soy profesor en la udo núcleo anz, y podrás imaginar todo lo que estamos pasando los profesores. Yo también tengo ganas de irme pero pero todo el dinero que logro cobrar por el salario de hambre que tenemos y lo poco que puedo hacer en steemit es para comprar comida. Sale muy difícil poder ahorrar para largarme con mi esposa y mis dos hijas pequeñas. Pero si esto sigue creo que tendremos que huir también.

Amigo el mejor de los éxitos espero de verdad saber pronto de su gran odisea y que pueda jugar billar con el pana @tarazkp

Un gran abrazo muy fraterno desde Barcelona.

Nada fácil lo que estamos viviendo amigo.

Así es hermano. Un auténtico desafío cada vez más difícil de superar por el cual tenemos que atravesar todos los días en Venezuela.

Me alegra mucho saber que a través de las muy breves pinceladas con las cuales he descrito quién soy junto a solo un puñado de las destrezas y habilidades que he venido acumulando a lo largo de un porrón de años. Esto te haga sentir optimista en que me pudiese ir bien probando suerte alejado de nuestra amada tierra.

Pero también es cierto que aquí ya estoy solo y un tanto desamparado. Ya que casi todos los miembros de mi familia se encuentran en España y/o esparcidos a través de Europa. Y siendo yo también un nacional por aquellos lares, supongo que evidentemente ha de ser ese mi próximo destino para intentar seguir siendo productivo.

Yo soy profesor en la udo núcleo anz, y podrás imaginar todo lo que estamos pasando los profesores.

Por supuesto que lo puedo imaginar hermano. Profesores, maestros y educadores así como todo profesional del magisterio padeciendo injustamente las de Caín ante un Estado que no valora apropiada y adecuadamente su noble e importante misión.

Muchas gracias por tu muy bienvenido comentario y buenos deseos paisano. Y esperemos que con suerte en breve esté en capacidad de arrebatarle a nuestro pana @tarazkp unos cuantos churupitos en una buena partida de pool que tenemos pendiente desde hace tiempo. Así esté ahora medio ciego y haya tenido un coñazo de tiempo ya sin jugar. ;)

Un fuerte abrazo y esperando que la providencia también te eche una mano para ir cumpliendo tus metas.


Go to Spain definatly! Easy to live there for free and the weather in the south is great! Andalucia 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah mate! I think Spain will have to be my final destination.

Andalucia is definitely a good choice. Not only for the warmer weather in the south but also because my Mum was Andalusian and I must have a good bunch of relatives living over there too. The only stumbling block to overcome at the moment to go there is that for now I have no direct contact with any of my relatives in Andalucia to consult in advance if they are in a position of host me in their homes for a while.

Cheers!! :)

Its great there, so welcoming! If you get to go to spain and have no place to go, just go to Granada, with a small tent, go sleep up on sacromonte, and most likely meet some nice people at the caves (although some arnt nice people) but yeh a great place to stay, and also ask hippys if the magic garden, secret garden or french garden still exists, all the same place but diff names!

cinze gato's (15 cats) might still be there and they might help you out also. its been over 5 years since I was there in spain, but if all else fails, just head to a place called benificio which is a bus ride from granada, they have a place for people all the time, and the village it is in is full of cool people and oppertunitys!

Granada has an El'comidor , and its very easy to eat there for free and go dumpsterdiving!

Haha great advice and unique suggestions there mate. :)

No doubt each one of them will be taken into account. I also have an old good friend living in Granada that I have yet to contact him. I will if I can find his phone number first. ;)

However, I'm afraid that a good tour around those compelling places in Granada that you are talking about, they all probably will have to wait for my visit a little while. Because once that hopefully I had been able to arrive to Spain, I'll have to do a lot of paperwork there first to regularize and formalize my stay there. i.e. obtain my Spaniard DNI among many other things.

I forgot about all the border and paperwork stuff 😂 i sometimes forget that planes exist aswell and just think of boats instead 😂

Im sure though the universe is alway working in our favour, and it will all work out great!

Posted using Partiko Android

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