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RE: [Homeless] binnacle of an odyssey. All suggestions accepted!

in #venezuela5 years ago

It's difficult to imagine the trials and tribulations you are experiencing. Neither am I familiar with your skillset or goals. However, were I in such an environment I'd seek to be useful to food producing companies or move to a village where such agricultural endeavors were the economic base, and look for work in return for room and board. Not sure that cryptocurrency is much help to you, or that it's not actually the best help to you, because I am so unfamiliar with your circumstances. Nonetheless I've cast the first 100% upvote in memory in the hope that is of use to you.

All I can say is consider first your most essential needs, and how to fulfill them to the best of your abilities. Food, shelter, water, and personal effects necessary for survival are your primary needs. In such trying times, just securing nominal security of those things may be all you can do. Working on a farm or ranch might be the best possibility, if it's something you can do.

I hope Venezuela's situation is quickly resolved in the best way for you and your people, and that you prosper in peace all your days.


Thank you very much for your support and great comment @valued-customer.

Your tips and advice are highly appreciated and I'm very grateful with you for having taken the time to offer these ideas to me.

Since my online time now is very limited, I'm going to publish in short a new post addressing and trying to clarify most of your doubts as a proper reply to your comment. Because I realized that not only you know very little about me, my circumstances and my skillset. But many more people in our community knows basically nothing about me. }:)

Expect my new post soon with my in deep reply to your cordial and helpful comment.

Cheers!! :)

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