The Mom Called "LOSER" by Nurse for Not Vaccinating, Now Shares Account of her Son's Vaccine Injury (VaxXed Stories)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)
"And more are speaking out every day, each one, emboldened by the ones before them. Some of them but a whisper, but as millions of families begin whispering around the world, the noise will be deafening. These families will not be ridiculed into silence any longer. They will speak their stories, the stories will be heard, and those that hear them will believe. A flood is coming."
            -- from "Into The Light"

Katie Smart with her vaccine-injured son, Trey, shares their story to Polly Tommey of the VaxXed Team.

PLEASE, Please Watch This 6-minute YouTube Interview

... or Click Here To Watch

Katie said on the video ...

We got all his vaccines on time ... 2, 4, 6 and 9-months ...

and EVERY TIME right afterwards he would have

high fevers

inconsolable crying

ear infections



It always just didn't feel right.

When he had his 12-MONTH SHOTS it was the same thing EXCEPT instead of constipation, he had ...

diarrhea 8+ times a day

oozing out the sides of the diaper

for 2 months straight!

They did blood tests and stool samples and could not tell us why.

When the diarrhea stopped was when he LOST ALL HIS SPEECH.

He gradually progressed into more and more symptoms of Autism, like loss of eye-contact and aggression.

They knew that it was the vaccinations and stopped getting any more for him or subsequent children.

At the same time, a friend of her 2nd-cousin had lost a baby to SIDS at 2-months old on the SAME day of her vaccines.


Katie Smart has been bullied over her decision to not further vaccinate any of her children.

She was on the TV News 3 years ago after a nurse at the Palmetto Health Children's Hospital in South Carolina left a note on the table that said ...

Need to tx, fever,

0 immunizations, Loser!

... along with a frown-faced caricature

Thankfully, the hospital did the right thing and suspended the nurse.

What most people don't realize is that a large percentage of parents who refuse vaccines used to be Pro-Vaccine, until their child was injured by vaccines.
Imagine bullying a parent who already "took one for the herd." Katie has already sacrificed one child for "the Greater Good" and gets bullied by this nurse for not wanting to sacrifice her other children too.


  Watch The 3-minute News Report Clip Here:


Thank-you Katie for being BRAVE and telling your story to the world, and for being determined enough to ...


Standing up to bullies is one main reason that I keep posting these stories on my Steemit page @canadian-coconut

For too long, the families of the Vaccine Injured have been shamed into silence.

But now, more and more are standing up and telling their stories. THE WORLD MUST LISTEN!

If you believe that "VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM", you may choose to read these older posts by @canadian-coconut showing proof that vaccines can cause autism.
MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud
Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD
“VACCINES Can and Do Cause AUTISM” Declares Criminal D.A. in Texas, Nico LaHood

More Vaccine Injury Stories at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Learn about the VAXXED Movement here: "Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.


I hope Katie got help & homeopathically detoxed these vaccs from her son.

She doesn't indicate that in her interview. But hopefully she just didn't have to time to talk about it or forgot to.
Yes, I hope that all of these children find treatment to make their lives healthier. Every time I've heard a parent talk about following what the medical system had to offer (which is very little), they were getting no better and almost always worse. Alternative medicine and diet changes seem to be the only things that have helped any of them.
Unfortunately so many parents never think to venture away from the medical establishment and their children aren't given any chance at a partial or full recovery.

My only son has been given all his vaccines. I have never really delved into finding out the off side of vaccinations. Reading this article has mede me want to. But saddened to see what Katie had to go through with her son... and for the insensivity of the nurse toward her choice. It takes way more than 'Brave' for a Mother to make a choice like that..Thank you .

Thanks so much for commenting and considering the information that I have presented here.

A great place to start your investigation is by watching the new documentary VaxXed.
You can stream it online here: VaxXed The Movie
It is completely factual and shows how the CDC covered up a link between autism and the MMR Vaccine. It is not an anti-vax movie, but is strictly about that one Fraud on one Study -- which in reality shows that you can't trust any of their vaccine recommendations.
You can also look at a post that I just did a few days ago, about how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are corrupt and not basing vaccines that they add to the childhood schedule on Public Health but rather for financial gain. That article is here:
CDC is a Vaccine Company, Not an Independent Agency

When you are training to become a medical professional, such as a nurse or doctor, they teach you about evidence-based practice, in other words, what you do in medicine is based on research. I think this is why the nurse comes off as judgmental. In the nurse's mind, this is what he/she knows to be the best practice and perhaps thinks the mom is ignorant. It appears that sometimes when the "good" outweighs the "bad," medical professionals neglect mentioning the bad. I see this a lot in the hospital when medications are given, only the common adverse effects are told to the patient. But what if you happen to be that .1% who get agranulocytosis from a particular medication? Wouldn't you feel like you were duped? I would encourage all patients to ask questions and don't settle for anything but an answer. I also think its dangerous to go the other way and think because this happens to some people it will happen to everyone and therefore we should get rid of it. I will probably allow my kids to be vaccinated in the future, however, if it's not neccessary at that moment (such as HEP B Vaccine right when the child is born) I may wait until my child is older and has an immune system that can tolerate the stress.

Canadian-coconut, good for you for waking up and finally taking a stance. Hopefully not too late for your son. Vaccinations are nothing but monstrous child abuses heaped upon us by drug companies, and voluntarily enforced by a misled but mostly well-intending medical profession. There is absolutely no need for childhood vaccinations for our children. Period. They only cause harm.

Thanks Sauna!
I'm sorry that this post was confusing, but that was not own my personal story.
I'm sharing stories that the VaxXed team has collected in interviews across the country, that they want to get out there so as many people as possible can view them.
I have 3 healthy, unvaccinated children myself.
Nice to "meet" you!

Allright coconut, thanks for straightening that out. Nice to meets you too, and I have 4 unvaccinated offspring. I really hope that awareness increaeses on this issue.

I remember when my co-parent and I went to our daughters' 2 month check up. I told the nurse and the pediatrician to halt the vaccinations. I was so afraid that I had a panic attack when they left the room. They mocked my co-parent and tried to paint him as being "overly aggressive". They laughed at him when I came back a month later.

I am sorry that they belittled you both. That's unacceptable! Medical staff can use all manner of pressure and it can be hard to stand strong against it. Good for you though!! Did you get the Hep B at birth and then stop, or is she vaccine-free? How old is your child now?
.. thanks for contributing your comment here!

continually harming children with these poisons should be a capital crime.

thank you for keeping this subject in the public eye, and the public's mind.

It should be a crime. However it's the government (CDC & FDA, etc) that are the biggest criminals of all, along with the pharmaceutical companies that they protect. When the ones deciding what is a crime are the biggest criminals themselves, nothing will get done about it.
Let's hope that that the "swamp" actually begins to get drained. At any rate, more and more people are starting to wake up themselves and hopefully they will soon stop subjecting themselves and their children to these barbaric practices.

agreed. the awakening of the people who work for the regulatory capture mechanism, that is the government, corporate feedback loop, is the most necessary part. it must be terrifying to come to the realization that every single person who works for these monstrosities are complicit in premeditated mass murder, especially if a person comes to this realization while working there. ignorance of the law is no excuse. these people must be stopped and brought to justice.

I follow you sister and I just had to personally share this video with you. I think you'll love it.

I think parents should have the rights to vaccinate or not to their own kids, that's why we had consent forms in schools. In recent years, vaccines are known to have mercury in them! Would that nurse want mercury in her blood stream?

Mercury was in the the early vaccines, at least I know it was in the first polio vaccine.
These days, many vaccines have replaced mercury with aluminum. Aluminum is terribly dangerous when injected directly into the body.
Yes, a medical procedure like vaccines should never be mandatory.
Thanks so much for your comment!

Let's not forget that vaccines have served many positive outcomes. That being said we need to be informed about the possible risks of anything we put into our bodies. This pertains to adults as well as kids. Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a nephrologist who encountered adverse effects of vaccines on her patients. Here is a quote from her website that I feel is the root of the problem.

"It is my place to understand as much as I can about vaccines and give people a more complete understanding from which to make their choices. This has not been the stance of the public health services. In fact there is ample documentation that the priority was quite the opposite, and actually to quell “any possible doubts, whether well founded or not” regarding vaccines."

I also want to point out that patient's need to advocate for themselves and ask questions. Don't settle for incomplete answers. It could cost you your life or even worse your child's.

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