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RE: The Mom Called "LOSER" by Nurse for Not Vaccinating, Now Shares Account of her Son's Vaccine Injury (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines8 years ago

Canadian-coconut, good for you for waking up and finally taking a stance. Hopefully not too late for your son. Vaccinations are nothing but monstrous child abuses heaped upon us by drug companies, and voluntarily enforced by a misled but mostly well-intending medical profession. There is absolutely no need for childhood vaccinations for our children. Period. They only cause harm.


Thanks Sauna!
I'm sorry that this post was confusing, but that was not own my personal story.
I'm sharing stories that the VaxXed team has collected in interviews across the country, that they want to get out there so as many people as possible can view them.
I have 3 healthy, unvaccinated children myself.
Nice to "meet" you!

Allright coconut, thanks for straightening that out. Nice to meets you too, and I have 4 unvaccinated offspring. I really hope that awareness increaeses on this issue.

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