
It should be a crime. However it's the government (CDC & FDA, etc) that are the biggest criminals of all, along with the pharmaceutical companies that they protect. When the ones deciding what is a crime are the biggest criminals themselves, nothing will get done about it.
Let's hope that that the "swamp" actually begins to get drained. At any rate, more and more people are starting to wake up themselves and hopefully they will soon stop subjecting themselves and their children to these barbaric practices.

agreed. the awakening of the people who work for the regulatory capture mechanism, that is the government, corporate feedback loop, is the most necessary part. it must be terrifying to come to the realization that every single person who works for these monstrosities are complicit in premeditated mass murder, especially if a person comes to this realization while working there. ignorance of the law is no excuse. these people must be stopped and brought to justice.

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