“VACCINES Can and Do Cause AUTISM” Declares Criminal D.A. in Texas, Nico LaHood

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Criminal District Attorney of San Antonia, Texas, Nico LaHood, declared to the world today that:

“Vaccines Can And Do Cause Autism.”

Nico LaHood's oath as the Lead Prosecutor, it to SEEK JUSTICE. He says, "You show me evidence, and I'm going to do what is right with that evidence."

His wife, Davida, and himself are interviewed. They say that their son, Michael, for the first year was a very alert baby, very happy and talkative.

At 18-months, after vaccines, he started having tics and lost eye contact. His motor skills were affected. At age 6 now, he still can't verbally communicate.

Something else helped Nico connect the dots ... one of his closest friends, George, used to be a Clinical Development Scientist at Merck Pharmaceutical. George's wife was also a nurse. They both told Nico and Davida that they would NEVER VACCINATE THEIR OWN CHILDREN. George told him, "You can't prove to me as a scientist that this is good for your child."

Nico LaHood follows evidence wherever it leads him, without a bias.

If you walk into a house, hear two gunshots, and someone walks out the back ... did you see him shoot him? No, but there was nobody else in the house, so there is STRONG CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE that that person murdered the individual in the house.

He believes that there is strong circumstantial evidence of thousands of stories like his, where parents videotaped their children normal before vaccines and after vaccines a different child -- it's almost like a car accident where the kid got injured, an EVENT. Nico says that he would feel very comfortable, if this case (Vaccines vs. Autism) had to be tried before a jury, that he could prove vaccines have a strong factor in causing autism.


I, @canadian-coconut am very grateful that someone of Nico LaHood's credentials has come forward with this truth. Our children have been harmed and we need everybody to tell their stories for the awareness to spread to the general public and for change to happen. Thank you Nico LaHood for being willing to STAND UP and BE BRAVE! We need more people like you in this world.

I have heard many, many stories of various types of vaccine injuries. It is much more common than most doctors will admit. These victims need a louder voice. You may read other stories like this one on my blog. I am doing my best to bring awareness here on Steemit. Thank-you!


what can i say? eventually, the truth will out, and is. thank you.

You are welcome #lifeworship Thank you for your encouragement.

His close friend, the pharmaceutical scientist, didn't share his belief-that vaccines are bad- before the child became ill? They weren't that close.

At first glance it may appear that way, but we don't know the details. Maybe they became good friends after the injury. Maybe the scientist didn't think that Nico would want his unsolicited advise, as people can become hostile sometimes when you bring up not vaccinating. A longer interview one of these days would be nice to get more details. Thank-you for your comment, #cathi-xx

Well yes, for the reasons that you give, there are things that I would tell close friends that I wouldn't tell friends. Let's hope they did meet later because with a close friend, concern for their child should have outweighed the risk of hostility.

Would you seriously tell these intelligent parents, who are the only experts on their son's pre-vaccinated behaviour, that his behaviour did not deteriorate after vaccination and you know this because you believe medical experts who study the results of experiments on baby monkeys?
There are parents who have reversed their child's autism using heavy metal detox. There's a video on the web, somewhere, that shows a boy when he was autistic, aged around 2 and then again around age 6, talking about what he remembers about being autistic.

Exactly! Thank-you #cathi-xx . It is so frustrating to see people ignore the ones who know their children best and care the most -- the parents. You can't tell someone that their own experience is wrong; possibly coincidence, but not wrong. But then when you have thousands of parents saying almost the same story it is no longer possible that it is coincidence but rather "strong circumstantial evidence."
The thing that people citing these studies that supposedly prove vaccines don't cause autism don't think about is that although the smart, educated and highly-funded scientists assure us that vaccines don't cause autism, they still leave us with no answers as to what DOES cause autism? The way I interpret that is, "Put complete faith and trust in our methods and intelligence when we say that vaccines don't cause autism, but don't question why we are incapable and not smart enough to find out what does cause it." If you can't show me what does cause autism, then please don't assure me as to what doesn't cause it -- especially not after tens of thousands of parents have come forward and said that saw with their own eyes that vaccines changed their normal child into a sick and/or autistic child. For me, I'll trust the thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, thank-you very much.

Concerned parents are not epidemiologists. The University of Google doesn't confer medical expertise. Despite many claims and attempts to link autism to specific environmental factors (most notoriously vaccines), the evidence ultimately does not support any such connection. What considerable recent research does suggest is that autism is dominantly a genetic disorder, something many parents don't seem to want to hear:

There's a scientist who has written a book, I've forgotten her name, and her work was developing vaccines. She said that she often saw colleagues falsifying results. Years later, when she wanted to start a family, she decided to research all the data available, going as far back as she could. At the end of it she wrote a book and did NOT vaccinate her child.
Intelligent people do not need a science degree to know what eye contact and a smile is and they don't need a degree to notice when that behaviour disappears and they don't need a science degree to figure out that the behaviour changed right after immunisation and all other things were equal, i.e. the kid didn't swallow a mercy thermometer.
You think that being patronising to thousands of parents makes you intelligent but it only makes you arrogant.

Have you ever taken a science class before? A class in logic where they reviewed logical fallacies? Statistics? Biology? Do you even know how research is done?

If you have, you need to retake them and actually pay attention.

With all due respect (very little)- your post perfectly illustrates the problem with many people in general especially in the U.S.

Uneducated. Scientifically illiterate. Probably stupid. They don't know what facts are but far worse, worse than all the aforementioned- they don't know HOW to think. They don't know the DEPTH of their ignorance. Combine this with the arrogance and self-confidence they post this kind of drivel with and you have yourself something called, "Powerfully Stupid."

Stupid so powerful that it is literally killing children.

This person has absolutely no idea. We need more honesty and frankness in our dialogue. It's not enough to overcome the educational and intellectual deficit of this poster, but it'll at least bring some honesty.

If you don't respect the brain power of the D.A. in Texas being interviewed than perhaps you didnt even watch the video or only people who believe the same as you get respect. For myself, yes I did take Probability and Statistics in Grade 12. I got 105% grade and received a plaque at grad, while most of the class failed or got C's. It came 2nd nature to me - the answers were immediately apparent while others had lots of problems grasping the concepts. So, for me again it is apparent that all these similar stories of healthy child before vaccine and changed child after, is definitely not probable as a coincidence. And it sure would be nice if a study was funded and done putting the statistics together of health outcomes for the vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated. Then we would see clearly which approach produces healthier children.

Like this study?
As for clinical research in this country, it would not be ethically possible to do the type of study you suggest, because to do a randomized, controlled clinical trial of a “vaxed versus unvaxed” group would leave the control group of children unprotected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Or didn't you grasp that problem?

That is not an ethical problem as there are already plenty of completely unvaccinated children and even some adults who would volunteer to be a part of the study. My 3 children could join and I know many others who would too. The unvaccinated population and vaccine-damaged families really, really want to put this to rest and show our kids are healthier. Lots of families have the oldest child(ren) vaccine damaged but have younger healthy unvaccinated siblings. That is a very poor excuse to not do the study.

Actually, it's kind of been done with the Amish, who pretty much never vaccinate. Only 2 or 3 of their children ever had polio and two of those children caught it right after they were vaccinated. There was some reason why these particular kids were vaccinated, like they were adopted or something. I don't know if they have autistic kids but I doubt it.
I wouldn't bother to go on the defensive with someone who is being rude to you (Truthmd), clearly he is projecting. Average I.Q. became a scientist (probs a doctor) to prove something, regurgitated all those text books, to pass tests and can't deviate from anything that he read because he doesn't have the ability to decide which info he should keep and which he should chuck out-hence all the name calling-sad really, inside he must feel like the same spotty teenager that he always was but he thinks that arrogance and a piece of paper is a good veneer.

It's the same old bullying tactics. I hate bullying and I always stand up to bullies. The more someone bullies me the more I push back. Instead of taking the time to make their case and really listening the other side and trying to understand where the other person is coming from, the bully will just say something like "You are stupid."
You know, I can take some bullying since I have healthy children and am confident that my decisions are working out the best for them, but what I REALLY hate to see is when someone who already has a Vaccine-Injured Child gets bullied -- I mean these parents were pro-vaccine and did what they were told, and then they saw their healthy child change before their eyes after the vaccine so they stopped giving them more and stopped giving any other children vaccines. And then they get bullied?? That is despicable behaviour.
(truthmd is doing the bullying)

His statement that people that refuse to vaccinate their kids are literally killing them is ridiculous too. Common childhood illnesses like measles, chicken pox etc. never kill strong healthy children: they kill children that have other health problems or that are malnourished or that live in bad conditions. People that are pro-vaccine pretend that their motivation is saving every life when it comes to promoting vaccines but when it comes to the odd few being killed by vaccine side-effects, suddenly they'll talk about the greater good. Very hypocritical.
Even viruses that start out very virulent end up mutating to become less virulent, because any strains that kill their host quickly, are unsuccessful and die out along with the host. It's sad when nature produces an epidemic that kills lots of people but not as sad as people dying in wars, or dying of starvation.

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