Some more thoughts on User Authority

in #userauthority6 years ago (edited)

Suffering a bit with my first cold of 2018, damn tourists :P It's easier to consume content than produce it feeling crappy, but having read more on User Authority today, I have some more thoughts to share. (Previous post on the subject 25 days prior to this)

The opening post from @steem-ua:

I wonder where the @steem-ua account ranks currently? :D

The top 100 UA scorers are available here: And if you log-in via SteemConnect, you can check your own score out.

At 4:20 pm CET, my UA score puts me at rank 180.

My (bought to some extent in the past) Reputation of 70.191 puts me at 316th place using this metric.

While Reputation seeming has no direct effect on votes coming in, I've long wondered about a couple of 'silent' curation only accounts opting to support content producers - seemingly with increasing regulatory as Reputation rises. I have no solid evidence to support this, and will just say 'thank you' to mangos, alexis555, newhope, ripperone, and redes for now.

@steem-ua though, are looking to support users with a good UA score, and so it may 'pay' more directly in future, to work on this number.


Steem witnesses have been given a UA boost:

We then look at Trusted Accounts to initiate our sub-algorithm "WitnessRank" with: each day, we check all witnesses for being -a- active and -b- up to date, and -c- their Witness Stake. source

And looking at the top 100 scores on the website linked above, this boost looks pretty big.

9 of the top 10 witnesses are in the top ten with regards to UA score, and there are many other witnesses present in the top 100. I suppose the top witnesses have a say/authority to push changes (HardForks) through via consensus, and so it does make sense for their score to receive additional weight. However, and of personal opinion only, a witness maintaining Steem applications > bid-bot owner/delegator.

@thejohalfiles UA score

With regards to increasing your UA score:

To put it simple: by being interesting / "attractive" to others. Either you publish interesting content that people want to read and comment on (like @paulag for example), or you own a lot of Steem / SP that you might want to share with the people you interact with (like @thejohalfiles for example)... source

As with @thejohalfiles Reputation, currently at 57, I wonder if he is that concerned over his 'high' UA score? His score being given a boost due to his stake. If he wanted a high Reputation, he could easily be number one on the platform by using his own stake on his comments.

UA is for?

This makes me think about who UA is of most benefit to. And I think the answer is the content creators and commentators. If this is right, then I'm wondering if a scoring mechanism for this would also be worth considering. Can you game UA at present? The developers say this will be hard. Can you game content curating / commentating / voting. Yes. And so the work to produce a score, for the whole platform, would potentially be very tricky.

I can do this on a basic level with the Engagement League, but I have just a few hundred accounts to spot-check, and only 5/10 new members each week. There is however, nothing to stop a member of the league going rogue and finding a place to stick a 50,000 character comment, 10 levels down a thread, to give their score in the League a nice boost.


Well it looks like @steem-ua are working on Engagement metrics! :D

Imagine, a score based on something like communication Theory/Information Theory and Entropy with information gain. Could the amount of 'useful' information given and received by a user be quantified? And then perhaps used in conjunction with UA via the API?

I just want to make clear that I am in support of UA, at present, the only visible alternative to Reputation.

Interesting times for sure. And hey, STEEM back at a dollar :)

Right, where's the paracetamol......




In my case it says:

Your ua score is 4.388 and you have an ua rank of 2106

I read somewhere that people could increase their score by following fewer accounts? I hope this is not true because it could make a lot of users be less encouraged to follow new accounts, resulting in less interactions and a harder time for new steemians to get noticed and followed.

That is somewhat true, and I take your point. It is then very much the goal of said new Steemian to make sure they come out of the blocks in style!

I support/follow some fairly new accounts, I hope that this runs right up through the network.

True, am not convinced about UA yet based on this and other reasons.

While reputation and UA have tried to solve an issue. Is it something we really want to solve with automation and algorithms?

So what if I’m rep 60 and whatever UA score. That means nothing if you don’t even know me. It seems like a way of trying to determine someone’s worth without even getting to know them. If you look at the social credit system in China do we really want anything near that?

Sometimes you just can’t beat without old fashion engagement. Everyone will also have there own criteria. So unless your going have a field with 100 different metrics where people can go in and craft their own “idea” person to find and support. Which again good old fashion engagement does just that.

I should not have to go somewhere and list all the things I’ve done to be considered worth being around. That also coming from someone who just spent way to many hours digging into the gaming tag and not finding what I wanted. Would it be nice to have it fully automated? While that be nice that also just slowly starts to drain the soul out of this place even more.

It is an attempt (better than Rep imo) in potentially finding someones interestingness without knowing them first. Of course, and as with Rep, you may check the account out and disagree with the majority, and that is ok too.

Sometimes you just can’t beat without old fashion engagement.

Perhaps a scoring mechanism will be thought of which includes engagement metrics? ;)

If I recall once someone made a "why should I follow you" post where he wanted the minnows to share why they are worth following. We need that but not so much manual labor.

Best case we end up with a few different attempts at this so people can pick and choose what they want.

I think that may turn out to be the case. Multiple APIs covering different metrics to choose to slot into a community or SMT.

Warning! Do not read if you're looking for some good cheer. 😂

I don't really get it @abh12345.

This score still seems to favour those that were in early and the usual candidates.

Having worked my butt off to get to 60 reputation I'm not particularly thrilled with it. Just seems more of the same with a different wrapping.

Yep. Not feeling Steemit at the moment. 😂

Hope you feel better soon. 💙

That's ok Gill, I have enough cheer on my blogs in the main and appreciate the opposite if it's put across alright :)

You might need to work harder for a good UA score, should have just bought votes if you wanted to boost Rep :P

Hope you start feeling Steemit more again soon, thank you.

You might need to work harder for a good UA score

Absolutely no way that is going to happen @abh12345. 😂

should have just bought votes if you wanted to boost Rep

Nah. I got a great deal of satisfaction working my way to a 60 Rep. But, in the immortal words of Abba "this is where the story ends". I'm having a radical rethink. 😁

Did you get yourself a little bar job in the end?

Don't think too much, I heard it can be painful 😁

I did some painting for a bar last week if that counts - I think possibly in a few weeks I'll be drafted in to pull a few pints.

Meanwhile, a focus on content here to keep things ticking over...

Ah yes. I remember your "painting for a bar" post now.

It's been a very long time since I pulled pints. I was never very good at it though. I used to accept all the drinks I was offered by the punters.

Until one day I nearly choked myself on my hippy beads I got caught around the tap. They ripped off and went everywhere. After that I decided putting the tips in a tip jar was probably a better idea, rather than drinking them. 😂

Oh my. Takes me back. 😁

I used to accept all the drinks I was offered by the punters.

I don't see anything wrong with this at all!

Until one day I nearly choked myself on my hippy beads I got caught around the tap. They ripped off and went everywhere. 😂

Blame the beads not the beer!

Blame the beads not the beer!

If I remember rightly it was my Campari and soda phase. But let's not split hairs.

Sound advice as always @abh12345.

I have also had Alexis and new hope stop by my place a few times. I sent them thank you through the wallet. I couldn't figure out why they were upvoting or even who they were. I am am grateful to them. And I think UA will be useful for finding good Community people. Hopefully it works out well. And I hope you get to feeling better brother. Sorry your sick.

That's good to hear they are visiting - did it start quite recently around Rep 55 ish?

Still feeling a bit groggy, decided to produce a fresh batch of pies, cheers :)

Yep, actually it was around 55. And as a matter of fact I just saw redes for the first time on my lastest post about Steem questions. Hope your feeling better my friend.

I suspect that 'they' will start occasionally voting your content now, perhaps based on tags and length of post.

Yes thank you, a bit better today 😂

Hey, I've found some apps that actually pay out in money. I did a post on the first three today.(they actually pay in cryptos) But I thought you may be interested. I'm hoping it may help people, either in their real life's or to help them grow here. Anyway, hope your all better and that all is well with you dear friend.

I am making a list of people who actively read, react to or upvote comments on their articles.
This list will be everyone that I follow (my following list).
You are actively engaged in your comment section and upvote the usefull feedback, so I have added you to this list.
I hope this will bring you and the others like you good fortune! keep it up!

If you know someone who you think should be added to this list please let me know in the comment section under the article in the link below, so far I have found a little over 50 authors that are worth commenting on after reading.

Thanks very much!

One of the best content producers, who always engages with her commentators.

Great, thanks for the tip. I added here to the list, gotta say it looks great!

Hi Asher. I am still a little clueless how this ranking is obtained. My score is currently Your ua score is 2.795 and you have a ua rank of 12074 . You are saying the more SP I have the better my rank and also who follows me?
Get better soon.

I was wondering the same thing, it could also be the amount of active followers.

SP was cited in the post linked above as being a factor for thejohalfiles, but last time I checked they had 1.3 million SP. And, are not in the top 100..

Follows from popular accounts are the top metric for non-witnesses.


This post is dead on, but due to the fact you crush me in reputation, I must call you a dork!!

In all fairness though, it seems to me the algorithm should also borrow the feature from that chrome pluggin which also states whether the account is human or from a bot... bot's should have less rep than humans.

Well I did pay for some of that reputation, the main reason it's pretty useless.

Impossible due to vote-selling, but it would be interesting to chop the rShares of bought votes off accounts. The H man would still be miles clear though.

bot's should have less rep than humans.

Ideally yes, I think they've done some work here. The last point in the blog mentioned information given and received, a lot of bot accounts only give, hence they could be spotted and scored down easily.

I have a score of 2.956 and rank of 10406. Even @noblebot has better score than me. 😂

I do not have many prolific followers and that is understandable as I don't make good contents. From what I understood, UA looks at the followers, and what they follow and who follow them. So, if UA gets used in many services, like bidbots there would be many services selling followers.

I hope UA would evolve with many algorithms to overcome this. I certainly support it and want to use it in my applications.

Follower selling has been discussed, and i would like to think it won't become a thing. have a follower SP vote value, and I've not heard of anyone asking for follows with this in mind.

I hope UA would evolve with many algorithms to overcome this.


Have not checked mine yet but plan to do so soon. I think this continues to demonstrate how great the #STEEM blockchain can be as it provides flexibility that can be leveraged by a community to develop according to the needs and wants of its users.


This is just one example of this taking place, I hope they can pull it off and it becomes widely accepted.

ah i went to the website to see what i was at for some reason steem connect wasn't working. ill have to check back later! following to keep in touch and check back later, maybe when im back from work on my own internet hahahaha

I checked a few hours ago and it seemed to be ok, good luck, cheers!

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