Merging our blockchains [2 #Untalented to resist]– EARN treeplanter VOTE from me – DETAILS INSIDE

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)

2 Untalented to Resist!

The blockchain of my life is long and windy, with its own hard and soft forks along the way. In the most recent years of its development, I have become increasingly convinced that my blockchain was destined for great impact, and indeed that I knew the way in which to achieve said impacts.


Last time we talked about Plant Farts, and how important they are for sustaining the balance of our world. If we had no plant farts to breathe we would suffocate. My dream is not only to plant thousands of farting trees and bushes, but to teach others to do the same. I want to do more than just sum my efforts, I want to MULTIPLY them.

When @surpassinggoogle writes, he makes me think of such wonderful things, such as

how can I combine my real life dreams with my blockchain dreams?

Inspired recently, I drew another picture of my dreams

2 Untalented.JPG
Harvesting a dream; by Alex EB Trapp

I dream of multiplying my efforts at environmental and ecological education and empowerment; how can I use the Steem blockchain and subsequent platforms to help me do that?

I have some ideas, and I keep thinking and thinking, and like @surpassinggoogle I continue to weave my ideas slowly into my blogs hoping that feedback and response will help lead me in the direction of better solutions.

Now I want to do a completely unscientific but wonderfully social survey and take stock of treeplanters all over steemit!

It is now mid October, and northern latitude folks might laugh while we tropical bloggers talk about tree planting – but I will be very flexible!

Show me a picture of you with your favorite tree that you have planted - or care for - or take care of - or saved from a bulldozer - or rescued when it was young - or etc.

Dreams rapidly becoming reality.jpg
This inga edulis tree is a dream!
A dream that was planted 4 years ago,
it now stands 5x taller than my wife!
At this rate this ice cream bean will grow
to become 125 times taller than us in just eight more years

Show me your efforts at propogating tree farts and I will plant a @treeplanter vote on your latest post, and together we might make a small difference in plant farts and water availability in Cameroon! I can commit right now to the first 100 people who do this will get a @treeplanter vote, and I reserve the right to raise it later ;p

No need to do anything special, but consider sharing this post if you have friends who might be interested. Put your comments in the comments, or link there to your relatively new article. Do not worry if this post is now an old grandfather, I will check recent replies and find you!

I have to be able to find the evidence, and for that I will look here in the comments! Somehow indicate to me here that you are participating – ideally with all relevant information, link, pictures etc.

This effort will benefit both me and the world in several ways:

First - I will start to recognize a community of fellow tree fart lovers! I will follow all participants, although I reserve the right to stop following you if you post or resteem to much stuff that doesn’t interest me, I will still keep your name for future activities about saving the world!

Second – The trees will feel our love and we will be motivated to plant more of them! If there is a really good response to this I have some activities planned for spring when we can do some fresh tree planting in Northern Latitudes!

Third - @treeplanter is attempting to reforest the important Abongphen Highland Forest which provides water shed and other ecosystem services for Cameroon. This is an important project for which the @treeplanter voting bot was made for.

Fourth – I hope to keep @treeplanter so busy voting on other people that self-voters will have to think twice about their self-voting behavior - this is a benefit to steem!

Fifth – We will all breathe easier with all the plant farts going around!

Planting trees is a dream.jpg
Planting Trees is a dream!

Come and show me your visionary actions - merge your biological blockchain into the steemit blockchain of our dreams!

Special thanks to @surpassinggoogle, @treeplanter, and @ecotrain

Have any deep personal questions for me? Come into the ecotrain slack and ask me anything in the #ecoinstant channel!



This was a tiny tree I planted the first year Frank and I got married. I was told NOT to plant it as it was going to get too big for the area I was putting it in! As you can see I listened and did what I wanted! loll

Here is also proof that I should really put on makeup before taking photos! Oh and that it IS MY tree!! :D or sunglasses? I should use sunglasses next time! :D

You look beautiful without makeup honestly. You don't really need it <3

Thank You! You are very kind <3

I love that tree! Thank you so much for planting it! I didn't know it was you ;p

hehehehe it was :D I wanted a tree there :D so I made it happen!

I don´t plant, I let plant! 😎
In 2012 I invested in the reforrestation of an area in Darien, Panama.
My lot is 5000 sqm. Here are some pictures of the finca.

Its beautiful! My brother's cat is named Sansoncito!

I do prefer mixed polyculture lots but I see you/they are working with several species overall and this is very good work! Have you visited?

Let the plants plant and support the planters! Thank you for sharing this first qualifying entry!

No, I have not visited yet.
I invested in the project because I wanted to do something good with my money, ROI was a secondary consideration.

Because @treeplanter can take awhile, I will do your next fresh post!

I may one day want to swing up to your half hectare and take a look around, I think its a lot closer for me to go visit!

what? why didn't moms count?

Mom's most definitely did count! She has received a @treeplanter upvote on her then most recent post! @likedeeler came in first, but is not first because they are listed in treding order, not chronological order ;p

Hey @ecoinstant, check out my post about my farting volunteers: Thanx for the inspiration!

Thank you! I love that they were accidents! Beautiful accidents; they happened upon this world and you loved them the more for it!

I like that, but in some way i was lost about the blockchain, hehe

Your life is a series of events, or memories, recorded upon history like ledger entries in a blockchain! Our lives are biological blockchains!

great initiative! ill take a selfie tomorrow with something i planted that farts well -)

Wonderful! I look forward to your participation ;p

This is amazing! Something extraordinary and something that was expected of you. Sadly, I haven't planted in a while. I did plant a few trees in my school when i was in grade 5 but have no photos of them. I am in a different city now and going back to that city I lived in years back is not feasible atm. Btw, my aunt has lots of farting plants. Can I post photos of her stuff? She has plants in her home and they aren't trees; just big plants in pots.

Yes please show pictures with your aunt and her plants! I am flexible!

Sure thing. I'll meet her in this week. Also, I'm not in this for the upvote plants. Don't give me any. I just want to participate to come across nature loving people who are doing their part to make this environment better and greener. Since I am not personally involved in my aunt's plants, I don't deserve upvotes for that :)

Hola, que alegría saber que eres de Colombia. Yo también lo soy. Además comparto su amor por la naturaleza y sembrar árboles. En días pasados hice un post sobre esto, para un concurso de fotografía en el que muestro algunos arbolitos que hemos sembrado.
Hi, how nice to meet you. In past days i did a post about this, for a photography contest in which i show some trees that we have planted in public places.

Justamente el domingo estuvimos visitando un par de arbolitos para ver su evolución. El primer noni que sembré ya va a empezar a dar fruto y no tiene mas de 60 centimetros de altura!
Just on Sunday we visited a couple of trees to see their evolution. The first Morinda citrifolia "noni" tree i planted will soon bear fruit and is no more than six inches high!



El arbolito de guayaba pera que sembramos con mi mamá hace dos meses, se veía tan triste hace un par de semanas, pero ya esta muy lindo. Este árbol lo obtuve germinando la semilla.
The guava pear tree we planted with my mom two months ago looked so sad a couple of weeks ago, but already very cute. This tree was obtained by germinating the seed.


Un abrazo.
A hug.

Que bien! Estoy muy feliz en tener un participante en Colombia!

Gracias por los esfuerzos; me encanta que plantan en familia!

El guayabo crece lento y seguro, pero parece que el noni va con todo! Aqui a los 1800 metros no hemos visto 'noni', siempre me alegra aprender de nuevos especies ;p

¡Dios le bendiga Sandra!

Amen, bendiciones para ti también.

So, this is a plum tree that was abandoned near my vegetable garden. When I found it, and identified as a particularly valuable tree, all around was full of weeds, vines and bushes.
I decided that I wanted this tree to grow better and bigger. So I cut the weeds and I placed a cardboard at its feet (this will slow weeds growth).


There's a detail of this plum tree that I love. This tree is actually two trees that grow together and create a beautiful twist. It always looks to me as if it were two trees in love with another.


What a beautiful shot of your lovebird trees ;}

Its great to see you here CryptoFarmer! I love your efforts with GreenestThumb!

thank you @ecoinstant - I love what you are doing too.
GreenestThumb is fun - I love to get to know so many people and gardeners - but is also challenging to me. I'm happy that you appreciate it.

@ ecoinstant, I always knew we have so much in common! Such a wonderful post and idea. I am a tree-planter myself. Now less as we travel a lot but even here I found ways to do it. A few days ago we have been on an organic farm here in Vietnam and planted some Ginko trees from the seeds I brought with me. We will see how they will manage. The same time my biggest achievement so far was uniting 30 people to plant 30 pine trees on my 30th Birthday. I love pine trees and I just bought the different varieties of pine trees in different parts of the Planet and my friends planted it as a birthday present. That was so much fun and now each year I get some photos how they grow. It makes me happy to realise that one day I will not be here anymore but the trees will grow and live%))
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Photo I got this each from a friend of mine - they planted it in the border between Russia and Finland%))

Wonderful Sasha! We do birthday plantings here too - although as we get older it gets harder and harder to plant the same number ;p

This year we dug the holes the day before because last year we were working until after dark!

Keep up the great attitude; its wonderful that you travel and plant - the ripples of your efforts will echo across time AND space!

Hehe%) I must have a huge forest then%)) I would like to see it one day%)) So please please think about writing a separate post on this!!! I have never thought that it will be harder and harder with each year%)) I think my travel ensure me with lots of people to support the idea so each birthday it is more kind of gathering together with a good purpose%))Hm, now I have one more reason to live longer - just wondering how I will organise the planting of 100 trees around the world%)) With even 30 it was a bit of a challenge%) Fun apart I am thinking to create a kind of an map of all the trees I would even plant%) In the old ages it was a family trees but I think such a treemap would be much more interesting for my kids and their kids to see%))

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Yes! Thats a really good idea - I will incorporate the birthday plantings into my treeplanter plans!

I would love to see your map!

Will share as soon as I do it. Now I need to remember all the places we have planted them%((( I love your tree planting both in real life and here on Steemit

;p Thank you! I'm hoping to do an updated post about this really soon!

I look forward to reading it and spread words about it around%)) I think it is such a good idea and to be honest did not get why it was not good for steemgigs but anyway - I am sure you fund your way with it%) My support is guaranteed.

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Don't have a pic with me in it right now, but this was a pretty good effort. My handwriting is in the pic - representing me :)

Yes! Thanks for the resteem! Im going to do an update soon - until we get 100!

Treeplanter coming next time Im at my desk ;p Thank you for all your efforts!

Out of curiosity, do people leave a lot of money on your porch?

it was very interesting. A lot of people didn't know what to do with this. I also put it on facebook, Next door and I think meetup. Just that it is there and a bowl on the porch for money. So, some people came and knocked and wanted to talk with me. They usually took some and gave me at least $ 5 per plant. Some handed me a 20 and then tried to get as much into their car as possible.
I had it set up for almost a month and kept adding more plants. Sometimes, I found 5, 10s and 20s in the bowl, sometimes a quarter and a bunch of plants were gone.
I think I ended up making almost 500. which was very cool since I usually give most everything away and I kinda needed the money. So, it worked out great.

Wonderful! This is a great story - how people react to trust and kindness says a lot about people!

Although maybe the people that gave the quarter - only had a quarter ;p

Sharing is caring Marianne; Keep up the great work!

There were a lot of people I was able to give plants who really didn't have more than a few pennies. I I was totally okay with that. Basically, when I started this experiment, I was totally aware that someone could just come with a truck and pick it all up. And I was okay with that. I was always amazed and pleased when there was money in the bowl - any amount. And it got some good neighborhood conversations and connections going. If I get my irrigation together in the next few month, I will propagate a bunch again and do a repeat. We shall see....

Keep us updated! Working myself on a new update now ;p

And thank you for the tree planter vote. I have to understand this initiative a bit more....

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