
Yes! Thanks for the resteem! Im going to do an update soon - until we get 100!

Treeplanter coming next time Im at my desk ;p Thank you for all your efforts!

Out of curiosity, do people leave a lot of money on your porch?

it was very interesting. A lot of people didn't know what to do with this. I also put it on facebook, Next door and I think meetup. Just that it is there and a bowl on the porch for money. So, some people came and knocked and wanted to talk with me. They usually took some and gave me at least $ 5 per plant. Some handed me a 20 and then tried to get as much into their car as possible.
I had it set up for almost a month and kept adding more plants. Sometimes, I found 5, 10s and 20s in the bowl, sometimes a quarter and a bunch of plants were gone.
I think I ended up making almost 500. which was very cool since I usually give most everything away and I kinda needed the money. So, it worked out great.

Wonderful! This is a great story - how people react to trust and kindness says a lot about people!

Although maybe the people that gave the quarter - only had a quarter ;p

Sharing is caring Marianne; Keep up the great work!

There were a lot of people I was able to give plants who really didn't have more than a few pennies. I I was totally okay with that. Basically, when I started this experiment, I was totally aware that someone could just come with a truck and pick it all up. And I was okay with that. I was always amazed and pleased when there was money in the bowl - any amount. And it got some good neighborhood conversations and connections going. If I get my irrigation together in the next few month, I will propagate a bunch again and do a repeat. We shall see....

Keep us updated! Working myself on a new update now ;p

And thank you for the tree planter vote. I have to understand this initiative a bit more....

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