Ulog 9 Manifestation - Live the Life You Have

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

ulog Manifestation_ Live the Life You Have fitinfun.jpg

My Ulogs are about manifesting money to be able to keep working, staying housed, and creating success for myself and my son @bxlphabet. I am keeping many balls in the air and working hard. Here is what happened today, July 1 2018.

Looking at trending

I decided to look at trending posts a few days ago and I still am going in there to see if there is anything I can comment on or learn from. Trending posts remain basically the same. A few come in and a few drop off. It only takes a few minutes to see what is new that I can comment on or read.

Looking at "Hot" posts on steemit

Hot posts are more active and I have looked at that page before when I search tags. Now I am looking there for active posts to comment on and found many, but I had to dig. I set the alarm for 45 minutes and commented as much as I could. Here are some posts I found that might interest you from the last couple of days.

Minnowfund by @brandonfrye
If you are a minnow reading this you might qualify. You need less than 150 sp and to be posting good posts regularly. Check it out and see if you meet the rest of the qualifications to win some delegated sp.

Vocab-ability by @majes.tytyty
This post is from a series of daily practice in English with upvotes and input for your work. @majes.tytyty has a wonderful blog I found for the music, seek for the travel shots, and recommend for the help in English skills.

Electronic Music Curation project by@toddjsmith1979
This project is for all of you electronic music creators. I am not one of you, but this looks promising.

Out of this effort into "hot" I got a number of comment upvotes, conversation, and new information about topics I care about. I will continue as best I can.

Minnow Tips Share

This is a post from a month ago that just got picked up to help other minnows!

steemit minnow tips get upvotes now fitinfun.jpg

Here is the notification I got about it:
minnow tips share.PNG

I have not heard of this project before, but I'm glad they found my post. You can now find my Minnow Tips post here and I guess it will help other minnows from now on. I’m glad it did not fall to the wayside and happy to help. I recommend this post to anyone who wants more and better upvotes. These are the ideas I have found here that work for me and they will work for you too.

Posting to the steemiteducation tag

I got the tip from @giantbear to start posting to the steemiteducation tag. I had tried that last fall and did not get picked up by them. They are looking for book reviews this week so I might do one. But instead my first post will be about weight loss as you see below.

Posting Weight Loss information to steemit

I wrote a post about my weight loss work yesterday. In one of the comments, @giantbear came back again and asked for

  • a daily eating plan
  • exercise tips
  • motivation help

I have written all of that in various posts here over the last year and never got much attention to it. But now I will try again and use the steemiteducation tag. The first post will be about food and how to get start on improving what you eat. This will be the next post I work on. I will say here, that I do not promote a standard "daily eating plan." Instead I take where you are now, and work to improve that.

So many diets fail because they call for you to throw out all your food and try something new. I know this does not work for most people. What has worked for me and others is to make small changes to what we eat now and continue day after day to improve from there. The food I lost weight with is nothing like what I eat now. But what they have in common is that they are the best quality food I can get within the limits I have.

A few years ago I looked back at my food changes and found I had made big ones four times since losing weight. I'm sure there are more changes now with all the moves I've had since then. Whenever I get anywhere, healthy food I can afford is the first thing I seek. It is never the same as the food in the last place I was, but I still manage to find healthy food.

I am so grateful for any attention to this work. In the last two weeks I have connected with two people about weight loss coaching. One does not want it at all at this time, and the other is going to try my free information for 30 days and see how it goes.

In coaching groups, I would be told I give away too much for free, I do not charge enough, and I need to just funnel people into paying slots. But I can’t help but to work with people when they reach out to me. If I counted the hours into this "wasted" effort, I might be upset. But I also have had a few people some back - years later - and tell me they are now thin and healthy thanks to me.

I've been spending an hour a day working on my "Quick Start Guide" for food changes and the associated book to go with it. Both are in the proofreading stage and I'm trying to simplify very dense material as I go.

Another Success with @trufflepig

I mentioned in my last Ulog that @trufflepig had picked up two more of my posts. Last night that post was picked up into the Number Four slot of daily posts that are not getting the payout they deserve. This continuing support helps me hope I am on the right path and gives me strength and courage to carry on.

Thailand Immigration Trip

I will be going to immigration tomorrow. This will be the last date on my Visa and I must get the 30 day renewal or I will be here illegally after that. I will leave early in the morning to get there when they open. I have all the forms, copies, money, and photos they need and hope for a smooth and quick trip. It will be 5-6 hours in the best case and much more time if I don't have good luck.

The gigantic immigration building is far out of town. Here is a tiny glimpse of it from an earlier steemit post. It is probably the biggest building by length and width that I have even had the pleasure of trudging through.

Bangkok Thailand chaeng wattana immigration lobby architectural photography fitinfun.jpg

This trip always knocks me out. Here is a short video about one of the buses I take and you can get a flavor of what the journey is like from this.

I took the money out of steemit this morning to be able to do this trip and so now the steem/sbd prices are quite bit higher than than just a few hours ago when I did this. You’re welcome. You can count on me!

How is @bxlphabet doing?

Not too good. I mentioned in the post I wrote for his resent birthday that we communicate in missed messages a lot and that is how it has been since his birthday. He lives with roommates and I guess one of them has been drinking, causing havoc, and requiring police visits for a few days. Finally he got kicked out and hopefully things will be better soon.

In leaving me messages about these events, Caleb said how much he likes this place and was very upset by fear of what this guy might do. My son has severe PTSD and I hope things are calming down. I'm trying not to think what will happen if he has to leave there. Nothing in San Diego would be so "affordable" and he has no support or other place to go.

He is still doing his posts here and steemmonsters work. This is a real gift to him and I am so hopeful he can continue. This has been the first positive step outside himself lately. He gets excited to see his posts do well and that is such a boost for me.

Money Good and Bad News

First the good news. Yesterday I got another wallet transfer and I am so grateful for it. @joanstewart sent this one and gives me great hope to continue. This goes along with the prior transfers from @kiwideb and @goldendawne.

Thank you all, ladies. I appreciate your help so much.

I'm also getting more post upvotes and comment upvotes. @bxlphabet is getting some too and attention to his posts. I am so grateful for all of this help and support.

And now for some bad news. I have been waiting on my Amazon Kindle royalties, contacted them about not receiving a notification about the upcoming payment, and got bad news from them today.

amazon royalties.PNG

Why, of all times, Amazon is having a problem, I do not know. I got some smaller amounts for royalties in other countries this month and they were as normal. But this money is the USA royalties which is largest amount each month. I cannot even tell by the reports how much is coming, and now it will certainly not be here soon.

My money needs

Yesterday I mentioned that I am increasing the amount I want to manifest and that total is $5000 usd. The detail below for my immediate needs in days or even in times past.

The money I need now is in US Dollars though much of it is really in Thai Baht

nowSan Diego Bus Passes and Supplies50.00
nowThailand Food and Supplies 50.00
07/02/18 Thai Visa Extension86.00
07/01/18fitinfun Wordpress Renewal107.40
07/01/18Domain Renewal14.99
07/03/18San Diego Rent650.00
07/05/18Thailand Rent350.00
07/02/18Thailand WIFI15.00

The total of those amounts is $1,323.39. How much do I have now? About $180. Some of that will be used for the Thai Visa Trip, paying my wifi for the upcoming month, and to send to @bxlphabet so he can go to PTSD counseling, and get some food on Monday. After those things are done, I will have a new and lower amount of available cash and those items will come off the list. I'm paying the wifi for the month as any other timeframe is much more expensive. I hope and plan to be here to use it.

My domain renewal and site renewal are still on this list. I am not going to pay for my site if I cannot pay the rent. But my website is still up and running today and I am so grateful for that. I have never been late with these payments, so I do not know if there is a grace period.

I cannot afford of the bigger bills at all right now anyway. I am trusting in God and the Universe to provide and I am doing all I can to expect miracles. But the time my son and I need to pay rent is fast approaching and I am not at all close to making it.

A Mantra I Use

I found this idea somewhere along the way and it is ringing in my ears today.

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

This is a quote from Joseph Campbell. I have not read any of his books, so I’m not sure where I found it. But I have had it in a document of positive thoughts since right when I lost my weight. I tell people that when I lost my weight I lost everything else and had to start again. This was true eight years ago and even more true today.

As you see by my title of this post, I am trying to stay in the present time. The future is so uncertain, I cannot even think of it now. I am grateful for today and staying as positive as I can for tomorrow. I’m still listening to manifestation videos and they are helping me stay focused an keep working.

Prior Ulogs are here:

Ulog 8 Manifestation: Keep Going - Don’t Stop #4 on @trufflepig
Ulog 7 Manifestation: Reaching out to Whales, Witnesses, and Other Nice People #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 6 Manifestation: Should I do Porn Now? #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 5 Manifestation: Working the Weight Loss #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 4 Manifestation: Hard Day Today
Ulog 3 Manifestation: Working for Money #11 on @trufflepig
Ulog 2 Manifestation: I am a Money Magnet
My first Ulog was older and not related to my current situation.

before and after stomach poster fitinfun.jpg


You could try Steemspeak..

Thank you - have not heard of that one and I will take a look.

Did you goto steemspeak or steempeak?

Steempeak - yes, just today. I love it and will stay with it. I'm answering you from there now.

Steemspeak - no. it is on discord and I have never been able to get there. I will try again.

I'm feeling kind of desperate now, but keeping on keeping on.

@fitinfun, when I was reading your blog I found one interesting thing that currently you are working hard to survive in Thailand and you doing all your effort to keep your loveing son Happy.
That's the great thing.
And I wish that soon you will be able to make 1,300 and you willl be able to extend your VISA
But it was bad that you spent 6 hrs for talked to officer where you are in for talk about your VISA n all.
And the information shared in starting related to Steemit curation is helpful for every newbie here on Steemit platform.
Thanks again for sharing all information
And I hope you will be able collect 1,300 USD soon to manage everything.

Thank you so much. I hope I will not have to talk that long. Usually the actual visa stamping is very quick. It is the trip to get there that takes the time. I really appreciate your good wishes. Thank you again.

It's real nice to have your post as a guide for a newbie like me. You are worthy to be followed.

Thank you very much. Best of luck to you.


Thank you so much. I need all the help I can get.

Some really useful information and tips here.
Keep up the excellent work.

Thank you very much for your support! I will continue :)

You're most welcome and good luck x

I think this is a great post.

Congratulations @fitinfun ! You received a 8% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia.

Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot

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Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.

How to get myblog on yrending please help me

Look at the post I gave to another person in these comments above. Do not worry about trending. Worry about making connections and posting great posts.

Thank you for the mention @fitinfun! We are happy to support Steemians who have shown they have dedication and desire to grow on Steemit. 😊❤️

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 5 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 12 SBD worth and should receive 150 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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