Getting closer to Revelation: Turkey Is Attacking The Christian Calendar System As It Moves Closer To Being Under The Antichrist and President Trump meets with Erdogan all leads to Genocide of Christians in the Middle East

in #turkey7 years ago (edited)

Please read this article and videos by Shoebat on Trump and Erdogan. Turkey is changing its calendar system from Gregorian to Hijra (Islamic calendar). NWO Agenda, All by Design, World's A Stage.

Guess who implemented the Gregorian calendar system in Turkey in 1937 was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, switched from Islamic to European culture, had the Latin Alphabet, intro of Sunday as a weekly holiday, and desire for women's voting rights.

Prophet Daniel warned to look for the signs that in (Daniel 7:25) that the AntiChrist will change set times and set laws, since Turkey is already doing this. What Erdogan=AntiChrist is doing is fulfilling Prophecy as stated in the book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, etc.

Shoebat brings up a great point.
"The less that people can link to historic Christianity, the more that they will forget about Christianity’s roots in Rome. While Muslims, and Protestants approve of such changes, since both have qualms with Rome, the New Order (Novus Ordo) are all moving towards that direction and people simply do not care. The further we get closer to the system of Antichrist, the lesser that people will see it."

Due to the pressures of society, people are forced to conform to a certain trend due to popularity, worldly choices. The powers that shouldn't be present these choices as the only choices out there such as supporting which party left or right, everyone must support homosexuality or be criticized called homophobic, etc., be for pro-immigration or against immigration. In reality, both parties are the same coin, all those so-called choices are no better and lead to the same end.

Shoebat brought up with the link attached about the German scientists experimenting on Holocaust victims brains, still doing so to this day for research and profit for their business. Plus, Germany is upping their Military Industrial Complex teaming up with their allies as they did during WWII with Japan and Turkey. Plus, there are talks of Germany creating Nuclear Bombs. Apparently the Holocaust denial is "at epic high and experimentation on human fetuses continues preparing the world to witness how Wisdom II will soon be fulfilled leaving behind few Christians on the earth."

As Shoebat concluded is best not to conform with worldly things, nor comply with the world, put your faith and trust in God only no matter what, as seen here:
"The mark of the Christian is his/her refusal to comply with the world. These days I trust no president, no system, no leaderships in any church, no hopefuls, no politician, no democrat, no republican, no shiite, no sunni, no Protestant leaders, no Catholic leaders, no Orthodox leaders, no Novus Ordo, no SSPX, no Putin or Trump… I trust no one but God who is no respecter of persons."

Donald Trump Meets The Islamist Leader Of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, And Declares: “He’s Running A Very Difficult Part Of The World. He’s Involved Very, Very Strongly, And Frankly He’s Getting Very High Marks. And He’s Also Been Working With The United States. We Have A Great Friendship.” This Is All Leading To Genocide Of Christians In The Middle East

After watching this video and understanding that history repeats. Things change, people don't it's different tactics at faster rate. Please watch out for the signs and symbolism, do your own research, you'll find a connection and of course they are part of a big club (Illuminati) and we the people are not in it. These people, organizations, etc. are all connected together for personal gain, and will do anything to maintain their power, wealth, etc. After all in 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the Love of #Money is the Root of All Evil."

The Ottoman Empire gained power and wanted to become gods, Eugenics, Social Darwinism, depopulation Agenda 21 and 2030 from Western Governments who wanted to make money at all costs.

Did you know there was a Catholic order who rescued Christians under Ottoman captivity because the Western Governments refused to do anything?

The powers that shouldn't be promote Race War, Military Industrial Complex, Paganism, Homosexuality, Murder, etc. Anything that makes profit they will promote, market and propagandize that attacks Christianity. These Satanists will not stop until they have everyone under their control.
The reality is you can't take material things with you in the next life. It's you that goes through due to free will, would you rather end up in heaven or hell? We are living in a spiritual battle here. #SpiritualWarfare to be exact. Brought that up in these posts.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

The War is between Christianity and Industrialism (worship of profit). Don't forget Nationalism and Racialism. Making money at the expense of Morals.

Please watch this short video, history repeats.
Erdogan’s Bodyguards Are Beating Up Americans Right Here In The United States

The people who run these corporations are Eugenicists who want population control with Agenda 21 and 2030. NWO Agenda.

Please read other posts.
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