Iran is allied with Turkey Announces It Has Infiltrated American Command Control Centers And Is Going To Now Test A Massive Bomb, if this were true then False Flags, Civil Unrest, still Arms Race heading towards War

in #military7 years ago

Article by Shoebat, please share. Fun times with the Military Industrial Complex. All by Design, World's A Stage. Thanks Obama. Deep State/Illuminati with providing Iran with Nuclear weapons same with North Korea too.

Iran Announces It Has Infiltrated American Command Control Centers And Is Going To Now Test A Massive Bomb

So Iran is competing with the US on massive bomb and supposedly infiltrated command control centers in Iraq and Syria. You'll find out in this article that there is no way that could happen. According the Mainstream Narrative with the Deep State's blessing they did so to create fear and chaos, war and rumors of wars. Even if this did happen, then the US would create False Flag attack or another social unrest causing chaos and revolution. You'll find out that Iran is a threat in terms of it's alliance with Turkey.

They drop them from aircraft and highly destructive.

"Hajizadeh described the weapon as the “father of all bombs,” a clear reference to America’s recent use of the MOAB, of Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, which is capable of delivering an 11-ton blast."
"The Islamic Republic is gearing up to launch at least three new satellites as part of its contested space program, which is believed to provide cover to an advanced long-range ballistic missile program."

From what Shoebat has been stating that ever since Syria won the war against ISIS. Since Israel, Saudi Arabia, and USA, and other Western Countries supported ISIS. Zionist Israel's is freaking out and President Netanyahu had a meltdown intruded on President Putin's vacation with talks to form a military alliance with them to protect them from other Muslim countries and others too. Good luck with that hope Putin tells Netanyahu (PedoSatanists Scum) no on the military alliance and tells him to take a hike. Saudi Arabia is going down the tubes as their former neighbors are plotting to destroy her.

Israel has no allies in the Middle East. If Israel were attacked by one her her neighbors it's war with allies such as the USA and Saudi Arabia comes complete with Nuclear Weapons. Did you know by in 1967 during the Six-Day War in 1967 that Israel was going to launch the "atomic device" on Mount Sinai as a last resort that they feel they were going to lose the conflict, but never ended up launching the weapon.

America is not interested in helping Saudi Arabia, due to lack of "permanent physical presence in the Middle East." The US is great for raping countries for resources with PetroDollar (oil), protecting poppy fields for Big Pharma, other resources too.
"America has clearly shown with ISIS as well as the revolutions she started in Libya, Ukraine, Syria, and Egypt, she has no respect for human life and will utterly and mercilessly destroy by any necessary means anybody who stands in the way of advancing her goals."

Israeli PM Netanyahu Makes Panicked Visit To Russia And Begs For Help From Putin

Shoebat brings up this point.
"Iran is not a world power, but it is a regional power. Iran has nuclear weapons, yet so does Israel, Turkey, and most likely Saudi Arabia. The Russians also have nuclear weapons. Iran is allied to Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE, Syria and Lebanon, tentatively to Russia, and as we have noted is building now and will be going forward to Turkey."

Brings up Turkey who are enemies of Russia are allied with Germany, Japan, "and the USA, and tentatively allied to Israel." Turkey is looking towards the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. Not to mention with the Eugenics and the Counterjihad movement disguised as combating Sharia law, really it's about implement Eugenics on those deemed inferior race, unintelligent, and those unfit for NWO. According to Shoebat, "Turkey was also critical to the US support of ISIS, as they armed and trained fighters as well funded and laundered money for the group on such a level it goes up to President Erdogan’s son-in-law, Berat Albayrak. which came out as part of the WikiLeaks scandal and can be read on the site under “Berat’s Box.”"

Don't forget the "manufactured migration"/"refugee crisis" is socially engineered by the powers that shouldn't be funding and supplying the "boats and vehicles into Europe by NGOs being directly funded by the Americans and the Germans."
Gefira, company that specialized in "European politicay analysis" are the ones who placed the pieces of the puzzle together with the collusion of these organizations. Organizations include Doctors Without Borders and Save The Children. Other countries involved are "Italy, and Holland, but also nations such as Belize, the Marshall Islands, and Panama, and there are even some boats who act as veritable pirates, providing no identifying information in direct violation of international laws of the sea."

The world is in the process of the arms race fueling the Military Industrial Complex. Much of those advancements such as robotic soldiers, high tech submarines, super solider, and others represents what may happen just like the Terminator films, war against the machines. Wouldn't take much to start a war, either way delaying the inevitable.

The World Is Heading Towards Armageddon As The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Prepare For War. Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, And The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Are All Preparing For World War Three

In North Korea, don't forget the "Crazy Fat Kid", other new nickname is "Rocket Man" is paid off by the Americans and Japanese, will do anything to maintain his power. Back in 1994-95, Clinton Administration donated to the North Korea Nuclear Program is how they got their funding and military arms. Just as how starting in 1851 and so on the Americans provided Military arms and trained the Japanese in Western ways and technology, the Japanese defeated the Russians in 1905 and eventually became allies of Germany and Turkey during the World Wars. What the Japanese have in common with Germany and Turkey are they all have bloody histories and atrocities, they applied Nationalism, Darwinism, and Eugenics
against those not of the same race and intelligence. In other words NWO Agenda.

Anyway, if North Korea were to attack Japan or any other country either way will be destroyed since South Korea and the Russians are not looking to start a War and would rather have the Americans and Japanese to handle North Korea through invasion and regime change. Only other reason why "Rocket Man" is acting out is for the USA to grant a permit for Japan to re-arm themselves as part of the coming "Turco-Aryan alliance" that the USA is directly helping in formation of all by design by the powers that shouldn't be.

His only concern is maintaining power at all costs. They are not stupid and know Americans are aggressive in the Middle East and Worldwide, won't be so quick for attack mode nor give any reason for the USA to invade. Only advantage is "to harass the USA and Israel and just aggravate them while explicitly avoiding anything that could actually start a war, and using every legal opportunity to press them into a corner but without going any further."

Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda

Shoebat compares that Iran and North Korea are "in a similar situation geopolitically." If Iran attacks Israel, then the USA and the rest of the countries would follow such as Russia and Turkey would destroy Iran before the US could. Israel are not going to invade Iran and persuaded and failed to get USA to invade Iran. Ultimately the USA would abandon Israel along with Iran and Russia would jump on Israel. Either way doesn't matter how many nuclear weapons they did or didn't.

Shoebat brings some great points,
"They would not be able to remotely win a war against all of their neighbors and major foreign military powers.

So if Iran knows that it cannot start a war and win, and Israel cannot start a war and win, what is going on here?

The answer lies with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."

Ahmadinejad was trolling Israel and America, not the Muslim AntiChrist that the American MSM portrayed him to be. He kept a political message too while gaining regional allies, and performance on the world stage. "Ahmadinejad knew there would be no way for him to win a war in the current context." Like the almost impossible "infiltrated American control centers." If this did happen, then the Americans would plant False Flag attack or another social unrest "in order to cause an internal revolution like what happened in Syria, Ukraine, Libya, and Egypt." Apparently, Iran is a threat in terms of it's alliance with Turkey.

Iran was strategizing Iran and the US on the world stage.
"A case in point is with ISIS- Iran used the US support of ISIS to bolster its prominence, solidify regional allies, and now extract concessions from Israel without ever having needed to launch a military attack against that nation or the USA."

Iran is only going to attack Turkey in an aggressive way through an alliance called the "Turco-Aryan union with American support."

Basically from what Shoebat has pointed out the only thing that Iran infiltrated was the American minds (Media) and many others who understood the potential threats at stake. Overestimated Iran to make it more than it really is. It's the Deep State/Illuminati's game of chess playing off "people's fear and exaggerating them to their political benefit. They are not going to be dropping bombs on American allies in the Middle East other than verbal bombs meant to explode in the minds of people who do not see through the greater picture of what is taking place."

Great comment from a Viewer sums it up "Sounds like Iran, like many other countries, is "Jockeying for position." As to whether they have people planted in our government, I believe that this is nothing but a bluff. People troll websites all the time. We see this here on Does "Rumors of War" come to mind, Matthew 24:6-14?"


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