Travel Pro Places of Interest #3: Historic Art District of Las Penas Guayaquil Ecuador! (16 photos)

in #travel6 years ago

Hey there my Steemit friends! I recently went for a nice long walk here in Guayaquil Ecuador. From my hotel I walked north along the Rio Guayas towards the Historic Art District of Las Penas. This neighborhood is on a hill looking out on the river and was the the very first neighborhood in Guayaquil. All other parts of the city of over two million residents have been built expanding outward around it. This part of the city dates back 400 years to when the colonies of the Spanish inquisition established it.

Over the years several fires swept through Guayaquil destroying much of the city including this neighborhood. In 1982 Las Penas was declared a cultural heritage of Ecuador and from 2002 to 2008 money was poured into this district to restore it to it's original architecture and bright colorful design.

When I walked through this area it was very quiet. There were a few art shops, but nobody was in them. There were a few restaurants facing the river, but nobody was in them either. There was an empty lot, and various for sale signs on buildings. The park like area next to the river needed repair and was closed off with yellow police tape.

It looks like a lot of tax dollars went into this neighborhood hoping to make it a tourist destination; but by the looks of things it seems nobody cares. There were a few art museums and again nobody inside. Compared to the hustle and bustle of the market areas of the city, Las Penas was a real ghost town. It was actually quite sad to see it this way.

The beautiful architecture, cobblestone streets, and view of the river made for a nice environment to visit and like always I thoroughly enjoyed myself walking around here. In fact I could imagine this being a very peaceful place to live right in the heart of the city. Now come along let's have a look as the Historic Art District of Las Penas in Guayaquil Ecuador!

Not To be Missed!

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

!steemitworldmap -2.182147 lat -79.874597 long d3scr


Lugares hermosos de mi ciudad preferida mi Guayaquil

I love the shots! Guayaquil is such a beautiful city, how long are you staying there?

I've been here too long! about a month now! Leaving to the Galapagos Tuesday. I'll be there for 9 days. Then I'm probably going to hop a flight to Lima Peru and explore the surrounding areas. We'll see. Since my blog blew up I've been very occupied on Steemit. I've got to start leaving shorter messages! lol Thanks for your comment.

Wow that sounds awesome! I was in Ecuador last year and I really wanted to visit Galapagos but I never got the chance, I look forward to reading your posts!

Excellent. I reached out to you on steemit chat. Let me know how I can help you brother!

Fun to see what an art district looks like in Guayaquil, I'll bet there are some interesting nooks of talent to discover!

I'm sure they are. I'm also sure you being an artist would really find this place interesting. Thanks for stopping by. :)

my pleasure! and even if I don't catch every post, I try to ;-)

Ooooo. Great article. Me and Vivi are planing to visit South America... well ofcourse it depends if we will make some money with steemit for continue our work :) what food from Ecaudor did you liked the most?

I think you'll like this place. This country has great fruit for cheap. I'm not really impressed with the food here. Loads of rice and bean with questionable quality meat and few vegitables. Ask my about Thailand and I'll have a much different answer. Also check out my hotel cooking post I just did! That has some great info as well!

Hope you really had a nice time and adventure in Ecuador

hotels and buildings are luxurious friends, I like my friends post, please visit my blog buddy yes, thank you.

Wow 2 million people living there ! dating back over 400 years thats amazing how well That area looks , love those coble stone streets ! its sad that its deserted for the most part , it should be revived some how !! Beautiful art work as well , thanks @world-travel-pro for the sharing your awesome photos and story with us! upped and

Ha ha! I love your GIFs. Especially this one. So "travel Pro!" lol Thank you for your lovely comment, up-vote, and resteem like always! So much appreciated. Did you get a chance to check out this morning's post. I finally did a hotel cooking post! Hope you are well and are having a great day! -Dan

Hiya, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable mentions list in today's Travel Digest!

Very cool Thank you!

It looks a really pretty area. What a shame it's so quiet. I would expect it to be bustling.

Right. It what it is. thanks for stopping by like always!

Helados Americanos? But why are there hats in the store? No estan helados, estan sombreros. :)

Si estan sombrero porque aqui en Ecuador el sombrero de Panama esta famosa por que el sombrero de panama realmente es un creacion de Ecuador. Me gusta hablando espanol contigo. Donde aprendiste?

Estás probando mis habilidades de españolas, pero yo he aprendido un poco español cuando estaba en los Estados Unidos.

Esta bien Amigo. Sigue no mas!

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