Travelogue 3: Lake Quinault Lodge in Washington

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

On a recent vacation, we went back to revisit an old favorite of ours to which we had not been in over 30 years! Given how beautiful and unique it is, I would like to share it with you.

[Image View: The front entrance to Lake Quinalt Lodge.]

From this picture, dear reader, you have a pretty good idea about how nice this lodge is to visit. Let's take a closer look ...

Lake Quinault Lodge

This lodge was built in 1926. As you drive up to it, you have a feeling of almost going back in time. There are accommodations available to you to enhance that feeling!

But before you even leave the front parking area to go into the lodge, you can't help but admire these incredibly beautiful flowers just outside one of the windows:

[Image View: Beautiful hydrangeas just outside the front entrance to Lake Quinault Lodge.]

We're not flower experts, but our first thought were these were specially cultivated just around the lodge to make it look nice. No! These flowers are all over around this lodge growing wild in the surrounding countryside!

[Image View: The interior lobby of Lake Quinault Lodge (entrance door to the right, patio doors out to the courtyard looking out on the lake to the left).]

As you explore around inside, you find many examples of the massive timbers harvested from the surrounding forest to make the lodge. The combination of lumber and stone make it very memorable.

In the Roosevelt Restaurant, you can get some of the best seafood you've ever eaten. We especially liked the salmon, which our waiter said had been caught that morning in the nearby river!

[Image View: Looking through the patio doors out to the courtyard and on out to Quinault Lake.]

We are not much for staying indoors, though, so out into the wonderful view of Lake Quinault:

[Image View: The courtyard of Lake Quinault Lodge looking on out to Quinault Lake.]

Words fail to adequately capture the peaceful tranquility of soaking up this view and watching the sun set on a glorious day in the Pacific Northwest. Especially after a wonderful meal at the Roosevelt Restaurant!

Surrounding Area

The Olympic Peninsula of Washington is the wettest part of the continental U.S. Only Hawaii has a wetter climate. Thankfully, we were there on one of the nice clear days with the sun out.

Down from the Olympic Range, the Quinault, which flows into and out of the lake, is only one of the many rivers which flows to the sea. Much of this area is protected by the Olympic National Park, inside which sits Lake Quinault Lodge.

As you might imagine, being in a rain forest, the trees in the surrounding area must be doing very well.

Well, as a matter of fact, yes they are!

Image Source

In the Quinault River valley, there are six "world record" trees! Here is one of them:

[Image View: The world's largest Sitka Spruce at the eastern edge of Quinault Lake. Note its size compared to the man standing at its base to the right.]]

[Image View: Sign at the base of the world's largest Sitka Spruce.]

If the reader looks carefully, you'll note there is a good reason for this area to have some of the world's largest trees. For over 1,000 years, they've been soaking up an average annual rainfall of 12 feet! That oughta do it!!

Moving on up into the Quinault River valley, for the hardy souls who originally settled this area, can you imagine the effort needed to clear away the forest to "carve out" a living in this valley?

[Image View: Farm to the east of Lake Quinault.]

Having grown up where irrigation is just a way of life for the farming community, here they certainly don't have any need to concern themselves with that particular daily chore. I would imagine, though, they have some "special" ones of their own living where there is so much rainfall!

Once the road ends going up into the rain forest, the adventurous outdoorsman is greeted with this:

[Image View: At the end of the road and across a foot bridge, the hiker sees this sign for all of the available options.]

We had not come prepared to do any camping overnight, so we only went a little further into the rain forest and marveled at how quiet it was. So much vegetation deadens the sound of just about everything around you, including the nearby river.

[Image View: The Quinault River flowing west down out of the Olympic Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.]

All along the road back to the Lodge, the traveler is greeted with breathtaking views of the Quinault River, waterfalls coming down from tributaries flowing into it, and just the all-around magical experience of being in a rain forest.

If you ever make it this far away from it all, make sure and leave time to visit the ocean. A very short drive away is the wild coast of the open Pacific. Don't need to bother bringing your swimsuit, unless you are an incredibly hardy specimen, as the water is just too cold. We took "ankle selfies" of bravely taking our shoes and socks off and wading out into the surf. Once it washed up over our feet and started up our ankles, we'd had enough! 😊

Wonderful though to simply visit, listen to the matchless sounds of the sea, and admire the scenery!

Thank you for reliving this special memory with us. If this post has inspired you to add this great part of America to your "bucket list," more information can be found here on the official Olympic National Park & Forest website dedicated to it or here on a website giving the reader more info about the surrounding area and its history.

Respectfully, fellow Steemian @roleerob

Posted using and immutably “enshrined in the blockchain” on Saturday, 1 September 2018!

[Image Sources: Unless otherwise indicated, my trusty smartphone!]


This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank you so much @c-squared for stopping by and commenting. Up before 🌄 and encouraged to find it!

I was not familiar with you (see reply to her in this post), before @lynncoyle1's mention. Now I am! 😊

"... was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators ..."

If @lynncolyle1 is a part of your community, then it is an honor to join you as well. I have joined your Discord channel to learn more about you, as my time permits.

I am also now following you!

Off soon to my "day job." All the best to you @c-squared for a great new day!

Gosh you're sweet @roleerob :) Thank you! I think you will find a lot of amazing folks there and wonderful content as well!

This is a very beautiful spot @roleerob!! And I'm so glad that you had a dry day to enjoy it :) I lived for years in Vancouver , Canada, so I know all about rain haha

I'm submitting this post to c-squared in the hopes of them dropping by to show their appreciation as well :) Thank you for sharing!

Thank for stopping by @lynncoyle1. Hope you are getting through the stress of your moving relatively smoothly!

Vancouver, BC is the prettiest city in which I have ever been. We had thoughts of trying to work that into this vacation schedule, but just couldn't really make it work.

Have you ever been to Lake Quinault then? Or at least to visit the Olympic Peninsula and the National Park?

"I'm submitting this post to c-squared in the hopes of them dropping by to show their appreciation as well "

That is very kind of you @lynncolye. Thank you very much!

Sometime you'll have to share with me more about them, as they are not a group / community / team which I have heard of before now.

P.S. If you come back to this reply, you might enjoy taking an extra minute or two and reading the exchange between the bot @trufflepig and I in this post's comments. Very impressive to me what this new technology can already do, let alone what it may be capable of in the future.

Maybe you'll just have your own "personal slave" bot that will go around and do all your curating for you, so you can knock @janson off the curating throne ... 😉

I have been to Olympic Peninsula but not the National Park, although that whole area right through to Vancouver seems like a national park to me :)

Glad you found c-squared too; they are an off-shoot of curie, but if you do nothing but check out their feed, you will find some amazing content to follow.

I'm off to see the discourse between you and trufflepig; anything to knock janton off the throne haha

This is truly beautiful. I felt like i was also on vacation while reading your well detailed post.
Maybe I'd visit Lake Quinault someday.
Thanks for sharing @roleerob

Good morning @queengift! Thanks for "stopping by" and commenting. I appreciate that. If you ever find yourself out in the Seattle area, there is much to see and experience. Taking some time to make the loop around the Olympic Peninsula, where you'll find Lake Quinault, would be well rewarded.

Always curious how people find my posts. If you care to share on that, it would be welcome.

Have a great day!

Good morning Brother. I enjoyed reading your post. I found it refreshing.😊
I will definitely love to visit soon(if a miracle happens).

This is a wonderful travel post! Congratulations on 50 reputation, I look forward to more travel and posts from you, Roleerob!

I will check out the rest of your blog and see more about you!

Thank you @ecoinstant for stopping by and commenting. It is an honor, as your fame precedes you. I really appreciate it! Your comments definitely add value to this post.

"... Congratulations on 50 reputation ..."

Keen eye for detail! Thank you for the word of encouragement. I have only just achieved this milestone yesterday. Based on the great response to my Reflections: My Life as a Hay Farmer post about a very important time in my life with my sons. It is my understanding you live in Columbia and are probably quite a bit more adept at farming than I am.

All the best to you @ecoinstant, until we (hopefully) "meet" again!

P.S. Working full time and with a family, this is the first opportunity I've had to reply. Thank you for your understanding this delay in following up. I have a lot of respect for you champion curators. I really don't know how you do it ...

This is a lovely post! I like the lodge BUT I love the surroundings!

I would be hugging that tree all day! LOL

Thank you @delishtreats for stopping by and commenting. And from Switzerland. I really appreciate it! Your comments definitely add value to this post.

"I would be hugging that tree all day!"

Yes, it was an amazing tree. If you look at that map of where those trees are, another "world champion" was just across the lake from the lodge. Sadly, at the time we were there, we did not know that, so missed the opportunity ... 😞

So ... Guess we'll just have to go on vacation back up there again, until we get it right! 😊

All the best to you @delishtreats, until we (hopefully) "meet" again!

P.S. Working full time and with a family, this is the first opportunity I've had to reply. Thank you for your understanding this delay in following up.

My pleasure! No worries about the delay. It happens to everyone. I realized yesterday that I missed a couple of comments from 6 days ago! I don't know how it happened but I apologized and all is good :)

When I started traveling I also missed a few very interesting sites and I've learned about them back home. From that time I always read about the location to make sure it doesn't happen again :)

It would be great if you would go back and show us the other 'world champion' too!

Have a lovely day!

Up before the roosters 🌄 here @delishtreats and pleased to find your thoughtful reply.

"From that time I always read about the location to make sure it doesn't happen again :)"

Yep! I gotta work on that for the next time!!

Off soon to my "day job." All the best to you @delishtreats for a great new day!

Have a successful work day! :) Thank you for coming back to me!

Nice post i like it and East and West you are the best

Thanks for "stopping by" and reading my post @sardaradeelkhan.

Thanks for calling @roleerob! Here is a small upvote for this post and my opinion about it.

To my mind this post is at least 10 SBD worth and should receive 174 votes.

By the way, you can find TODAY'S TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I evaluate content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

You are all right @trufflepig. I didn't set my stopwatch to it, but I'm pretty sure you showed up within 24 hours, just like you promised!

"To my mind this post is at least 10 SBD worth and should receive 174 votes."

I like the way you (were programmed to) think! 👍 😊 According to the stats above, our beloved Steem community doesn't quite agree with your assessment, but maybe some day they'll catch up with your advanced and well refined appreciation for great content.

Seriously, I think your developer, @smcaterpillar, would be pleased to know I have decided to delegate 100 SP to you for your continued great work:

Keep on Steemin' along @trufflepig!

P.S. It may seem a little silly to reply to a bot, but maybe your developer is working on Trufflepig, Version 2.0, that will reply back! 😉

P.P.S. I've returned your upvote back double, as I wasn't realizing you would upvote my post on a "call," as that was not my intention.

There is nothing wrong with replying to a bot! In fact, I think what you have done and showed here is very kind and generous, and says a lot about the kind of steemian that you are!

Thank you @ecoinstant. This was not my first encounter with @trufflepig. Only the most recent. I have enjoyed "talking" with the bot.

I especially invested a lot of time into my first reply, as I am very interested in the potential of this technology.

"I think what you have done and showed here is very kind and generous, and says a lot about the kind of steemian that you are!"

I very much appreciate the words of encouragement!

This is amazing @roleerob! and so very kind and considerate of you too. I always reply to "bot" comments because I like to believe that somewhere, there is a human attached to them.

Yes, @lynncoyle1 ...

"... because I like to believe that somewhere, there is a human attached to them."

... we certainly agree on that and they need encouragement too! 👍 😉

Thanks for stopping by and adding value to my latest experience with @trufflepig!

You are most welcome @roleerob! And yes, who doesn't love a little encouragement? :)

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