Evolved08gsr's Travel - Roaming Photos in NYC

in #travel7 years ago

Roaming lower Manhattan

I decided to take a short walk outside after leaving work. The weather was still a bit humid and "muggy" but overall it wasn't too bad. I really just needed some fresh air and to decompress after a long couple of days at work. Walking outside always seems to help give me peace of mind.

I enjoy walking around One World Trade Center. It always gives me an eerie feeling, having lived through 9/11/01, but seeing the progress of how far construction has come since there was simply rubble, then a giant hole in the ground, and now a beautiful memorial .. I get a feeling of joy as well!

World Trade Center NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

World Trade Center NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

Next I walked Inside the Oculus (also known as the Westfield Mall). I had never been in the building through these doors before. It is such a different, and awesome, perspective!

Oculus NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

After walking back out of the mall, and around the Oculus, I decided to walk into the "new" Fulton Center.

Fulton Center NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

They did a really great job in updating and modernizing this space!

Fulton Center NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

Fulton Center NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell

There's something amazing about the Street Names in Subway Tile in the NYC Subways. It's such a classic look, despite how dirty it always feels! :)

Fulton Street Subway NYC
© 2016 Steven Campbell


Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!


If you want to read more, please take a look at some of my other posts:


Copyright Notice: All photographs appearing in this post are protected by copyright under U.S. Copyright laws and is the property of Steven Campbell. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any such content, nor may you distribute any part of these photographs over any network, including a local area network, sell or offer it for sale, or use such content to construct any kind of database. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of the photographs on this post. Copying or storing any content except as provided above is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of Steven Campbell.

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