CryptoCurator looking into Crater thinking Crypto on Holiday: Including: "Holiday Guilt"/ Pay it Forward / New Ideas

in #travel6 years ago

I do love to travel but have I developed “holiday guilt”? --- Yes, I think I have “holiday guilt” – is that a commonly used term?

I’ve been a little quiet on Steemit as I’m enjoying a break from the usual stresses and strains of life with a break in Fuerteventura in the beautiful Canary Islands. Fuerteventura is a unique volcanic island which I will post about further when a I have assimilated some photos and footage.

I am also tantalisingly close to bigtime Steemit Advocates and Canary Island residents @surfermarly, @killianparadise and @cauac but sadly I’m on a different island which is a short ferry or flight away from them. I can totally understand why they enjoy life on this archipelago and just sorry I didn’t get to meet you guys! (PS. I can totally understand why Steemit is going to be big on these Islands).

The holiday comes about as I was overdue to spend some quality time with my family after a very busy five months, but at the same time it has also been good to have some quality thinking time and I seem to have been very “reflective” on this trip.

Here is one photo of me reflecting looking into a Volcano crater – I spent a bit of time thinking about Steemit whilst I was there: and the photo captures the moment I was contemplating what nutter would go scrambling over the edge and get to the heart of the crater!!


My involvement in Steemit is helping me to be more conscious and aware of the world we live in and I hope it’s shaping me into a better human too. Throughout my time on Steemit I’ve been connecting with people globally who are living in more difficult economic conditions and this fuels my humanitarian thoughts and will be sure to guide my future path on the Steemit journey.

Reflections on Inequality & Promo-Steem

  • Born in the UK, does that make me lucky?
  • A holiday is a luxury item – do I “need” a holiday?
  • Why do I feel guilt for being on holiday?
  • Is this a consumer good for the UK consumer society set at the heart of a global economic system which perpetuates global wealth inequality?
  • How can blockchain technology bridge the gap on global inequality and reduce poverty and hunger?
  • How can promoting Steemit and encouraging mainstream adoption solve real world global problems?
  • What “good” can come from my holiday?

Well I’m supposed to be on a “break” so I won’t actually answer all these questions in detail now – they are just examples of my reflective state of mind!!!

Pay It Forward

What I will do though is pay it forward, I’ve just sent SBD10 through to one of the first people I met on Steemit he was supportive of my project CryptoCoffeeChat and he does great work on promoting Steemit in Nigeria. Here he is, he is the awesome, Sam @samstickkz, you can read about his great work for #stach with @ejemai here.

He doesn’t know the money is coming but he can use the 10 SBD to buy a “holiday day” to do something inspirational and uplifting for a day. No strings he can do whatever he likes with it, he might power up and he might even pay some of it forward. I’m not sure what 10SBD will mean to him locally – but judging by my recent reading it will have more purchasing power to him in Nigeria than it does to me in the UK, and I trust him to put it to good use...

What will I get from my break in Fuerteventura:

  • Rest and battery recharging – so that I’m ready to give more, and add value, where ever I contribute or volunteer on and off the platform
  • Education - from reading and opening my mind to new ideas through books and Steemit.
  • Health - some investment in fitness from a bit of cycling, hiking, running and a trip to a spa.
  • Inspiration from awe-inspiring vistas which I have committed to camera and drone footage - ready for future use.
  • **Renewed Passion ** for Posts & Project ideas below.

New Ideas: I’m planning a series of posts about Inequality, Poverty and Hunger

There is so much we can say to raise awareness of the issues of the current imbalance on global inequality and the lack of progress towards achieving improvement over the last 50 years. Can we find real solutions from the blockchain technology – and with a greater take up in Steemit – could we make a real difference.

Some of the things I have found easy on the platform:

  • Being able to do peer-to-peer lending
  • Transferring SBD easily directly to people far less privileged than me - red tape free, frictionless and transaction free
  • Supporting good causes – especially made easier through projects like @adollaraday by @pennsif from more information read here. Funds getting to those that need it fast and free.

I’m really looking forward to writing this series.

New Ideas: I’m planning a series of posts about promo-steem

I’ve got a lot of ideas that I could discuss with the official community approved @Steem-Ambassador’s such as:

  • Ways and means of cleaning the tag from poor quality posts and tag abuse – I think we can all do more to leave comments manually (I did approx. 10 comments yesterday showing the author the community guidelines here– definitely three have already moved the tag, and I even got a 100% upvote for my comment from one of the abusers!)
  • Identifying new Ambassadors and encouraging applications from new geographic territory where we don’t have a community approved Steem-Ambassador
  • I’ve got some ideas about Surveys that we need to conduct to understand the "customer (users) journey"
  • I’ve got some ideas about how we need to tailor the marketing to different “personas” – to create a hook which would encourage new registrations from techies, bloggers, businesses, entrepreneurs, community visionaries and crypto enthusiasts.
  • Competition ideas which will help create great marketing images

Anyway, for now, I have a few days left of my break – I’m currently at 80% battery recharge! Can’t wait to be back to 100%!

Watch this space and see you soon…

Best Wishes

cryptocurator gif.gif


Chris Im not sure if I have words now to reply this post but i'll try it . Day by day i surprise myself discovering new things on steemit and @steem-ambassador is one of the most remarkable initiatives I found here. After reading the post about the huge delegation from @roelandp i understood the kind of people that works on this project. My thoughts: "Such amazing guys!! Yes I found it finally!!"
You guys are changing the world!
I know what you fell looking at the volcanic crater and also that it helps to stop and grow up your awareness. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Chris! I understand why all Steemians who talk to me about you says: He's a really good person! Can wait to meet you!
Thanks for your words and your support man
Have fun!

Thanks @cauac for you really kind words - I'm glad you have also found a project you can be passionate about. There is much to do in this project and it is surely just the beginning. Have a great evening at your local meet-up tonight!

Thanks Chris!!
It was short but really fun!


Hola @cryptocurator, I am glad you are enjoying your holidays in Canary Islands, and to be promoting it as Steemit. It's a place as you said which make you think deeply, charge batteries and come back home full of energy and with new ideas.
I'm sure we gonna meet soon, so don't worry, it will happen in the right moment.

About feeling guilty cause your travel.. I think it happens basically to good people, emphatic people who always want to help other people. But you didn't choose who is poor or rich, or you didn't share resources around the world in this unjustice world.
What is good is that cryptocurrency system and through steem blockchain and #steemit we can slowly change it. The power for the people, help one to the others, fast and easy. I wish I ve sp enough to be helping people around the world just with my votes, this ones for example who didn't get the lucky to born in "the first world".

I'm working hard the get there, to first stabilize my life economically and then to be able to help other. Actually I already do it but slowly slowly.

Just started high touristic season in Canary Islands, I'm working hard as scuba diving instructor and I love it, but at the moment doesn't leave time as I would like to put in Steemit,this is my main goal. I want to be 100% of my daily time involved with #steemit, I believe in #steemit and I believe with #steemit and #steemblockchain we can change the world.
I have got a lots of ideas to improve the community while I am promoting it, just need time and resources to make it true.
Together with you guys, @steemitcanarias, @promo-spain, @cauac,@surfermarly,@cryptocurator,@anarcotech and of course #SteemitCreator @ned and promo-steem creators @starkerz and @stephenkendal we can do it, let's do justice and create a better world. Vamos!!!!!

Un saludo @cryptocurator, can't wait to work with you!! Enjoy the Paradise.

Thanks you very much with some very powerful words there @killianparadise . Hopefully you will be able to promote Steemit with #scuba and one day if I make it to Gran Canaria - I can take some lessons from you and pay in #STEEM!?

It will be my pleasure to show you the underwater world in Gran Canaria @cryptocurator. Steemit to the moon!!! Enjoy your holidays at the paradise.

Wow, that looks indeed like you're having a quite thoughtful trip. Sometimes leaving your daily rutines behind, helps to see things clearer.

Throughout my time on Steemit I’ve been connecting with people globally who are living in more difficult economic conditions and this fuels my humanitarian thoughts and will be sure to guide my future path on the Steemit journey.

I completely second that experience. Also lots of members in the Steem community are extremely convinced about the idea that Steem is able to change the world for better. Even small charitable acts can make a difference - and have made a difference for many already.

Thanks for the mention, and of course the next time we'll take ferries or airplanes and do a nice meetup :-) In the meantime we'll be trying to bring the steemy idea forward on these lovely islands.

Enjoy the last days of your trip!
Last night it was raining at my place (very weird), hope it's better on your island :-)

Thank you @cryptocurator, I'm really really grateful. One of these days, we'll go on a holiday trip together

Sounds great Sam - have a great Sunday!

I have never been to the Canaries - but looks like it is a good place for a break.

Take it easy and recharge your batteries with all that solar power.

And thank you for all your support for the A Dollar A Day project.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Thank you - certainly a lot of solar power here @pennsif however I think the homesteaders here won't have such green fingers as there is fair deficiency of rain water!

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