OH NOES (I Am Not Your Yes Woman)

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

giphy (11).gif

The Power of No.... as a woman I can tell you we are so conditioned to always "Stay Sweet". No matter what or who hits you in life you can make a certain decision to be able to build walls if needed. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone who smiles and does you a favor is meaning well.... I write this as a Cautionary Tale to trust your gut feelings about people. One of the worst feelings is that of feeling used, played or too checked out to recognize unmistakable red flags.

Your Intuition is there for a very good reason and choosing not to pay attention to it at times lead to that awful feeling of regret. Regret is like that silent Elephant in the room that is looming there like a blinking neon
beacon that reminds you of your weakness.


People can expect too much from you and expect you to always be "On". You are not on here to be anybody's stepping stone. I am not here for your amusement. Nobody else should feel that obligation to act like a performing circus animal that is scared of being reprimanded if you don't do your expected tricks. Reclaiming your freedom can be frightening but exhilarating and ultimately.....Necessary

If you feel constantly bombarded by "favors" and pressure to keep piling on more it is perfectly fine to say NO. I should be able to say NO and have it stick the first time said. This goes for everyone who feels that they get their strings pulled at times and that the person(people) on the other side just keep on thinking you will be feeding into their own agendas. Saying No isn't a form of aggression or dominance. It is self-love and respect. AND IF YOU CAN'T LOVE YOURSELF....HOW THE HELL YOU GONNA LOVE ANYBODY ELSE?....
Ru Paul

(giphy, twitter, @elgeko)



@enginewitty, stahhhhp with yanking my vlogs :P #thealliance #youarehope #teamgood

Sorry, couldn't help it doll!
Much love - #thealliance #teamgood #youarehope

Most People in Steemit are afraid of ruffling other people's feathers. You get this whole kumbaya mentality that you can't say no, you can't go contrary to popular opinion.

Guess what there are just some assholes that need to be told they are being too big for their breeches and that what your asking is not possible.

Some people need to be given a high five on the face with a steel chair!

Don't like Kumbaya? Check out my blogs ;) I ruffle like a mofo sometimes :D Ain't skeered.

all the Unicorns and rainbows stuff, well it just doesn't crank my gears like boots on the ground action and such.....
Narwhals, they swim as a pod , did you know how awesome they are....they swim together with kick ass horns...If am gonna be labeled I will choose to be a Narwhal, @sircork all you need is a steed and some sort of catapult ,

wish granted?

The catapult is concealed at the 2:00 position inside my waistband.

hahaah yeah I saw it now and that's what we need people who can stick it up to man or woman!

So true! Saying No is such an important part of maintaining healthy​ boundaries. When I was younger it was difficult for me to do, it took me years to learn that lesson.

Well said my friend 😉 power of No!
Respect and freedom ✌️

Doing anything in life should be a choice, it can be nice when people want us to help out - but they really should not be expecting anything. You are fully correct to say NO, your time is precious and should be for you to enjoy what you like doing - not so you can spend it rushing around completing other people's agenda's for them. Find the people you like and can relate to, spending time with them will be the most rewarding. Good luck and stay safe.

I’m on my own time, not anyone else's. Still speading love is the main agenda. Good “read”!

Exactly.....glad you stopped by my blog.Sometimes you give an inch and some feel entitled to take a mile.....

I hereby grant you the power and right to fully ignore my comment until which time it feels correct or incorrect to respond. If no response is given, that in itself may not be construed as an offer to not respond. Either party can terminate the reply contract for any reason, or no reason, at any time.

It's spam, but it tastes so good.... ;)

This made me laugh :)

@battleaxe loves me, she's just not allowed to say it out loud, cuz she'd lose her street cred....plus there are other contractual reasons, because of her being alliance Management and all now. It's ok .

I outrank her in there :) I'll allow her to admit it ;)

Haha.. I try to let her do her own thing ya know? I'm sort of a back-up singer. She has all the great ideas, and then I read'em. This plan works well.

Thank you for this post. Why? Because I know exactly the person whom I can send this to.
It's like you just knew you had to post this.

Teamgood baby! All the way!


Sorry ppl been troubling you! Glad you are seeing clearly and ready to smack back! (V.3 My WORD, those H A N D S!!) XD

Very necessary in todays society where we are always looking to please others at the expense of our own well being. I recently read a book, "the power of not giving a fuck", book didnt really offer up anything new, but just reinforced the idea that doing things we don't want to do is just dumb.


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