100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 28 - The Look What’s On Steem CampaignsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)

A few months back, we sent several e-newsletters to update people on new developments on Steem. They were a great success with very high opening rates and good responses.

We are going to restart the email updates, but we need your help to give them a new twist.

The Look What’s On Steem Mailshot Campaign

Those previous mailshots were primarily about telling the recipients about new developments on Steem.

For this campaign we want to tell people about all the great content on the platform.

The stories, the articles, the blogs, the diaries, the recipes, the photographs - the type of content that interests the widest audience - not just crypto enthusiasts.

This is where we need your help.

We would like you to nominate the very best posts - either your own or from people you know - that you think would demonstrate the variety and interest of Steem and encourage people to give the platform another try. The posts can be on any topic, except crypto subjects.

Posts should be no more than two weeks old and they should be original and exclusive to Steem.

The posts should be well written in any language, and the photographs should be by the author or copyright free with sources cited.

To nominate a post, just put it in a comment below, and briefly say you think it would be a good post to represent Steem in the mailshot.

We will likely be including five or six in each mailshot.

For those posts selected the nominator will get a 100% upvote from @steemcurator01, and if it is not their own post, then the author will get a similar vote on a current post.

If two or more people nominate the same selected post then they will share the 100% ‘finders fee’ upvote.

Nominations will be open until next Tuesday, May 5th.

We plan to start the first mailshot later next week.

If this works well we hope to repeat this to different segments of our database twice a month.

We will be monitoring opening rates and click through rates, and watching what sort of posts get the best response.

We are also delighted and excited to announce that the keys have now been transmitted to the first seven Community Curators - @roadofrich, @wherein, @canna-curate, @greece-lover, @project.hope, @remlaps and @stef1. They will now begin curating their communities with 2 million SP for the month of May.

Applications for the next round of Community Curators for June will open on Sunday.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team

Notes from the Community...

Steem Power Up Day - SPUD4STEEM - Friday 1 May

New organizer of the Steem Power Up Day event @kiwiscanfly has posted a reminder that the next SPUD takes place on 1 May.

There are thousands of SP on offer as prizes for the best SPUD’ers...

Thank you to @kiwiscanfly for getting Steem Power Up Day up and running again. And thank you to all the sponsors of the event including @xpilar, @kiwi-crypto, @kiwiscanfly, @reflektor, @hingsten and @bippe.

Last Holiday Photography Contest

The @art-venture project run by @stef1 and @myskye is holding a photography contest on the theme ‘Last Holiday’.

There is a prize pot of 40 STEEM to be won...

Steem Witness Forum

@greenhouseradio have announced their next Steem Witness Forum - it will be on Sunday 10 May at 11am PDT / 6pm UTC.

They are inviting all witnesses, community leaders and users to join in...


Dear Steemit community, dear curators,

I would like to present an important article here. It is a short article, perhaps not a very, very good one in the strict sense. But it is very, very good, because it represents a community project concerning the health protection of our fellow men and nine users worked together on it (I provided my account to publish the article). It's also important because it triggered a lively, interesting and controversial discussion. This shows that the community still cares and communicates.

Wir tragen einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz

I have to admit that the article does not quite fit your "rules", because it was also published on Hive. There it was published by another member of our group, @redpalestino. And this is exactly where the problem of simple users lies: We act on different blockchains, sometimes on both, but we are still virtual friends because we accept the opinions and decisions of others. We do NOT want to participate in the "battle of chains" through abuse and defamation.

Furthermore, this contribution is a charity project. 100% of the proceeds of both publications will go to @elkezaksek, who, together with her husband, provides food for starving families in Uganda. In this verified project every cent counts.
The Blockchain is a great chance for charity. Of course it is primarily the engagement of these outstanding people who help to save lives. But coins also help!

Gosh, this feels like (no, it is) begging for votes and I hate that. But I know that I am doing it here for a very good cause.
If you support the article, we would be very happy. If not, it doesn't matter, because we accept and respect different views without bullying afterwards! By the way, this is a statement that can be read between the lines in our article, as well as in the comments.

Big thanks to @actifit-peter, @astrophoto.kevin, @condeas, @double-u, @hatoto, @jaki01, @redpalestino, @tibfox, who made effective teamwork between the blockchains, even between continents real.

Best regards,

😍 😘 😘 😘
Danke euch allen!!

Thank you

Excellent initiative and for sure a great way to showcase some good work made here on the Steem blockchain!! I'm going to nominate two posts that I think will be great promotion for the platform:

1st: Creación de juegos para Steem (01) by @MarcosDK. The first of a series with detailed tutorials to create a game on the top of the Steem blockchain. Language: Spanish. (4 days ago)

2nd My Favorite Possession " Story of a village child favorite object that started from "machetes and hoes" by @Sultan-Aceh An awesome and inspirational story about friendship, cooperation and great achievements on Steem. Language: English (12 days ago).

Best wishes for this initiative and for all participants!!

Thank you for nominating these two very good posts.

Thank you very much for your valuation and thanks also for your support!! I've been very happy and busy in this days because of the start on the Knitrias Project and all the activities and engagement for the first days. I can say that the Members are happy so far and start making contributions to the project. You alredy know some of them!! :)

Here is a link for the First Weekly Report: KNITRIAS PROJECT: Week 01. On the blog there are re-steem from the post and reactions so far that are woth to take a look. I've been giving some advice in different aspects on their accounts and publications and will connect them to other communities and projects also.

I've seen your post on Abuse on the platform, surely I'll put my two cent on it really soon. Preparing also my applicaton for the Community Curator Project!!

My Best Wishes for all the great projects and activity that it's been generated through your communication and open window to gather ideas from all the community interested in positive initiatives. Great achievements and we are on march.

Best Regards!!

Gracias por la mención @leveuf. Ya estoy trabajando en las siguientes entregas mientras continuo con el desarrollo de Rada Quest. Pronto habrá nuevos capítulos.
Permiteme el atrevimiento de pedir tu voto por mi como Witness en Steem:

Genial!!! Te agradezco mucho el atrevimiento Marcos!! Ahora mismo voy a votar por ese Witness!! Te deseo lo mejor para esta nueva empresa y los proyectos que van en marcha!
Estaré pendiente de esos nuevos capítulos!! :)
Abrazo grande y Buenos Vientos!!

I will try my best to find an great article to nominate in this

Until that,
The Hindi translation is ready for Indian community have an look at that @steemcurator01
100 दिन STEEM : दिन 28 - The Look What’s On Steem Campaign

Thank you for this nomination

@steemcurator01, thank you so much for your support. Have a beautiful day!

I have written a little article that more steemians take action on your challenges :
Resteemed :-)

Thank you

Thank you for this nomination.

I nominate Welcome to the Wizarding World! A Steem Community for All Things Harry Potter! by my son, @cmp2020, because I think a Harry Potter community would be of interest to many many people in the real-world. I think it's a great post for off-chain recruiting.

Also, just in case you haven't yet seen my comment in the other post, I have not received the posting key for the community curator initiative. Where should I look for it?

To save you a lookup, my email is:
remlaps [-at-] aol [-dot-] com.

Hope that's clear. I don't want to put it into the actual format in order to minimize harvesting by spammers. You can also feel free to send the info to me in an encrypted memo, instead of email.


Thank you for this nomination.

That should be a great community.

Grazie mille bella! Bacione

sei molto gentile @ciska. grazie anche a te!

I am going to nominate this publication as literature or poetry content @steemitblog :



Thank you for this nomination

Hi @steemitblog, can you suggest me some mobile dApp to use STEEMIT from the mobile phone?

good news and thank you very much for your reply

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