Tell-Lie-Vision and the FakeNews Media

in #television7 years ago

"I know the secret of making the average American believing anything I want them to. Just let me control television. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV sets images."
- Hal Becker


That is the science of imagery and the power of symbols invoked within our consciousness to influence our lives.

Reality is being created for us through the beliefs we have in what other people tell us and what we see. Ever argue with the someone, present new information, yet they reject it by falling back on their blind trust on the "news"? The news said it, therefore it's "true".


Not only can people lie to use to deceive us, but now technology is used to manipulate our trust in what they show us.

The news media of puppets and liars have previously been exposed with their green screen fake news, and this is in 2014!

Proof TV Media 100% Fake FakeGreen Screen Compliation

The group of people who want to tout themselves as representatives of truth and "real news", are in bed with the CIA, still mostly likely to this day. It's offocial in the 50, 60, and 70s through a long running Operation Mockingbird to pay heads of major media companies to influence the minds of the public as propagandists and gatekeepers for the establishment. They manipulate data, twist and spin things to create narratives for people to accept about what is happening in reality.Here is Anderson Cooper with ties to the CIA:

Anderson Cooper Confronted On Being In The CIA

The intelligentsia work to promote a certain narrative, story or worldview for the masses to adopt as the way reality is. Here is a longer fake-news video from 2013:

Media Brainwashing - News simply repeats the same taglines and phrases OVER and OVER

And here is the video I shared from the movie Network, and the media manipulation of consciousness:

Network - We're In A Lot Of Trouble!

News reporters used to have pieces of paper to repeat the news, whether it was real or not. Earlier, they used to care about reporting the facts, and were the fact accountability arm of society to balance the tendency for lies, corruption and manipulation that comes from government.

The media was supposed to keep the government in check. But it doesn't anymore. Now the media is another arm of the establishment and pushes the same agenda. They create a false opposition and false dichotomous relationships (CNN, Fox, NBC, etc.) to give an illusion of opposition and honesty, but it's smoke and mirrors.


Now the anchors on the news, don't research and check the news. They just repeat the stream of information that is fed to them. The read what the teleprompter says.

Most of it is useless, and doesn't matter in your daily life. It serves as another distraction to keep our attention on, and prevents us from figuring out what is really going on:


If it really that shocking to understand how we are manipulated into wars? Syria. Libya. Iraq. Afghanistan. And that's just in the past decade or so. There was the 9/11 false flag disinfo to create a new Pearl Harbor and lead Americans into a new prosperous foreign policy abroad. WWII and WWI had false flag attacks to leads the US into war.

Things aren't as they appear, as James Corbett lays out here:

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War

Now, if you want to dig deeper, you can, like for instance, how the news lies and creates fake news about Isis and Syria. Isis is directly tied to the US and John McCain, and funded by the US for weapons and trucks at the very least. There is tons of evidence on the net to find.

Here is some:

Fake News!! CNN & BBC Busted!! ISIS Is A Fake Threat!! 2014

You can get more into the fake news, with research into crisis actors related to the Boston bombings, Paris, Sandy Hook, Aurora, and many other shootings where things smell foul and don't add up. Go check it out. The media is lying to you, and when you look close you can uncover how deceptive the whole show is. Oh, and by the way, New Haven, Connecticut (Sandy Hook town), is the HQ for the Church of Satan. Just to tie this into the pizzagate and satanism angle.

Our reality is being acted out, by actors, who fake emotion and events to create a false reality for us to imagine is real. We are watching movies, but aren't told it's a movie, so we think it's "real" through our blind trust, loyalty and faith in the establishment.

Look at the movie Galaxy Quest, and how one group of aliens think television shows are historical documents:

Galaxy Quest: Historical documents

If we trust the source, then that source becomes reality for us.

This is how easy it is to manipulate our consciousness, and the media can do it well. Imagery is powerful. Studying and understanding consciousness empowers on in life. I recently wrote two posts about the importance of understanding consciousness.

The news casters, anchors and reporters, speak to us is soft tones, to make sure their message is received in a non threatening way. They manipulate our basic emotional aversion to being confronted or attacked, by not speaking harshly or using specific keywords that would "trigger" us. They can't cover everyone's triggers, but they tend to keep their message neutral and acceptable by the majority of people.


Here's an analogy of how the news lulls us into a comfortable cozy acceptance of their control over how we see reality, preventing us from being free, from Pink Floyd's Mother:

Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you
Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Momma's gonna keep baby cozy and warm.

- Pink Floyd, Mother

Like an abuser who torments a victim then acts as it's savior, the media instills fears like Zika, Ebola, H5N1, ISIS, and much else, to create a boogeyman to fear, then the other arm of the establishment acts as our mommy/daddy/nanny state caretakers to protect us under it's wing. We can sing and dream of being free, but they won't let us go.

Remember, only 6 corporations own most of the media in the USA (although this might be based on info from the mid-2000s that may be outdated...):


David Rockefeller allegedly had something to say about this issue:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."


This was in the pre-Internet world where things like this could be said more liberally without much fear that many people would get a hold of what you said. Not as many people would know about what the elite controllers say, or the other info, if it weren't for the Internet.

It can be tricky to discern reality, especially when the trusted sources are not to be trusted. We can expose the mainstream media fake news now more than ever. We can find alternative sources of news that go against the establishment narratives and story-telling. As much as things can be manipulated with technology (like TV), technology (like the Internet )can help us find more truth and potentially be more free.

Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Peace.

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And now that we try to spread truth in a decentralized manner there is a flood of information on all sides telling you how it is from every angle.

I swear stuff like the Flat Earth movement came around just to dilute and undermine all the real shit.

I agree. Flat earth dysinfo op to discredit alternative mindsets and further poison the idea of "conspiracy" research about world affairs...

unfollow kingscrown.png

Great minds think alike... lol.

Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

Unfortunately a large proportion of the society is led by the media
It is difficult to change the ideas of a large number of people because the media, especially the television and the destination of a particular logic
Your wonderful article I hope that people can judge their conscience instead of believing all Mainsher on television true Although some programs are very useful

Indeed, we are led by the media through blind trust and faith :/

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great news,television is a good medeya

Television is the common source for the news .some this tv provides fake it is sad news mass people .The fake news destroy our society

Essentially the lame stream is just the most visible layer of the current version of the mind control system for global governance that has been in place on Earth for a very, very long time.

When you consider that patents have existed for a long time which show that our TVs can be used in reverse, to actually act as a kind of camera that records us as we watch them - it becomes apparent just how much scope there has been for manipulation!

Indeed, those patents might not all have been in use, just because there is a patent doesn't mean it's in production. But I recall there actually being microphones in TV sets. Not sure if the newest generation of TVs have cameras in them for some purpose, like motion recognition such as the xbox vr system or something like that ...

The tech to turn TVs into cameras is just the visible tip of the iceberg. It was stated as early as 1969 that technology was in use to manipulate the frequency of the electrical supply running through national grids in such a way as to influence consciousness and decision making in a targeted way. I feel that if a technology such as that used to facilitate the TV 'viewer' 'function exists, then it will have been used behind the scenes.

The newer X boxes do have cameras and mics, yes. Ultimately, the intention is apparently to have all home appliances 'updated' to be SMART and to monitor all activity and to allow it to potentially be available online to 'someone'. Once you can talk to your fridge, your fridge can record you! ;)

Enter the age of IoT... people love technology all up in their shit :P

even including nanobots literally in their shit!

psst, I have no tv bro. :-)

me neither ;)

Good man you.

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