Ep.4📲 The Media Revolution - Effect On Brands

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

The Entrepreneur - Age

& Why established brands are starting to fear for their existence..  

It is an indisputable fact that the Internet revolution and with that the rise of social media changed not just in general the way people live, but brought change to the entire consumption field and put pressure on existing brands...

There are many shifts taking place in our economy right now. One that has taken place already is the speed at which what’s cool is changing, so called to „viral trends“. As we are living through a time of information overload, where every time you refresh your page, new information and ADS get thrown at you and as a result, the speed at which we consume has increased drastically.

For big brands it is difficult to react as spontaneously, create and distribute content around a hot trend, before it’s done. A trend usually lasts for no longer than a few weeks, sometimes a couple of days.

 In the traditional ways of advertising it was only possible for the big players to place ADS, because the spots for radio and television ADS are limited, there are only so many channels and time of the day where you could reach the appropriate audience. 

Now with the digital revolution, the Internet has arbitraged out the traditional media channels and replaced them with everyday people like you and I, who have realized they could simply create their own show, build and audience and become more influential than the most well-established brands.

Meanwhile the famous longtime-established brand Gucci has 15,8 Million Follower 

The youngest sister of the Kardashian Clan has an audience of 95,5 Million People (updated). 

Is it fair that a 19 year old girl has a larger audience? Well that's the decision of the market in 2017 an we have no other choice but to accept that. This girl started like most social media Influencers with affiliate marketing, earning commissions for referring her followers to an Insta-boutique..


Insta-boutiques like prettylittlething are owned by Millenials who recognize such trends and are quick to respond. Instead of spending and time and money on Ads, they produce what's working in 2017.. commission-based brand ambassador who can relate to their target audience and the followers trust. 

She continued building a personal brand:

And finally launched her own make-up company that in a matter of seconds turned into a successful sold-out global brand:

Prada’s biggest competition isn’t Gucci, but an army of 

Insta Boutiques!

Another interesting shift is in digital e-commerce and well-established brands affected by it.
One affected sector I find especially interesting:  Luxury Labels 

Every time I’ve worked with an owner of a luxury brand the decision for them to move digital has always been a significantly more difficult one. Their audience often look for more than just a product, they want the experience, the feeling of exclusiveness and need a more personalized intimate service, which is harder to provide online. When you shop online you don’t necessarily feel special. Another issue luxury brands are facing is the issue of security and shipping with products worth thousands. Subsequently, as much as 40% of high-end brands do not sell products online. And that again subsequently has opened up a new market and turned small social media brands into million dollar businesses almost overnight.


Fashion Nova

(a brand that focuses on Instagram only and is known for its large portfolio of popular brand ambassadors)

House Of CB   

Mistress Rocks

Founder & CEO of the two previous mentioned brands, 23 year old Conna:

The Effect On American Apparel

The famous clothing retailer American Apparel — one of the fastest growing U.S. companies only a decade ago with 130 stores in the United States — filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2016. In the last quarter reported before American Apparel filed for bankruptcy protection, revenue dropped to $134 million from $162 million in the same quarter the year before. My conclusion as to what must have played a big role in such a dramatic fall.. the company and its major competitors are getting stabbed, one by one, by the army of social media boutiques that offer similar styles, more options for better prices.


(This is a picture I took in Hamburg, Germany of the famous American Apparel Store that's been there forever, but isn't any longer)

We’re currently witnessing small online boutiques who have built an entire brand on social media platforms like Instagram take over. The traffic and conversion rates of these sites are truly astonishing. The owners often themselves are part of the new generation and understand that television stats tell can be positive whatsoever, but that doesn't change the fact that most people have become blind to them. Think about it.. how many commercials do you watch and respond to them as the company would hope for? Most of the time, if I don't skip an AD I make fun of the counter-productive psychology they try to apply.

Or BANNER & POP-UP ADS! I could write an entire blogpost about how they are, in almost every case harming a brand rather than doing any good.

There are many different reasons as to why small business owner have a huge advantage right now and Insta-boutiques run by Millenials are becoming serious competition for huge brands. 

The following visualization portrays even further indicators as to why we are moving towards digital when it comes to  spending money and trusting brands.

To keep up with the pace, brands must have a clear grasp on what’s trending, what’s resonating with their customers, and current colors, patterns and designs. Just must in a way track the runways on Instagram, and forecast trends on Instagram. 

There is plenty more to learn and understand regarding this topic, like how the media revolution and social media shift has an effect on politics, but that is a different story and will be shared in a future episode! 

So stay tuned for that. What are your thoughts on Social Media Boutiques taking over the Retail Industry?

Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit


It's so crazy to see what new changes the new generation has brought. Before, it was an age of industrial plants and physical labor. Now, it's the digital age where everything is online and trends are constantly changing. I love that you emphasized the fact to always stay ahead of the curve and know what the current trends are and capitalize on them. In a world that's constantly changing, that's exactly what you need to do :)

Never thought I would read something about brands and make up stuff here on SteemIt lol. Clear, easy to read and even quite amusing to read. Glad that I followed you!

I'm amazed at how well on target you are. You are 100% correct. Your examples are spot on. I instantly thought of one lady that started up 4 years ago. She is appealing to the 35 to 55 year old women market. She travels to all the shows and when she comes accross what she thinks looks good, she ask her audience if they like it or not.
So she doesn't have to risk buying inventory that isn't going to sell. Its already a hit before she negotiates the contract to buy inventory.
Her business is 100% online and she is doing over 10 million a year.
We live in a changing world.
Great post
Oh, by the way, I think I have figured out what your big announcement is!

Great example! That is literally such great and practical advice anybody can follow. Ask the market, then do and not the other way around. That saves you a lot of time and frustration.
Would love to know your guess ..

Here ya go.
Her concept as I stated above is she targets the women from 35 yrs and older. Everything on her site is $50 usd. But her strategy is not for the customer to just buy a dress, she gives them a complete package for that $50. Necklace, shoes, dress, I don't know about the purse.
I think she came up with that "Big Idea" for her marketing, and has hit a home run.
Let me know what you think?

In all fairness, the Kartrashian Klan got tons of media press by all the tabloids & they have their own shows on the Eeek! Network.

But you're spot on. What's the incentive a consumer has to buy a giant overpriced brand's product, when they can shop online, compare prices, reviews, & even get more personalized service. Just try & get personalized service at all the big brands stores...it's definitely hit & miss! Usually it feels more like a high pressure hurry up & gimme yo $money situation.

It makes sense in a lot of ways but personally I don't like to buy clothes or shoes online usually. The luxury market is an interesting one for sure. Creating that demand and desire for the product but limiting the supply and the outlets as to where it can be obtained.

That is becoming harder and harder for these brands to control because there is a huge resell market online of luxury brands which effects sales in the luxury retail outlets.

I definietly agree with you here, it's amazing how much influence one can gain by building a strong personal brand. I think we are seeing this grassroots effect happen more and more these days.

In my opinion, many of the high end fashion brands are doing a fine job keeping up with the digital revolution. Some of the campaigns released in the past few years utilizing many pop culture icons have been very successful, bringing these brands to places they normally wouldn't be seen.

I never paid attention to some of these brands until they started using hip hop artists more frequently in their marketing, for example

ASAP Rocky for DIOR

It's definitely an interesting topic in an ever changing market!

That's great additional information and I think I will do a separate post about that exactly, the brands that are keeping up with it and going after it VS. those who are on a downward spiral. It's true there are brands, Puma comes to my mind who are doing exactly that. Influencer Marketing is the key to dominance right now.

Yes influencer marketing is huge .

Puma (Rihanna), Reebok (Kendrick), Adidas (Kanye, Pusha T, Pharrell etc), Jordan (Drake, Khaled etc)...

The list goes on! And this is just the hip hop angle!

Great post! Personally, I love how "small" businesses took over the market. I think millennials like to feel that they know who is behind the brand and what kind of message the brand is trying to convey. Channel, Versace, Gucci, Prada and so on are "old" brands, and often people who founded them are already dead, so who gets the money? Hahah if you get what I mean. Millennials want to see where that money goes. A lot of millennials are into sustainable industry as well. We see our dollar as opportunity to vote every time we buy something. Of course not everyone sees things this way and a lot of times it is just matter of convenience - I do not really feel like going from store to store, trying things on and finally settling for something that I do not really like that much. It is much easier to order something form an online shop plus there is that "openenig the package" feeling that never gets old.

I like you P.O.V! Very interesting. I also almost solely order online, for time saving purposes and of course the package you get to open!

Thank you!
Yep, we are new generation of "i-can-do-everything-online" peeps :D

The barriers of entry are dropping to the point that we're practically tripping over them. I love it. Personally, I never wear branding and prefer plain, unmarked clothes but maybe that's just because I'm a boring old man. lol

Lol maybe, but that's the way to go if you just don't want to deal with the social media world and aren't planning on getting involved for the benefits at any time. I can't even think about how much the upcoming generations will be in trouble...

Great post, true content visually on the edge designed - love it as always! Agree to the points - however we work for some of these brands and some are still paving the way in terms of flexibility - not allowed to mention them in public. It is a great asset to Steemit to have you on board @mrs.steemit

Very good analysis . Retail is changing for sure , especially in digital economy

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