My Podcast Setup

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Hey, everyone!

There have a been a few that have asked me what equipment that @siren87 and I use to do our podcast shows and I promised to do a post regarding that very topic.

Also, just a mild disclaimer - @siren87 and I are not audio engineers, sound junkies or any sort of experts. We're just regular folks who wanted to do a podcast and wanted to have a certain standard of audio quality that we could be happy with. Even until now, we're still trying to figure out how to make improve on the sound everytime :)

So here it is! Sorry for the delay!

The Scarlett 2i2 Studio(all in one recording package)

My extremely humble podcast setup. Don't mind the cat fur. It's not relevant to the podcast.

If I recall correctly, we first started doing podcasts back in 2014. I was a heavy podcast listener and just loved the idea of being able to talk about things that you were passionate about and perhaps one day make a living off it. Especially if it meant being able to hang out with your friends more often. Podcasts were also a great underrated way to get information and perspective while killing time, whether you were driving or in a train heading to work.

We didn't know anything about audio equipment like mics and mixers so we asked contact who was a musician and an audio content producer if she could help point us in the right direction as far as getting something that was decent but wouldn't necessarily break the bank. A great "bang for your buck" sort of purchase.

After a little bit of research and going through our options, we settled on the Scarlett 2i2 Studio. Promoted as a complete audio recording package for musicians, we bought this for around RM1000(250USD) at the time.

This package deal comes with decent headphones, a sleek looking audio interface, and a solid microphone as well as a cable.

And apparently it's a brand that's used by the Foo Fighters. That's what it says on their webpage.

The Audio Interface(Scarlett 2i2)

A very nice looking red

The back of the audio interface.

Basic USB interface where you can plug in two mics and one headphones at a time. You can also adjust the volume pickup for both mics and volume for the headphones.

The Mic(CM25)

The mic comes in a nice crimson red. And yes that's a dent on the side of the mic. I dropped it once.

Been speaking into this bad boy for years now. The CM25. The sound output is very decent and gets the job done as far as voice clarity is concerned. Still trying to figure out the best adjustments for it because I still seem to get too much ambient noise pickup.

Close up angle

The headphones(HP60)

The HP60

This is where I, once again, reveal my ineptitude at all things audio. The headphones are ok. I think they probably sit somewhere in the middle for quality. And truth be told. I use them only at the beginning for sound checks. After that, it's headphones free for me! Guess it's good for it's price and the fact that it came in a bundle set.

Just another angle for a better look

The OTHER Microphone(AT2020)

The Audio Technica 2020

Prior to getting this, we were actually all using the one mic and that just ended up sounding horrible but it was all we could afford at the time. After a year, I managed to get the AT2020. I can't remember too much but I remember this also being within budget and had really great reviews. This is the main mic that I use to record all the podcasts. Also bought a tripod stand that cost me around Rm50(around 12.5USD).

Just in case you were wondering what the box looks like

Close up shot

Let's not forget to give the mic stand some love and shine!

Recording Program(Audacity)

Widely used around the world by students who can't afford to pay for anything. Myself included.

If you've done any sort of audio editing or recording before then you should be well aware of Audacity. An open source audio editing software/program, Audacity is very powerful and capable. There are loads of tutorials online on YouTube that teach you how to edit your recordings in Audacity. Definitely download it now if you're serious about doing a podcast.

Pop Filter

I don't have pop filters. I shamefully admit that I actually use socks as replacements. They work well but give the mics an incredibly obscene look to them. Which is why I never included any pictures. And that's also the beauty of voice only media :) Nobody can see your equipment and setup. Or even the mess in your room. But I digress.

That's It!

Hope I provided value with this post. Final words would be just to go out there and make your own show regardless of the equipment. Yeah, great sound quality does help but it cannot substitute for good content. Even the great Joe Rogan once used his Iphone to record a podcast while he was in a plane without access to his fancy recording studio. And that guy's the best of the best who started from humble beginnings himself!

If you have any questions regarding my equipment, please don't hesitate to drop me a message in the comments! Can't say I can help you out with limited knowledge but I'll do what I can :) Looking forward to more podcasts in SteemIt!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or topic suggestions please feel free to write it down in the comments section!

STEEM Geek Podcast


fancy stuff you have there. well. much better than my iphone stuck on blue tack. hehe. will definitely have to look into Audicity! good job man! :)

Thanks,man! Took me awhile to save up for and buy.

Your stuff already sounds so good on iPhone. Imagine if we could record it on better equipment!

I sure hope so. some people are hinting at it already. hahaha! will need to save up as well. definitely have to consult you :)

RM1K for a complete set.. I'm surprised yet un-surprised at the same time @branlee87. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this!! Really helpful :)

No problem man!

There's a cheaper option for around rm400+ but I can't remember the name of the brand and I'm not sure of its quality. I'll let you know ok :)

@branlee87 Nice setup you have there. Didn't realize that many M'sian do podcasts.

Getting rid of background noise & echo is a pain in the butt, especially when car horns come about, and sometimes clanging kuali.

I use a simpler setup though, just a USB mic into laptop.

Hey, man!

Thanks for the comment!

Oh you do videos? I'll make sure to check them out!

Followed :)

Woah cooool!! I really want to get myself an audio equipment toooo

Your singing is so good already. Imagine if it's a better quality recording! Next level liao :D

Wow! This is interesting, detailed and informative for people like me who has no background or whatsoever in this field. Always good to learn something new! Thanks for sharing.

No problem! Glad it was useful to you :)

I think you may have inspired me to do a similar post in the future! I would also encourage you to check out DSound as a medium for distributing your future podcasts. It looks like they are trying to reward people who put podcasts on there. My last two podcasts have received excellent votes from their Steemit account, so it might be worth a shot!

Thanks for sharing. It's always good to get a behind the mic look at your show!

Hey @ethandsmith!

Would love to see your behind the scenes setup as well.

Yeah, I've been trying to upload to dtunes but it keeps crashing when I click the publish button. Around 6 times now.

Great to hear your show is doing good, man. It is a good show. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again for the awesome comment! Keep that steemengine going!

I'll definitely consider doing a post about my setup! Thanks for the encouragement. Perhaps you'll eventually get DSound to work. I know it has some issues for some users.

That's the effort that pays off! I am really proud of your determination and hope to have more coming from you!! GOOD JOB BRAN!

Wow! Thanks so much for the support and encouragement!

You seem to be on to great things yourself :)

Alas! We finally get to have a sneak peek at the equipments you used behind your world class podcast production..Thanks for sharing. Upvoted!

Wah! Not world class Hahaha!

Thanks so much for the support @karinzdailygrind!

I think YOU would do great with your own podcast show :)

Haha..Do one similar to the Gary Vee style right? :D

If you can drop the truth and some F bombs on us! Haha!

Welcome to the daily grind shoooooooow!

I will buy it !! If I get RM1000 from steemit ! Give a best Gift for my gf ! She love sing song

Haha! You're a very good bf :)

simplistic setup yet professional sounding ! hey .. looking forward for your next podcast bud

Thanks for the support, man!

Will keep trying to produce quality content! :)

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