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in #teamaustralia6 years ago (edited)


_Temptation may come hope your conscience doesn't hide
The longest trip you'll take is inside
— Yes

As strange as this may sound, I don’t dream.

To be fair, I don’t know if I dream; I may well do, however I never remember my dreams (if I do).

So if I wake up and I can recall my dream, I pay attention as it is such a rare occurrence. When it does happen, it is always bringing to my attention something in my field.

My contemplations on the I Ching this morning turned out to be an extension of the themes within my dream.

賁如皤如: Bì rú pó rú:
白馬翰如。 Bái mǎ hàn rú.
匪寇婚媾。 Fěi kòu hūn gòu.

Beautifully adorned or (plain) white:
A (brilliant) white, feathered horse.
Not an enemy, marriage.

— Hexagram 22 賁 Bì, ‘Commentary on the Form’, I Ching (my translation).

The meaning behind this passage is that whether one chooses to be “beautifully adorned” or “plain white”, the choice is best made when one makes it from a place of purity and sincerity (this is what the feathered horse symbol signifies in ancient Chinese mythology). The story that forms the context of this passage is that sincerity should also inform our choices in more serious matters such as marriage.

What choice we make doesn’t matter, as long as it reflects our true nature, that it is made as authentically as possible, and that it will serve our best interests. Making a choice because it serves another’s agenda, or to please another (e.g., parent, partner, boss, etc.) isn’t being true to our integrity.

The key in my dream last night was around appearances. I’ve mentioned in this post and this post how I’ve been stepping away from the popular approach of the ‘personal brand hustle’, and how success in this post-social media world can only be measured by how much fame and notoriety one has. “Step up and be seen” is the catch-cry of Life Coaches and Gurupreneurs.

Ever since retiring from the TCM profession, it’s been very difficult to shake off the public natural medicine identity... and how I continue to still break out of that mold. But it doesn’t matter whether or not people know me to be a (ex-) natural health professional; as long as I act and create from my heart.

To do so, I find myself spending a good deal of time with my attention turned inwards. It’s lucky I value introspection and personal gnosis! The 20+ years of practicing meditation, Qigong, and Taichi are starting to pay off, as its now relatively easy to tune in to my Core-Self and check whether a choice I’m about to make is the ‘best’ one. Of course they don’t always turn out to be the best — but it’s better than remaining undecided in limbo, and more often than not they turn out fine in the long term.

This is part of what we currently believe the importance of dreams are. When we sleep, our neurology has a chance to perform deep cognitive processes that help us solve problems and make choices in our day-to-day life. The exact mechanism of this process is still being researched, however it does appear from my readings that it is linked also with the deep process of digestion and metabolisation that occurs overnight.

What makes this even more interesting to me is that in Taoist Medicine, there is a direct link between consciousness and digestion through the organ-systems of the Small Intestine and Heart.

_Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?

— Eurythmics

So here is my challenge to you

I’m going to set a Steem-bounty on this post.

Share with us your most vivid, prophetic, and inspiring dream in the comments.

You don’t need to go into detail about the content, only so far as it would be relevant... share with us what the dream taught you.

What did you learn about yourself from the dream?

Looking forward to reading all your nocturnal gnoses....

Take care, y’all


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The truth is that I don't dream much either, (or I don't remember what I dream). However, I remember a particular dream in which my father showed me our old house flooding and collapsing, he talked to me and told me that we had to move forward without fear of change.

This dream led me to make the decision to move with my family to another apartment, which I think was one of the most successful decisions I have had in my life.

Was your father still alive at the time? That sounds like a cleat case of the unconscious mind processing big decisions. Very cool.

No, my father had already passed away a few years ago.

A few months ago, I had a dream about being chased by criminals. I was driving with Jodie Foster on a highway near a dark forest when we witnessed a crime by these criminals. They were executing a mass murder. They didn't see us, however, when we ran out of petrol, we just ran and hid in a cabin in the woods. We heard noise from outside the house, so we peeked through a hole and saw that it was the same bad people that we were trying to run away from. As soon as they saw us, they started chasing us.

Months later, I had the same dream, and in that dream, I thought that it had already happened, so I made a smarter choice. I tried very hard not to make any noise so those bad guys wouldn't see me as they dumped the dead bodies outside the cabin. They left and I felt safe.

Dreams like these help me to be more aware of myself, how I am feeling and I try not to have too many negative thoughts before going to bed. Also it helps not to watch action, thriller or suspenseful movies before sleeping. What happens is that whatever happens in the movies doesn't stay in the movies, but continues in my dreams. Haha!

Oh, those dreams weren't prophetic or inspiring, but they're one of the most vivid dreams I could actually remember even up to now. I guess because I wrote my dream on a piece of paper, and then later on wrote about it on Steemit. :-)

We were having a conversation about lucid dreaming earlier today in Pimp Your Post Thursday over on the Steemit Ramble with @shadowspub, and this sounds like that kind of experience. Even cooler that the dream was a repeat and you instinctively knew that you could change the outcome. Very, very cool.

LOL if this was turned into a movie, i'd watch it! Jodie Foster is my girl even though she always seems to get herself into the craziest of situations, she and liam neeson would not make good friends to hang around with if you value your life im sure of it

Everybody dreams, trust me. If you wake up between 4 and 5 in the morning chances are way bigger that you will remember your dream... so let me start my story.

I was at some sort of a building which had more than ten floors. I remember it was very tall, and I've been sitting on a bar chair with my philosophy teacher from the high school. We were discussing if god existed and from his words I could conclude that he was an atheist. When that thought crossed my mind the bar chair started shaking as we were struck by an earthquake.

The next thing I saw was concrete getting closer and closer until I hit it with my head. Everything was black and I couldn't move.

"I died!?", I thought, "I really died!"

Then I started panicking. "This can't be a dream", I thought because I would have woken up if I was dreaming, "I really died!"

Everything was still black and I couldn't move because I felt no body to control.
But there was a fact that bothered me even more than my own death. How many opportunities did I miss with this, how much could I have lived? (and I'm 20 now) And why did I leave so suddenly? These were just a few questions which crossed my mind.

And then... I started panicking even more. I tried to imagine my hands feet and body in attempt to deny my own death, and it succeeded but with an unexpected turn of events. I grabbed something with my hands and it felt like a hose. I tried to feel it better because I couldn't see anything and then I realized that the hose was actually an umbilical cord. It was a relief to know that I got another chance, but then I wondered if I would forget my past life which was full of beautiful memories, and one more thing was coming through my mind.

"Please don't have an abortion!", i thought.

And then I found myself in a bed while laying in a fetus position. The feeling of joy engulfed me as I was getting out of my bed. The one thing I learned from it is to value my life as I was unsatisfied with many things the night before, and that morning I learned to be grateful for one thing many of us take for granted - our lives.

Interesting. I’m curious as to what you make of the dream? Did you learn something from it? Did it influence anything in your life, any choices you made, and so on?

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At first it didn't, but as time passed I realized that I departed on some kind of a spiritual journey that day, I'm still not sure "where am I" or where I'm going, but I am certain in one thing: I became way more tolerant and way more calm inside after that day.

I dream alot. J. gets jealous of me as I often have sexy dreams, like really raunchy ones, or swimming with dolphins, and he dreams of running away from drug dealers and buildings on fire.

Saying that, I have huge episodic dreams - I can wake up, go to the loo, and come back and keep dreaming. And they are fabulous cinematic in scope, so much so I wonder where on earth I get this imagination from, and that I should write them down as they could be novels - but never do.

I also speak and write German and French in my dreams, but of course don't in real life as I'm Australian (haha).

I have prophetic dreams too - three months before I fell pregnant with Jarrah, I dreamt I had an affair with an Englishman, whose child I had, and whilst I wasn't with him anymore, it was all amicable. I dreamt he was a boy (had always thought I'd have a girl) and that J. was a reader, too, like had a big shelf of books. All came turned out to be true. Some of those things of course would come true - I had a fetish for Englishman, had a 50/50 chance that I'd have a boy, and I was a reader so why wouldn't I raise one? But still...

And I dreamt once that I was driving back from Melbourne on the Geelong Road with my boyfriend at the time, and someone slammed into the back of us, and when I tried to open the back, it wouldn't open coz the foam of my boogie board got stuck in the lock and the smashed metal. It was wierd as I didn't ride a boogie board. The next day we were driving back from Melbourne and my idiot boyfriend got impatient at the lights and changed lanes and smashed into the car in front of us. Assessing the damage to the stranger's car, we tried opening the boot. And couldn't, coz there was a smashed up boogie board inside.

OMFGs!!! No way!!!! OK, that's way cool....

Some time ago I dreamt that I was at my best friend's house, her parents were arguing and she was crying, suddenly I realized that I was inside a dream and that I could do anything without consequences. so I began to say many words that I had stored inside me to my friend's parents and then to her sister, when I woke up I felt very relieved.

I've done similar things with clients (while they're awake of course), similar to Gestalt Therapy, where you can say all the things you need to say to a person. Even cooler is when you can get the client to elicit a whole conversation... it's amazing.

Were you having challenging times with those people? How did the relationship go with them after you had that dream?

so I'm able to recall my dream pretty well. There have been so many vivid, prophetic, and inspiring dreams. But I guess I will share with you one of my first that started me to pay attention to my dreams.

Freshman year in highschool, this was the first semester, I had this really vivid dream, so much so it felt more like a memory then any dream I had before. It was about class and in this lab, so in the morning I was like those are my classmates but it doesn't add up, as I don't have a class in the lab I was recalling or with the same people that made up in that class. But it was so vivid like it happened.

After that was like whatever, about the dream, 'forgot' about it. Then came my last semester and I was in my new technology lab, with my new classmates. And we were getting our midterm grades review, and I was playing around, I was making a joke about a classmate that was in the room reviewing his grade with the teacher. The student was a big starwars fan, so my joke was as he waved his hand, this is not the grade I was looking for, and that spark this recall of my dream at the beginning of the year, and I had this prophetic dejavu where the dream was playing in my minds eye as the scene was unfolding before my very eyes, it was a strange experience, and if I'm honest freaked me out, but It was still a very powerful experience, and moves me to this day to do some of the stuff I do.

I've had a similar experience, although it wasn't during a dream... having a memory of something you know hasn't happened yet, but know that it will happen in the future.

The Unconscious Mind is a frikkin' trip. There is so much we don't know about how it works. I wonder if there is a link between deja vu instances and dreams.... do you know of anything in that regard?

Exactly 3 days ago, I had a puzzling dream: I am sailing in a river(?) or body of water(?) with light brown colored water and, it has strong current. Amazingly, though I am riding in a makeshift boat, it did not capsize. In fact, I even heard my friend say in my dream:"though our vessels are small, we can ride the tide better than bigger ones."

I did not really pay attention to my dream after waking up or even before reading this post but, recently, I encountered a complicated situation and, I thought I would not be able to get through it- since basically, no one can help or offer me support. After dreaming this, someone suddenly offered the help I needed and although as I write this, my problem is not yet completely resolved, it is already underway.

That's how I came to believe that my dream might be a prophetic one.

That’s awesome. Nice that you made some connections and that it’s starting to have some effect on your normal daily routine.... that’s the aspects of dreams I’m fascinated with.

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Well damn.. just the day after I posted this... (always a bridesmaid)... Alright fine..

To be honest, there are many, many dreams that I remember... Some more relevant than others.. But the best one, the one which I just can't help but remember fondly... was a dream (had in the depths of winter) that last All Summer Long...

It was one of those marathon dreams... you know the sort of which I'm speaking.. Normally, those are nightmares, and endless replaying of some monstrous point which your conscious mind cannot concieve without a bit of the Lili's Court (the limbic region) to do the heavy lifting..

But every long once in a while... as a reward, or perhaps a favour (often both)... One will have a dream of staggering beauty.. one of tenderness, and caring. A dream which calls out a part of themselves hidden and Terrible... This was one of those dreams..

A summer-camp (of all place, thank you groundskeeper Voorhees) where I was a boy, likely but 16... and met a girl. Brown-eyes, hair dyed "suicide blonde"... and our romance went on and on and on. Precious moments... stolen away while "the grown-ups" back was turned. An abandoned bus, a forgotten graveyard... On and on... Precisely in the most idyllic fashion I could conceive...

It wasn't the most prophetic, relevant, or important dream.. but still.. I'm not one for taking Aunt Lili's works for granted.. So I pay thanks to her, The Black Pearl of Night..

Sweets to the Sweet,

Silas Danois

While I couldn’t recall exactly what it was about, I know the kind of dream you’re talking about.... it’s like an epic serial, going from scene to scene... seemingly random and different episodes, but there is always the sense of some continuity.

Thanks for sharing!

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This is so beautiful, and must have been a very moving and poignant dream to 'stick' like that in your memory.

Me also, rarely remember any dreams although they do visit from time to time. When i first started meditating years ago i fell into a lucid dream twice. Somewhat scientifically minded i questioned if that was even possible but they were interesting. I find my nightmares teach me the most and always make for an appreciative blessed next day. Excellent post, ty for sharing.

I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get into lucid dreaming.

I think part of the problem is I sleep so bloody deeply and soundly.

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