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RE: You Can Dream

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

so I'm able to recall my dream pretty well. There have been so many vivid, prophetic, and inspiring dreams. But I guess I will share with you one of my first that started me to pay attention to my dreams.

Freshman year in highschool, this was the first semester, I had this really vivid dream, so much so it felt more like a memory then any dream I had before. It was about class and in this lab, so in the morning I was like those are my classmates but it doesn't add up, as I don't have a class in the lab I was recalling or with the same people that made up in that class. But it was so vivid like it happened.

After that was like whatever, about the dream, 'forgot' about it. Then came my last semester and I was in my new technology lab, with my new classmates. And we were getting our midterm grades review, and I was playing around, I was making a joke about a classmate that was in the room reviewing his grade with the teacher. The student was a big starwars fan, so my joke was as he waved his hand, this is not the grade I was looking for, and that spark this recall of my dream at the beginning of the year, and I had this prophetic dejavu where the dream was playing in my minds eye as the scene was unfolding before my very eyes, it was a strange experience, and if I'm honest freaked me out, but It was still a very powerful experience, and moves me to this day to do some of the stuff I do.


I've had a similar experience, although it wasn't during a dream... having a memory of something you know hasn't happened yet, but know that it will happen in the future.

The Unconscious Mind is a frikkin' trip. There is so much we don't know about how it works. I wonder if there is a link between deja vu instances and dreams.... do you know of anything in that regard?

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