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RE: You Can Dream

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

I dream alot. J. gets jealous of me as I often have sexy dreams, like really raunchy ones, or swimming with dolphins, and he dreams of running away from drug dealers and buildings on fire.

Saying that, I have huge episodic dreams - I can wake up, go to the loo, and come back and keep dreaming. And they are fabulous cinematic in scope, so much so I wonder where on earth I get this imagination from, and that I should write them down as they could be novels - but never do.

I also speak and write German and French in my dreams, but of course don't in real life as I'm Australian (haha).

I have prophetic dreams too - three months before I fell pregnant with Jarrah, I dreamt I had an affair with an Englishman, whose child I had, and whilst I wasn't with him anymore, it was all amicable. I dreamt he was a boy (had always thought I'd have a girl) and that J. was a reader, too, like had a big shelf of books. All came turned out to be true. Some of those things of course would come true - I had a fetish for Englishman, had a 50/50 chance that I'd have a boy, and I was a reader so why wouldn't I raise one? But still...

And I dreamt once that I was driving back from Melbourne on the Geelong Road with my boyfriend at the time, and someone slammed into the back of us, and when I tried to open the back, it wouldn't open coz the foam of my boogie board got stuck in the lock and the smashed metal. It was wierd as I didn't ride a boogie board. The next day we were driving back from Melbourne and my idiot boyfriend got impatient at the lights and changed lanes and smashed into the car in front of us. Assessing the damage to the stranger's car, we tried opening the boot. And couldn't, coz there was a smashed up boogie board inside.


OMFGs!!! No way!!!! OK, that's way cool....

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