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RE: You Can Dream

in #teamaustralia6 years ago (edited)

Well damn.. just the day after I posted this... (always a bridesmaid)... Alright fine..

To be honest, there are many, many dreams that I remember... Some more relevant than others.. But the best one, the one which I just can't help but remember fondly... was a dream (had in the depths of winter) that last All Summer Long...

It was one of those marathon dreams... you know the sort of which I'm speaking.. Normally, those are nightmares, and endless replaying of some monstrous point which your conscious mind cannot concieve without a bit of the Lili's Court (the limbic region) to do the heavy lifting..

But every long once in a while... as a reward, or perhaps a favour (often both)... One will have a dream of staggering beauty.. one of tenderness, and caring. A dream which calls out a part of themselves hidden and Terrible... This was one of those dreams..

A summer-camp (of all place, thank you groundskeeper Voorhees) where I was a boy, likely but 16... and met a girl. Brown-eyes, hair dyed "suicide blonde"... and our romance went on and on and on. Precious moments... stolen away while "the grown-ups" back was turned. An abandoned bus, a forgotten graveyard... On and on... Precisely in the most idyllic fashion I could conceive...

It wasn't the most prophetic, relevant, or important dream.. but still.. I'm not one for taking Aunt Lili's works for granted.. So I pay thanks to her, The Black Pearl of Night..

Sweets to the Sweet,

Silas Danois


While I couldn’t recall exactly what it was about, I know the kind of dream you’re talking about.... it’s like an epic serial, going from scene to scene... seemingly random and different episodes, but there is always the sense of some continuity.

Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is so beautiful, and must have been a very moving and poignant dream to 'stick' like that in your memory.

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