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RE: You Can Dream

Everybody dreams, trust me. If you wake up between 4 and 5 in the morning chances are way bigger that you will remember your dream... so let me start my story.

I was at some sort of a building which had more than ten floors. I remember it was very tall, and I've been sitting on a bar chair with my philosophy teacher from the high school. We were discussing if god existed and from his words I could conclude that he was an atheist. When that thought crossed my mind the bar chair started shaking as we were struck by an earthquake.

The next thing I saw was concrete getting closer and closer until I hit it with my head. Everything was black and I couldn't move.

"I died!?", I thought, "I really died!"

Then I started panicking. "This can't be a dream", I thought because I would have woken up if I was dreaming, "I really died!"

Everything was still black and I couldn't move because I felt no body to control.
But there was a fact that bothered me even more than my own death. How many opportunities did I miss with this, how much could I have lived? (and I'm 20 now) And why did I leave so suddenly? These were just a few questions which crossed my mind.

And then... I started panicking even more. I tried to imagine my hands feet and body in attempt to deny my own death, and it succeeded but with an unexpected turn of events. I grabbed something with my hands and it felt like a hose. I tried to feel it better because I couldn't see anything and then I realized that the hose was actually an umbilical cord. It was a relief to know that I got another chance, but then I wondered if I would forget my past life which was full of beautiful memories, and one more thing was coming through my mind.

"Please don't have an abortion!", i thought.

And then I found myself in a bed while laying in a fetus position. The feeling of joy engulfed me as I was getting out of my bed. The one thing I learned from it is to value my life as I was unsatisfied with many things the night before, and that morning I learned to be grateful for one thing many of us take for granted - our lives.


Interesting. I’m curious as to what you make of the dream? Did you learn something from it? Did it influence anything in your life, any choices you made, and so on?

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At first it didn't, but as time passed I realized that I departed on some kind of a spiritual journey that day, I'm still not sure "where am I" or where I'm going, but I am certain in one thing: I became way more tolerant and way more calm inside after that day.

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