Thoughts On Appreciation

in #success7 years ago

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Appreciation is underappreciated, isn't that ironic?

How often do we focus on what we have to be thankful for?

When I say this, I mean every little thing. (I'm a big fan of the small things in life.)

Do you appreciate your home, family, friends, car, clothes, food, job, health, experiences, intelligence, relationships, and the damn fact that you are alive on this amazing planet?

The ability to even be reading this post is something to be appreciative about! How many people don't have access to the internet and all the knowledge it has to offer?

I'm 36. How many people have died before ever reaching my age?

How old are you? How many people never even lived to your age to have the chance to wake up every morning and go enjoy it all? We are alive and that means we can realize our dreams, ambitions, and goals in life.

So what the hell are people whining about?

“The secret to happiness is counting your blessing while others are adding up their troubles.” - unknown

I live by this saying now. It helps me stay focused when things in life start turning off course. I take a moment to think of all the amazing things in my life and a magical thing happens.

I end up in a MUCH better state of mind. When I am working on the challenges in this mental state they just seem so much easier to conquer.

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But I wasn't always this way. Let me tell you.

I spent far too much time complaining of this or that. What I didn't have. What I thought I deserved. What OTHER people shouldn't have. It was all just whining. Boo-hoo. I want to go back and tell my younger self to SHUT THE HELL UP!

Do you think all that whining worked? Do you think because I complained to the universe that it listened to me and gave me what I deserved? You bet your ass it did.

The universe is always listening. It was most assuredly listening to my whining and it gave me exactly what I asked for – more things to whine about.

That's how it works. The universe will translate what you are saying into feelings and give it right back.


It gave me whining translated back into the universal language. Believe me, the universe must have Amazon prime because you get your delivery in no time at all!

It really is like the stories of Genies that give the wisher exactly what they asked for, only it wasn't what they were thinking.

That was me. Thank the universe that I learned the proper way to talk to it.

You get back what you feel. If you feel thankful, you get back things to be thankful for.

You attract the energy that you radiate. You attract what is drawn to you in harmony. You radiate appreciation and things to appreciate will be drawn to your energy. Understood?

It all starts with your thoughts, which become your feelings.

When we live in this mind of appreciation, we feel great! The universe around us senses this and even more things come into our life to be thankful for.

On the other hand, when I was whining and complaining I attracted the negative.

So the next time your friend is telling you all the problems in their life, tell them to start talking about all the things they should be appreciative for. It is impossible to appreciate what you have to be thankful for and whine at the same time.

If they start saying that you are appreciative and then say “BUT”, well they don't mean it. We all know that when someone says 'but' in that way that it negates all the things said before it.

Does this sound like anyone you know? Maybe even someone close to you?

At least you know how to handle the next conversation with them.


This does sound like so many people I know. I, however never complained about anything even though I used to think about those things. What you think you become it is said. So I attracted those things.

It is all in the past now. I read a book called "Magic of Thinking Big" by David J Schwartz and that was a life changer for me. If you haven't read it yet, I would suggest you to do so.

Initially I didn't believe whatever is written in that book but when I applied it and it started working for me is when I started believing and applied the other things mentioned in that book.
For example, however bad mood you're in, when you keep a fake smile on your face a for about 5-10 minutes, your mood automatically changes to happy.
Absolutely love your posts. Cheers!

Thanks for the book recommendation, I've added it to my list

Thank you again @getonthetrain. When you talk about internet access or life, you are ended right. I don't know more about you but here in Uganda, internet access is a great challenge. I mean approximaly 5 to 8 percent can access internet and those that have internet access do pay highly for that.

We should also consider being thankfull for this life, though challenges may come on our way. My father always tells me that a ''cat alive has more value than a died lion''.

You are the one to listen to when it comes to appreciation. I am so glad you are doing well on your blog and - congratulations! I knew people would love to see more of the day to day life in Uganda.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your support and your advice. I believe I will continue progressing. I've just wrote about 10 places that everyone should wish to visit in Uganda.

Above all, I'm sincerely thankful for everything. I will try to start using steem chart or discord to tell you more about my progress or may be some advice if you wish so

Anytime you want, I have the same name on both

ok. let me see how to reach to you

Really inspiring writing @getonthetrain. It's so true about counting your blessings and being thankful for things rather than complaining and being in a negative mindset.

What seems to work for me is if I just breathe and consider my surroundings it tends to help centre myself and not get caught up in the nonsense.

I really like your work. Keep it up. Always following 🙂

Concentrating on your breathing for a few moments can 'reset' your thinking and allow you to focus on what is really important in the moment. Thanks for sharing.

I'm starting to like your posts now. The earlier one about 'Are you crypto rich' and now this one. Are you a philosopher or a professional author.
I am a whiner complaining about most of the wrong things happening around me. I simply can't take them. I have been reading that whining is not good and ignorance is bliss, but its easier said than done.
Help me with ways to avoid whining.

It takes dedication over time to internalize these things. Just keep working towards being appreciative, no matter how little, and you will get there.

I study the philosophers, but am not a philosopher. I write, but I am not an author. I believe in knowledge, but not education. I seek to be a better person and share what I have learned. That is all.

You can play very well with the words. That's a great ability you have developed. Will take you way ahead in life. All the best. Keep writing your thoughts.

Thanks @getonthetrain. Yeah, unfortunately I have been around too many people who use that "but". Even close friends and family. I just tune it out though. Too much of the negativity can really bring you down

Before I fall asleep I almost always thank God for the Blessings I do have.

As usual, really good post. Thanks again

Just like whining is a downward cycle, appreciation can lead you ever upwards. Not too many people will listen, just give them your best shot.

My god man I wrote a post extremely similar to this one LOL

I think there is indeed a way to interact with our universe/reality. I still obviously don’t understand how, but I think this is real.

I know it’s real because several times in my life I have wanted to find or to do several things, and eventually the opportunity ends up presenting itself before me, steemit is the last one of this cases.

But when you think about it, is mind blowing because HOW can there be a connection between our thoughts and our PHYSICAL reality?

This is why I think the universe is the last frontier knowledge wise.

I believe that the opportunities are always there and by training our mind to see them they are revealed. It might seem like magic, but it was only because it was invisible to you before.

I can see ways to make money that others cannot. When I tell them about it they are amazing and think I am some sort of money magician! Nope, it was there all the time only I have trained my mind over years to see the opportunities.

This is exactly how I see it. So good to hear Someone else sees it the same way as I do :)

Oh man, this resonates with me on so many levels. I was too a big complainer once and often used to whine about what i did not have and the things I deserved to have. A lecture by Tai Lopez made me realize that you get what you deserve so if I didn't have enough abundance or happiness in my life, it was because I wasn't focusing on it and wasn't working hard enough for it; and most importantly wasn't thinking in that direction. Being grateful for everything you have especially the little things is just so important and helps you bring even better things your way. And to me the ability to read this post or wake up alive aren't just little blessings. They are huge blessings because if it weren't for these blessings, I won't be able to look or read at all or live another day. Great post!

I'm glad you are able to see all the things to be thankful for, Sharoon. I appreciate you leaving this lovely comment. :)

I absolutely love this. I felt like you spoke my mind. In the past, I was the same whining baby all the time. Always blaming, always pointing fingers and feeling like the victim of my circumstances. And that was exactly what I got back, More things to whine about. Only when I incorporated gratitude into my life and made it my daily practice, my life turned around. We need to understand that happy people are those who can find beauty even in hard times. My favorite part of your post is where you say that Universe responds to what you FEEL. Spot on. Many people are under the impression that the Universe responds to what they think but that's not true. It responds to our vibration which is what we feel. Awesome read. Can't wait for more. :)

Oh, thank you so much Silvia.

I always get around to writing these types of posts eventually. :)

writing inspirational at the same time illuminating @getonthetrain

Appreciation is a great tool of encouragment. Its a good post. Thanks for sharing.

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